A few International Conv instructions (more ways to control)

by doinmypart 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    doinmypart, my mother used to pair up with another single mother and they helped each other. But it was still difficult. When I was little they had only the cafeteria arrangement and we could not afford it and bringing your own food was frowned on. We ate breakfast in our room and did not eat until we got back to our room around 10:30 (9pm convention ends) except for fruit, water, and cheese slices.

    I'm glad I haven't been to an assembly, convention, or meeting for 12 years. I consider the things you mentioned as abuse.

    Re the mugger money, I went to Chicago for an international convention in 1969 in an outdoor baseball stadium surrounded in a very, very bad neighborhood. We were told to hide everything in the trunk so people would not be tempted to break into the vehicle. People were told to stay on the assembly site, preferably inside the stadium, to keep all children by the hand (with 4 kids and only one parent?), to watch out for pickpockets (identified by their dress right? no pickpockets in suits). No potty parity and 8 year olds had to go with their single moms into the women's restroom. My brother said it was quite an education to see women adjusting their pantyhose (or taking it off because it was too hot).

  • JustVisting

    @Blondie: re, assigned times! Strikes a chord with me. I saw where the late-risers would send out their "scouts", typically younger, zealous single brothers/sisters to save seats by running through the venue and spreading out blankets over entire rows of seats, meanwhile their buddies back at the hotel slept off the 2500 calorie pasta meal consumed the night before.

  • tiki

    they actually will be in hotel lobbies herding people onto busses or subways or whatever and if you miss your assigned time you are roadkill?!?!?

    omg.............it is hard to believe.

  • notjustyet

    How about a fake wallet with a bit of money in it for the contribution boxes. Someone needs to put some fake money with jwfacts.com on it to stuff into all the boxes. Some at each venue would let them know that there are apostates at each and every convention.



    Remember that many JWs are JWs because they cannot reason for themselves. They NEED to be told what to do at all times. They cannot deal with reality or take responsibility for their own lives. They need JW police to be on all the buses and in the lobbies, making sure that they are follwing commands.


  • JustVisting


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Wow, you guys brought back deep-seated memories of how my mother got me and my siblings to the 8 day conventions in London back in the early 60s.

    The sacrifices and struggles that woman faced to get us there. I am so glad she is not here now to witness what is being done "in God's name"!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    How long have they been in Brooklyn? You NEVER carry two wallets. The muggers/thiefs/badmen will take two wallets. Heck, they would like five or six wallets. You place your emergency reserve mugging money in your shoe.

  • Oubliette

    Attendants will be on site at all hotels to make sure delegates leave the hotel at their assigned times

    I'd like to see how any "attendant" could possibly get my ex-wife out of the hotel on time.

    No power on heaven or earth can accomplish that!

  • EndofMysteries

    what are the detroit instructions? I find it interesting they are holding these conventions in the worst most dangerous areas in the country. I wonder how much the WTBT are being payed to hold the conventions there.

    ghetto city to the WTBS - "We'll pay you X $$ to have a convention here, it's cheaper then us hiring hourly minimum wage workers to clean up the site and we have many 1 and 2 star hotels that are willing to give you a cut for their overpriced rooms since your members will obey them. We only have a few that are close to the site itself since hotels have no problem selling rooms but a ton that are 1 to 2 hours away will give you 15% for making your members stay there!"

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