International Convention

by msconcerned 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    Jehovah is the one who makes it happen as long as we obey him and his channel.

    So, does this mean that, if I do NOT obey him and/or his channel,Jehovah can't make it happen? I'm staying home!

  • leaving_quietly

    Yeah, I'll call BS about the stadium never being rented out. If that were true, then why have it on their site? Duh!

    Also, Husky stadium has already been renovated. It completed last summer.

    As for cruise ships coming in, that may or may not be true. Cruise ships do drop off tons of people in Seattle. Whether they stay on the boat or not is not something I can confirm.

    In-city hotels in Seattle are like any other large city... expensive. Sheraton, for example starts at $285 per night (I just checked the normal rate for that weekend). But many of the hotels on the list are outside of Seattle and are significantly less expensive, especially when you get down into the more "economy" brands. The city of Seattle and the upscale Bellevue area will command more money. And $140 per night is actually about right unless you get to those more "economy" brands. Although on that weekend, one of the economy brands was pretty expensive when I looked just now, but other brands were significantly less ($125 and $80 for two I just looked at online). And if someone were to stay near the airport, those rates would be in that range normally.

  • exwhyzee

    Jehovah had noting to do with it, their first choice was Safeco and Centurylink Fields which are walking distance from downtown Seattle. The reason they were able to get Husky Stadium on the 4th of July is because it's far from downtown, it's a University it's less expensive and because it's one is one else needs it. They're all out having fun on the Holiday except JW's who are sitting for hours on a beautiful summer day, listening to talks about the end of the world and how they shouldn't want to be educated in horrible places like the University of Washington (known for it's impact on the medical world especially Cancer research).

    As far as Cruise Ships and their demand on hotel rooms, Cruise Ships are floating hotels that are full of people who have already paid for a room and meals...why would they be booking up hotel rooms especially ones near Husky Stadium which is a good distance by bus or car from the waterfront where the ships come in.

    They always manage to put a spin on things so they appear to be underdog who is being opposed by the big bad world yet miraculously things go their way.

  • JWdaughter

    Originally I am from Seattle. I went to every convention there. Let me tell you a little about Seattle on the 4th of July weekend. It will be a NIGHTMARE for every poor JW who attends. Between the costs for rooms, the fact that the rooms near the Stadium are limited, the fact that it is a HUGE SEAFAIR WEEKEND in the UDISTRICT, which is notoriously difficult to maneuver at that time of year.. . or any. Well. Thank God I'm out for that reason alone!!!

    Seattle is kind of perfect around the 4th of July. There are huge events on the nearby lake and Puget Sound. Mentioned earlier, there are cruise ships, general tourist nonsense and WEEKEND HOLIDAY TRAFFIC. Nightmare for anyone who is going to be trying to get to Husky Stadium. Lets remind you all too that the U district is notorious for the gay and lesbian community. All the fringe kind of people populate the area and I'm sure there will be some shockers to the wholesome atmosphere that the WT would like to enjoy. I think there are going to be some more fireworks than the kind they set off over the water!!!

  • JWdaughter

    Originally I am from Seattle. I went to every convention there. Let me tell you a little about Seattle on the 4th of July weekend. It will be a NIGHTMARE for every poor JW who attends. Between the costs for rooms, the fact that the rooms near the Stadium are limited, the fact that it is a HUGE SEAFAIR WEEKEND in the UDISTRICT, which is notoriously difficult to maneuver at that time of year.. . or any. Well. Thank God I'm out for that reason alone!!!

    Seattle is kind of perfect around the 4th of July. There are huge events on the nearby lake and Puget Sound. Mentioned earlier, there are cruise ships, general tourist nonsense and WEEKEND HOLIDAY TRAFFIC. Nightmare for anyone who is going to be trying to get to Husky Stadium. Lets remind you all too that the U district is notorious for the gay and lesbian community. All the fringe kind of people populate the area and I'm sure there will be some shockers to the wholesome atmosphere that the WT would like to enjoy. I think there are going to be some more fireworks than the kind they set off over the water!!!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Exwhyzee ---->>> Yes, Cruise ships are floating hotels, floating cities actually.

