Does Anything Go In Apostate Warfare

by HildaBingen 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • outcast

    Sheesh, now it's talking in tongues!

    Kinda over do it on the lithium today?

    Do what you gotta do to stay happy.

  • ballistic

    Anagram of Hildabigen = A BIG LIE...

  • TR


    If any X 'hovahs lie, it is an unfortunate residual habit formed while being brainwashed by the WTS.

    So FU and the Buick LeSabre you rode in on.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • DakotaRed

    Hilda, get over yourself. JR Brown has already been caught in lies about the pedophile scandal. Call it prevarication, disinformation or theocratic warfare, a lie is still a lie.

    All you dubs do is complain about others using your sneaky underhanded tactics against you. If it's good for the goose, it oughta be good for the gander.

  • Kenneson

    Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines subterfuge as:
    1: deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade 2:a deceptive device or stratagem syn see DECEPTION

    The same dictionary defines deception as 1a: the act of deceiving
    b: the fact or condition of being deceived 2:something that deceives:

    A lie by any other name is still a lie for anyone else. But for Jw's it's theocratic warfare. It's only a "white lie." They would never deliberately and intentionally speak falsehood so as to harm others. They are, however, prone to misapprehend dates. They weren't prophesying or deliberately lying to us about that, you understand!
    But, then, why did they set any dates at all?

  • DakotaRed
    You do not have to give me license to quote bible. My God and government already gave me that license.

    How dare you proclaim "your government and your God, like you own them. God is the God of all, not just you dubs. And the Government? You dubs are quick to brag about your rights, freedoms and benefits, but are cowards when it comes to securing those very freedoms.

    I galls me no end to hear you hypoocrits claiming "YOUR GOVERNMENT," yet refuse to serve and help that government prosper or prevail in the ongoing battles for freedom.

    You get more pathetic with each post, Hilda!

  • HildaBingen

    :If any X 'hovahs lie, it is an unfortunate residual habit formed while being brainwashed by the WTS.

    So FU and the Buick LeSabre you rode in on.:

    There is no "if" dearie. Ex-jw do lie. Some have wrote me saying they my brutha. But then they ask me question about wt. I find out they lie. This is part of straegy to get us out of cult. We not cult. You ex-jw have lied to us. Where your ethic? do not blame it on org. the locus of control is interior.

  • HildaBingen

    :How dare you proclaim "your government and your God, like you own them. God is the God of all, not just you dubs.:

    Jesus say, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me." I am only emulating him.

    :And the Government? You dubs are quick to brag about your rights, freedoms and benefits, but are cowards when it comes to securing those very freedoms.:

    you know not what you talk about. jw have done mo than most to secure freedom and rights.

    :I galls me no end to hear you hypoocrits claiming "YOUR GOVERNMENT," yet refuse to serve and help that government prosper or prevail in the ongoing battles for freedom.:

    My government is the kingdom of God. Now do you care to retract that ill-gotten statement?

  • Dawn

    Hilda dear - Yes there are ex-jw's who lie, and there are also jw's who lie. There are ex-jw's who do not lie and jw's who do not lie. Both groups are filled with HUMANS and some humans lie and some don't.

    However, the issue seems to be that you are concerned with the "apostates" who may try to deceive you - may I suggest that if you are truly concerned then you should not be on a board inviting such ones to communicate with you!

    Whatever a man sows - this he will also reap.

  • ballistic

    Hilda, if you feel so bad about all this, why hang around increasing hits to this site and providing us with so much entertainment?

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