This new donation direction and true selfishness!

by stuckinarut2 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HeyThere

    that is actually good news in its own way, that means they dont trust the org with the funds...


    So..our local congs elders have had a meeting to see how we can spend all of our tens of thousands of dollars quickly in local projects

    BEFORE the deadline to hand all funds over to the society!!

    .........................Where Did All The Extra..

    .......................Kingdom Hall Money Go??!!..



    ................................................We Spent It!!.. DUMB ASS!!..LOL!!!!!!!!!!..


    ..........................................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • westiebilly11

    outlaw..I just love your stuff...hits the target everytime...!!

  • kaik

    Money is something that pisses all my JW relatives. This is major source of their complain against the Borg, more than flip flopping doctrines and unfullfilled prophesies. I just talked to my mom over the Mother's Day and we ended talking about the finances that she put into KH. She said that each congregation is required to sent a specific amount of money to local branch office every month. However, she did not know that the branch office was closed (puzzled face). She told me that one sister donated entire her pension into KH (about $600) only to find out that the money were not used for local KH but were sent away which made her very angry and caused public argument at KH with elders. And these are monies on top of the KH maintenance and assemblies. They also have to support CO, pay his gas and travel expenses, provide cooking, laundry, etc.

  • Splash

    kaik They also have to support CO, pay his gas and travel expenses, provide cooking, laundry, etc

    Don't forget the iPads they were all given, that's going to bump up the costs.


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