Letter to BOE: Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants

by pixel 143 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    And, the GB gets some free time during theit meetings, no? because currently I believe they have to spend sometime reviewing the applications.

    What I dont understand is the emotional build up of waiting for a magazine to give further instruction, but og well, the R&F needs anxiety these days it seems like...

  • jgnat

    Aren't CO's regularly circulated so they can't build up a local following? I know our CO is circulated out every couple years.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    What was the date of the letter?

    I'm tired of the faked-up first century parallels. Why not just say, "We wont to be the Catholic church but with our own doctrine."

  • problemaddict

    every 2-3 years Jgnat. So the elders influence is still there. Consider this an internal procedural HR shift. Nothing overly interesting.


    This is all speculation, but couldn't there be instances where the CO can more easily remove an Elder or servant? In the past, I have heard of Elders getting their way, even when the CO disagrees. Maybe this more about "removal" than appointment? Let's say the BOE is spilt as far as removal of an Elder. Well, now the CO can just take over and it's done. I would imagine that this would be extremely helpful when "apostasy" or "brazen conduct" charges are brought against an Elder.


  • Stealth

    This could also be related to the pedo problem. If the legal department wants to do a background check on every recommendation but don't want this type of news to reach down to the congregation level where they would be admitting that they have a pedo problem while trying to protect their liability it would make perfect sense to limit the number of people in the know about this type of proceedure change.

    We have seen the letter sent to congregations. What about proceedure changes for the COs? Do we know about those?

    By moving this to the CO level who would work directly with legal on background checks they could do a better job of minimizing liability while at the same time keeping the lid on the pedo problem at the congregation level.

  • KiddingMe

    Great point Data-Dog. It could also make it easier for the GB to delete elders that screwing up.

    It will be interesting how this plays out with elders and ms that request to be deleted.

    We've been getting more substitute CO's (local elders) the past few years. I wonder if they may just make these substitutes permanent and use them to cover the circuits/districts they reside in. This would cut down on expenses such as providing apartments and cars, while allowing the CO's to take care of aging family, and other responsibilities that deter other elders from pursuing that position.

  • cultBgone

    I hear that many of the COs now are quite young...wondering how many ms are "reaching out" for eldub positions these days? Or how many pubs are wanting to become an ms? They may have a limited number of "qualifed" older ones to appoint as COs so perhaps they are grooming young elders who would see it is as quite a privilege?

  • Comatose

    lol... When I tried to quit my responsibilities last year I was told that it had to be approved by the branch. I said, okay whatever but I'm done just so you know.

    I can see it now, where a brother wants to step down and has to get a phone call from the CO badgering him for an hour and has to CONVINCE the CO he really can't handle it before the CO agrees to remove him. Makes it harder for faders who do not want to ruffle feathers.

    Any of you thinking about stepping down better do it pronto before the new arrangement starts. Right now you just have to tell your friends on the body an excuse, soon its going to be hell.


    The Old-School 1975-ers are dying out. The world is modernizing too quickly for a religion that was supposed be gone in 1914. They have had the tiger by the tail for a long time. They simply MUST make changes to survive. They need more and more control. Remember the sheep were just lovingly reminded to be "ever more submissive."

    Compartmentalization is a great way to keep order. You don't know if you don't need to know. Or as the Elders told me, " You don't qualify to read the Shepherd Book." So if the Elders don't qualify and the R&F don't need to know about pedos and other issues, having the CO take over appointments is great. If he finds anything out that may damage Jehovah's THE ORGANIZATION'S name, then he can simply decide to not appoint, or remove anyone. If it is in Jehovah's THE ORGANIZATION'S best interests, then it would never be challenged.

    If they had done this years ago, think about all the Elders who would never have learned about a pedo in their midst. Very few would question the CO, because Jeehoober's spirit made the decision. Also, imagine trying to appeal a decision if Elder's have zero input? If the CO deems you as unqualified, who do you appeal to, the GB?? You are screwed.

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