    You usually board in the afternoon and they start off with fire drills. "Man the Lifeboats" information.

    For those who drive or fly in to Seatac, to be comfortable and relaxed, it is good to book a hotel at least one night ahead, and one night after the cruise has ended.

    There is a lot to see and do in the area.

    I am not going to the District Convention this year.

    I honestly feel sorry for all the duped people who will.


  • WTWizard

    And I will show my appreciation by blowing it off. They didn't really do any of that "hard work". It was not really a miracle. Instead, it was done by guilting everyone involved into taking that weekend for this Grand Boasting Session, when they supposedly had the weekend off for the holiday. As for the prices shown, I do not trust that 300 toilet papers a night was the real price they would have had to pay. Or that they had trouble negotiating 140. You see, 300 might be the "rack rate". However, anyone using the Internet can find deals well below rack rate, and sometimes well below the 140 that they quoted. Hotel rooms are the most perishable commodity around--if one goes empty for the night, they make zero. Better to get 100 toilet papers for a room that probably only costs them 20 or 30 in real costs, than to get nothing and still have to pay something.

    Big giant video screens? That does zero good. I don't care how professional it looks. I find the lamestream news media just as absurd when viewed on a 20 meter screen as it did when viewed on a 20 cm black and white TV. I find many sports just as lame when viewed on a monitor the size of Mars as they do on a tiny black and white monitor. This is even worse. It matters not how big the video display is--if it is smut, it is smut and you are better off blowing the whole thing off. I prefer playing my video games, and looking at various alternative news sources including so-called "offensive" sources on my computer monitor that is, admittedly, tiny by today's standards (40 cm) than watching a Grand Boasting Session on a 4 KM monitor.

  • hoser

    I'm calling bullshit on the $300 per night hotel rooms. ive never paid anywhere near that when I've stayed in the area.

    Montana is assigned to Seattle? Thats a big commute.

  • snare&racket

    These guys really need to get out more..... when booking a venue and some hotel rooms appears like a miracle..... it is time to pick another cult.

    I once got prepared for a flight outside a terminal gate, it was a long trip, 36 hours to the destination. It was my first ever flight and I sought out somone to ask a few questions. I sat next to and started chatting with a couple who BY CHANCE, were .....going on the same flight as the same continent, to the same country, to the same region, .....yep it gets worse....the same district, .....the same tiny village.....AND ......amazingly...... the very same street!!

    If you think that is beyond coincidence and didn't end there... I joked "number 15?"

    They said......... "17"

    We all sat there mouths wide open at the most bizzare experience!

    But didn't end there either....It gets worse again!

    Unbeknown to me..... my great uncle owned 15 & 17!!!

    By PURE random chance they were staying my relatives spare accommodation (old b&b) for a wedding! The other side of the world!

    Never, ever, ever underestimate probability and statistics, what seems miraculous beyond coincidence, is in fact our human ignorance of math and behaviour.

    Now what was it again....needing a venue on a certain date to be available and getting some hotel chains to rent some rooms out.....miracle?

  • msconcerned

    List of hotels near the stadium and the prices. Lots of hotels under $300. Where i go to the DC our hotels are usually $99-$149 per night. Some of the hotels we stayed at on the lodging list were absolute dumps, wonder why "the brothers had to find lodging at hotels that were used to getting $300/night"? And thats just 75 hotels around the stadium.

    This just hit me...

    Next, the brothers had to find lodging at hotels that were used to getting $300/night and they were offering $140.! The hotels all said "NO WAY! We have gigantic cruise ships coming in here that are full of people who are willing to pay the $300. So after this went on for a while, the brothers got to feeling really disheartened about the whole thing and so they had to call the branch again and tell them they couldn't get lodging. The branch told them - "you keep hitting the walls and Jehovah will blow the trumpets" so they kept on asking. Finally, 1 of the major hotels changed their minds and gave in. After that, one by one they all gave in and accepted our offer!

    What? So the hotels were just messin with the society? No we cant accept the low offer cause we have tons of people who are willing to pay lots more....ha ha just messin with you , yeah we will take your offer??? This just does not make sense.

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