Time to move on, my last post on JWN....

by JustHuman14 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustHuman14

    I have been posting into the forum since 2001(my previous avatar was "justhuman" and when forum changed to net, I couldn't retrieve my old avatar so I had to use a similar one and log in again). Almost 15 years are gone. Made some friends here, including Mr Flipper and one that I really miss dearly is oompa. A really nice person that I had the chance to talk with through the net and the forum, and unfortunately he put an end to his life due to WT's shunning policy.

    Although I haven't being posting a lot recently, still I feel, I need to close the subject WATCHTOWER, for good. Leaving WT cost my family, my life, lost long friends and relatives, I had to leave my home due to WT's policy of disfellowshiped and gone through very hard times, loneliness, depression, but I had to follow the long and narrow road. It would have been easier if I just stayed there, I have climbed almost all available "spiritual" steps in the WT ladder, and all I had to do was pretend, like many JW's are currently doing and "live" my life, with my children that I really feel empty not living with them. But no, that's not for me.

    Personally I do miss the old forum and all timers that they left as well, plus I don't feel that this forum has nothing more to give me. It is like a dwelling place a harbour for many people out there, trying to set themselves free from WT''s tyranny and chains. Once they are ready, then they sail again. It has being my harbour for all those years, and help me a lot to exiting from the WT, but I need to carry on for my quest.

    My spiritual journey is not over, I always seek and looking for answers, besides one of our Great Philosophers, Socrates said: " I know one thing, that I know NOTHING"...

    The most important of all, is to remember all those who died in vain, due to blood issue, or put an end in their lives due to the WT Cult nature profile, and I feel sad to say that 2 close childhood friends I had, put an end to their lives because of the WT....

    All I have to say is good luck to everyone, and the truth is out there...

  • clarity

    JustHuman ...with you in spirit & feeling sad, not

    for your 'graduation' but for the way you were

    stripped of so much ...as most ex's have been.

    Sorry for your lonliness & pain ... caused only

    by a deceptive cult ...it was not necessary at all.

    They say "oh no we don't shun, we love everyone"

    We know better don't we!

    I wish you so many great things for your life,

    you deserved much better. Be happy now & plse

    come back and tell us how you are.


  • quellycatface

    God bless you, my friend. So sorry about your friend, Oompa.

    Let us know how you are once in a while.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    "Happy Trails, to you... "

    I so appreciate the "Old Timer's" sticking around for us new ones.

    It gave me confidence, to "see" you all here.

    Waking up to TTATT, by oneself, is kind of scary.

    I had been posting for 2 months, when Oompa... died ,

    yet his death affected, me greatly.

    I so wanted to believe in a kind, loving, non-cruel, worldwide brotherhood.

    I like good people.

    Thank you for all of your contributions.

    I wish you well in your Life.

    "... Until we meet, again... "


  • steve2

    All the best. This forum has never claimed to be a static place, with people coming and going being the norm. While I appreciate you advising us you're moving on, I do wonder about the need to expressly inform us. I suspect the thread is primarily your way of putting out there your intention to move on - and by making it explicit, you're more likely to stick to it? Sounds like some truly significant losses for you along the way there is a strong theme of sadness in your OP - almost like it hurts too much at times to talk about it. I feel for you but acknowledge you've been around this forum for a long time. As for the truth being out there...hmmmmm, I wouldn't start looking out there, I'd be looking within. To thine own self be true. Best wishes.

  • snare&racket

    bye bro, we are always here....

  • factfinder


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Isn't it crazy how a post from people you don't even know can bring tears to your eyes?

    Wish you all the best!

  • cultBgone

    (((hugs))) and best wishes

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I feel the same and have moved away from the forum too a lot lately. Its the healthiest thing to eventually move on from everything Watchtower. And I get tired of the same themes and questions getting rehashed over and over and over again (about once a fortnight we get a new thread on 'Are JW's a cult?' for example). The categories/subjects of discussion could be a lot better organised on here. I commend you and wish you all the best.

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