Is it okay for JW to take Medical Marijuana?

by Iamallcool 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • joe134cd

    I had a JW relative who was dying of cancer, and I remember asking the nurse if the morphine he was been given was a narcotic drug. I was told it was. So what's the difference between a narcotic and weed to cure pain.

  • designs

    joe- my JW mother had cancer. It was the pharmacist who told us the opium would kill her before the cancer. To control the pain we were giving her lethal doese of pure pharmaceutical grade opium. It stopped her heart mercifully.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry



    Of course it's alright to take cannabis as food just like the tobacco plant.



    Tobacco addicts cannot Scripturally defend themselves by arguing that God created the tobacco plant and that it is part of the “vegetation” that God gave mankind for “food.” (Gen. 1:29) Tobacco users do not use it as “food” by eating the green leaves as a salad or cooking it like spinach.

    w73 6/1 p. 339 par. 16


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    My brother in law was a real pothead, when he was first studying with the JW's. When he decided he wanted to go out in service, he was counseled that he would not be allowed to go out, unless he quit smoking marijuana.

    He posed the question, "What if it becoms legalized, or if it's for medical purposes?"

    He was told that he should still refrain from using it.

    That was about 5 years ago. The laws in Michigan have since changed, and you can get a card that allows you to grow and use marijuana, if you have a prescription/license from certain doctors. I don't think he has an MMR card, and I doubt he would go against the elders, or even dare to rock the boat. He has recently been promoted to MS.

    In his case, I think it would do him and his family some good!

  • Watkins

    20-odd years ago when I was studying, the sister asked me "if marihuana was legal, do you think it would be okay to use?" To which I answered, "Heck, yeah!" But that was the wrong answer. :( Evidently the wt links any type of drug use to 'spiritism'. Evidently, in NT times, sorcerers used certain drugs to induce 'visions' or some such rot. So, 2,000 yrs later, we still believe those ignorant superstitions? Crazy stuff. I'm not the least bit superstitious - probably one thing that helped me out of the wt. which turned out to be a Good Thing! :) I was wondering if they'd had to change their stance on hooter with all the legalization going on.


  • designs

    There was some TV commentator Dr. recently who changed his views after studying evidence on Marijuana.

    A sister in my old KH who had MS wanted to use it to help out with her symptoms, she also said it made her want to rub up against a tree.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Is it okay for JW to take Medical Marijuana?

    Yeah, man! It's OK. Don't worry, it's all COOL!


  • done4good

    All I can say is do not expect any response from WT on the matter to be logical or consistent.


  • CaramelQueen

    Absolutely essential! Don't forget to drink a litte wine along with 'da herb' to get the full effects. (Wish I lived in Washington State!!)

  • frankiespeakin

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