Discussions with family about the new Kingdom Hall Assistance Fund

by the truth is mine 49 Replies latest members private

  • 4thgen

    marked ...... very good thread

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I bet that the unnecessary refurbs are a thing of the past, they will get the money without them now.


  • leaving_quietly

    Are the GB REALLY going to expect a KH that owes $20,000, to pay their monthly payment indefinitely?!?!

    Sure. A congregation with a loan has already agreed to send a certain amount. The account servants keep track of the loan amount today, I imagine, and would know when it's supposed to be paid off. They'll be instructed to just toss that info. A year from now, no one will know what the status of the loan is, and no one will have any clue when the payoff day was supposed to be. Ten years from now, some elder who was there when the loan started will ask, "When was that loan supposed to be paid off? Should we be reducing our monthly dues to the Society?" And the answer will be: "Uhhhh..... I dunno." And thus because of being unsure of any payoff dates, because that paperwork is likely long gone by then, they'll just shrug their shoulders and keep on sending what they're sending.

  • KiddingMe

    I know of one congregation who got the letter read out last night - INCLUDING important portions of the P.S. which were not supposed to be read out!

    Looks like that BOE had a conscience and felt they couldn't conceal certain corruptions in the new arrangement to their cong.

    Respect to them for doing so!

    Searcher, the same happened at ours. This is includes the portions under, "What amount should be used for this new resolved monthly donation?" and "What should be done with other existing resolutions?" While reading the letter, the brother said something like, "so friends the recent renovations (almost $20,000 worth) we just did... in the future, we would need to get approved by the Branch".

    On top of that, as the family heads were filling out the slips they passed out, a different elder raised his hand and made a comment something like, "so just so that we are clear, the new resolution does not include other existing resolutions, so keep this in mind when filling out your slips...also, the BOE would like for you to go home and talk this over with your family and look closely at your budget to determine what is reasonable. Then you can turn your slips into your Group Overseer".

    The elder reading the letter looked like he wasn't aware of this part but basically said, "oh, ok, then we will do that".

    I wonder if this will be the beginning of some waking up.

  • jgnat

    WHEN ARE ALL YOU FADERS GOING TO SAY, "SCREW YOU, WTBTS!!!"!?!?!?!? I mean JESUS H. Friggi'n CHRIST on a popscicle stick!!!!


  • redvip2000

    I bet that the unnecessary refurbs are a thing of the past

    THat all depends on how the arrangement really works. Let's say a KH needs remodelling. Now, the new instructions is that a congo asks money to the RBC as they don't save themselves anymore. Once the congo receives the money from the RBC, does it need to pay it back, or is it truly given to the congo?

    If they need to pay it back, there will be no slowing down on "suggested" refurbs. Otherwise, if the money is truly just given to the congo, then KHs will be falling apart before the RBC relinquishes any money for refurbs.

  • ?me?

    my wife said " why do they need more money from us, they have made millions selling off brooklyn". i have put my plan into place already, i have copied the survey slip they passed out and am going to fill out up to 6 of them. atleast 1 will have a BIG FAT 0 IN ALL THE DOLLAR AMOUNTS. and the others will probably have a very substantial, but believable amount to jack up the amount they think they can send.

    time to surf.

  • Stirred

    The Searcher : it sounds like you are describing a type of "non-profit" ponzi scheme.

  • Apognophos

    I don't think I would have a problem with this announcement if I trusted in the Society like I used to. As the letter indicates, this is an "evening out" between the ones that have more and the ones that have less, like the first-century Christians did. It's not like tithing because tithing is done on an individual basis, like with the Mormons who supposedly audit your finances to make sure you are giving 10%. We can be sure that if the Society ever gets desperate enough to do that, it will trouble a lot of Witnesses.

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