The Creation of Eve

by jws 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    Apognophos wrote:

    By the way, you might be interested to know that the word translated "had formed" in vs. 19 is most often translated as simply "formed", which means that there is no clear indication that the action was performed before that point in time when he was bringing them to Adam. I suspect most translators who chose the pluperfect "had formed" were conscious of the contradiction with the fact that animals were supposed to be formed before this, and were trying to smooth it over. Whereas the form of the verb "to form" that is used in vs. 19 is the same as in vs. 7 when God "formed" Adam, so there's no reason to translate it differently unless the translator is sure of 'what the writer meant'.

    Interesting. And, as you said, most likely trying to obscure the contradiction.

  • prologos

    gentledawn: "--technically humans are female by default,- not the other way around-" thank you.

    that settles the Chicken and/or EGG question which came first?

    confirmed, it was not the rooster, it was the chicken/egg. checked.

    by default.

    These goat herders were handy with their knives, so that is how they dreamed this Rib story up.

    now we use stem cells and 3d printers.

  • cantleave

    The book of Lileth provides an interesting insight into the creation of Eve.

  • Apognophos

    If by "insight" you mean something like the Expanded Universe is to Star Wars, then I agree.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    Perry said, "Of course he was present because he is omnipresent."

    The Watchtower disagrees, “The Bible does not teach that God is omnipresent, or present everywhere at all times,” (Awake! May 2013, page 15).

  • designs

    Fundamentalist's and their God of omnipresence and free will is a tough one....

  • Apognophos

    These new gods are so complex, it makes me yearn for the old days when people didn't design such complicated deities. This is, what, Yahweh v3.0 now? Yahweh v1.0 was a simple man. He liked making stuff out of clay and planting gardens. He had a lot of brothers like Hadad and Baal, with whom he had a sort of friendly rivalry, and he was a good son to his father El. Then Yahweh took to living in the sky and claiming he was the strongest of all the gods, and hurling lightning bolts at people who displeased him. This was his hard-to-like phase (v2.0). He was very powerful, although he couldn't always lead his worshippers to victory (those iron chariots were especially tricky to deal with).

    Then in v3.0 he became much kinder (he doesn't want to destroy the wicked, he just has to), and by this point he had gotten some serious upgrades from his worshippers, such as being everywhere and knowing everything, even in the future. But it's just so hard to maintain this software. Bugs pop up and it's hard to resolve them (try debugging the FreeWill module without disabling the TotalForesight module, for instance).

  • kepler

    Disregarding genetics,

    I'd say this is short attention span theater.

    See chapter one of same book. In particular, re-read verses 24-28.

    Here the language is "created". In the next chapter the verb is "formed" or "fashioned".

    Since the accounts are inconsistent from chapters one to two, it is inferred that more than one author or tradition is involved and the editor(s) didn't sew all the seams up.

    It isn't the last time this happens. And the more you look at these two chapters the more riffs you can play on this theme.

  • kaik

    God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, but that Eve did not yet exist (Gen 1:27). Therefore, some rabbies used to explain that Adam had both sexes, was hermaphodite or even bisexual. When Eve was created the feminine site of Adam was taken out of him, yet the union of two in the sex act should return into original creation where, a man and a woman shall be one flesh.

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