I was a door-to-door magazine salesman...but I didn’t know it!

by Londo111 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    Both JWs and former JWs don’t seem to remember that up until 1990, JWs sold magazines, books, and brochures from door to door. You went to either the magazine or the literature counter and bought publications that you were going to sell. Pioneers would get a slight discount. Then you would go out and sell the publications, hopefully breaking even if you successfully placed all the literature.

    In the last year, the Watchtower and Awake sold for fifty cents. Or each magazine was 25 cents. We were told it was merely the printing cost. However, I believe credible research has been done showing that the publications sold for well over the printing cost, giving the Watchtower quite a profit.

    Of course, we were told we were not selling magazines, and that is what we told householders who accused us of soliciting. I truly believed I was not a magazine salesman. Of course, since I was a born in, I believed what I was told and didn’t know anything else. Of course, this was changed when I was 18, being replaced by the ‘donation arrangement’ in the US to avoid taxation. It is my understanding that in other countries, magazines were still sold for years afterward.

    Similarly, at conventions, you had to purchase food tickets, then use those food tickets to get your breakfast or lunch. Eventually, serving food at conventions was discontinued as well.

    The Organization was so centered around selling magazines and other publications that much of JW worship today is still a vestigial leftover of that time. Back then, there was a reason that the magazine and literature counters were locked and inventory was taken, and ministerial servants were in that role functioning as cashiers. And when viewed in the light of selling, the Theocratic Ministry School and Service meeting makes much more sense—the sole purpose was to make better salespeople. Even the terminology like ‘placing’ literature and ‘presentations’ is all sales related.

  • A.proclaimer

    I remember a few years ago, getting ready to go out on Saturday morning Field service, the CO told us to mention "voluntary donations" to the householder. He explained that by bringing it up, we won't be in conflict with pervious witnesses who have stopped by and mentioned the donations. And the person may be more likely to donate some money. He told us a story about one person at the door who complained that some witnesses never brought up donations and that those who did were doing it to make money. So to "keep in harmony", this was suppose to be the "new arrangement" but no one I know really followed, only few for sometime.


    I truly believed I was not a magazine salesman.....Londo111

    .......JW`s Don`t Go Door To Door.................JW`s Go Door To Door To Give Away...

    ..........To Sell WBT$ Magazines...................................Bunnies & Pancakes!..


    ......................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I stopped asking for money years before they decided to change to the "voluntary donation arrangement". I felt like a magazine salesman and was never comfortable. One CO even said that most publishers presentation of the "Live Forever" book went like this, "Big red book, pretty red book, $1.00 book, want one?" Ew.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Religion is a snare and a money making racket! yep we were all just salesmen. god they were so subtle and persuasive in seducing us into believing that we were not just ordinary salesmen selling religion.

    just saying!


  • Magnum

    Londo111: Back then, there was a reason that the magazine and literature counters were locked and inventory was taken, and ministerial servants were in that role functioning as cashiers.

    I was an MS at that time working the lit and mag counters, and I know of a congregation that had its credit with the Society cancelled because the numbers didn't match up. The congregation was put on a cash basis. The org would not ship any literature to that cong if the cong didn't pay cash in advance.

    Wasanelder Once: I stopped asking for money years before they decided to change to the "voluntary donation arrangement". I felt like a magazine salesman and was never comfortable.

    I stopped asking for money, too. I found that the donation arrangement felt far worse, though. It seemed sneakier. We went through our spiel, placed the mags or other pubs in the hands of the householders, and then at the end mentioned the donation arrangement. It just felt wrong. It cheapened the work.

  • Londo111

    Such a big deal was made about never passing collection plates...but basically, we passed the collection plate door to door.

    When the switch was made to the "donation arrangement", I couldn't bring myself to say the bit, "These magazines are offered without cost, but with you would like to make a small, modest donation to the world wide work..."

  • exwhyzee

    Yep...we were all "Publishers" and this forum is The Publishers Clearinghouse.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Now that I am no longer a WT drone, I feel so stupid for believing everything I was told.

    This is the true religion because we tell you it is. No questioning allowed!

    Millions now living, will never die! ??? What fool would believe that????

    You are NOT selling WT literature. You are "placing" it. Okay.

    LoisLane who was a "publisher" ? ?? since she was 7 years old.

    PS I am glad I placed a lot of magazines as a little girl because the 10 cents we received from placing the magazines was our allowance.

    What a great incentive for children to go out, smile and push those mags!

    Publisher. What a silly name to call your recruitment force.

    Watch Tower recruiters doesn't sound very religious or nice. Publisher doesn't sound very religious or nice either.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Londo111 but its worse that that, our limited and valuable life was spent knocking " free of charge" on doors trying to distribute words i am now ashamed to have belived. We also gave the socierty free use of our cars, and even dipped in to our own pockets when we gave the literature away free.

    Anyway whats important is we woke up and will never " awake" again.

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