There Was No First Human

by cofty 266 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    We are talking about reality.

    What part of this did you not agree with and specifically why....?

    " Even if we had the entire DNA code and epigenetic information of every hominid that ever lived in the past 3 million years it would still be impossible to identify the first human. "

    The human genome is not 50 digits it is 3 billion digits

    Who did this first theoretical human reproduce with?

  • snare&racket

    Atrapado, if you watch a child from birth to old age, at what minute did he become an adult? Could you specify even an hour, or a day? A month? Even a year? Tiny incremental changes that even over 70 years are not observable in real time can't be pinned down.

    We evolved as human over hundreds of thousands of years, our ancestors going back millions. Just as there is no day where a baby suddenly becomes an adult, there is no point where BANG human ancestors became human. We still have their DNA and some traits to this day.

    75% of people have a plamaris longus muscle in their hand and wrist, useful for holding onto branches. It simply does not work how you imagine it does, making your suggestion 100% impossible.

    It isn't that we are pissing on your bonfire, I like how you have thought about it, but biology and evolution just dont work in such a clean cut, linear fashion as would be required by your suggestion. The reason we dont need fossils anymore in studying evolution,,is because all organisms have their ancestors coding in every cell, in the DNA. We have coding for tails, webbed hands, our organs even distribute as our ancestor fish did, making our anatomy innnefficiently placed. So from fish to human, sticking a flag in a point of time or set of genes doesn't help. Add to that we are still evolving right now, so even if we did what you said (though impossible) it would change instantly as we evolve at every generation, but all at a different rate and in wildly different ways, depending on our enviroment.

  • atrapado

    cofty my 50 digits was a simplify example I thought it was obvious. So what if genome is 3 billion digits. A computer can prosses that comperison in less than 1 second. What I don't agree with the statement is the "impossible to identify the first human." The reason I don't agree with that is because I don't believe we have tried every single model and test it. Yes in reality is impossible. But I never said is possible in reality only in theory.

  • atrapado

    snare&racket but you are assuming the definition might be static. Why couldn't it evolved as we get more generations just like artificial intelligence?

    About your baby to adult. What is wrong with the definition that at 18 years or 21 years depending on the country you become an adult? Gives you day hour year etc.?

  • cofty

    For the third time - Who do you suppose your theoretical first human reproduced with?

  • atrapado

    From my example with anybody with his genes or his parents genes or with the generes his imidiate offsprings.

  • cofty

    From my example with anybody with his genes

    But if he/sh eis the first human nobody has his/her genes.

    In your scenario, if there was a time when there were no humans and then the first human was born, how could it reproduce with a non-human?

  • atrapado

    because the non-human would be so close to human that he would be able to reproduce. His parents would be 99.99*% human but non-human.

  • cofty

    If they can reproduce in what way are they a different species?

  • atrapado

    Because there are some small differences in their genes that warrants one to be human and one non-human. The definition of species would need to be redefine where species with 99.99*% in common with other species they would be able to reproduce.

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