Contemplating a Major Life Change.

by Joe Grundy 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Never was a JW, but been here long enough to have made some friends and respect opinions.

    Retired in 2004, lived in Cyprus 2005-2010. Back here in Wales since then.

    Just back from a holiday in France (most recent of many). Love the country, the lifestyle, can get by in the language.

    Just seen an advert for a country estate (British-owned) they want someone to live on site, do a bit of handyman stuff, etc., look after (mainly Brit) holiday visitors in return for zero rent (only utitlties). Family would be abe to come and stay for free. I know the area well (Cognac) and have French friends nearby.

    I am fortunate (but I paid for it) to have a police pension which is quite a bit more than adeqaute (even if I was paying full rent). I am very very tempted, not least because if worst came to worst I can pack the car, stick it on a ferry and I'm on a home run.

    I am very, very, tempted, and in a mind to call the owners tomorrow. My adult children say 'carpe diem' - go for it.

    Any comments?

  • Joe Grundy
  • cofty

    carpe diem indeed!

    A rent-free appartment in a beautiful part of France - what is there to lose? As you say, if something goes wrong you could be back in blighty in a few hours.

    Bonne chance.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    If you own your place in Wales, why not rent it out while you try it out for 6/12 months?


  • jgnat

    Your kids know you best.

  • GrreatTeacher

    It's lovely. That might be quite a bit of caretaking with the orchard. Would they have the necessary equipment?

    I was also thinking about renting out your existing place so not only would it be free, but you'd have some positive cash flow.

    It does seem like a great adventure!

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    If you don't go, you may always be wondering "What if...?" or "I wish I had...." out your place short term, pack your pants and passport, and go for it :)


  • Hortensia

    I'd jump on it, if I had the chance. Go for it!

  • tornapart

    I love France too and have had many holidays there in lots of different places and quite often talk with hubby about maybe moving there after he retires. It is a huge temptation!

    The plus sides... The pace of life is slower. More room to breathe. Roads are less congested. Weather is warmer. Food is better. People are friendlier. Lots of nature. House prices are cheaper.

    The negative sides... Further away from family. Have to learn more French. Could get homesick. Not much else!

    I say Go for it!!

  • talesin

    Joe, that sounds and looks wonderful! DO IT! :D


    tal xx

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