New "Donation Arrangement" is a DECOY!

by The Searcher 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Put yourself in the Org's position - distasteful as that is - and come up with a solution to solve the problems of not only recovering their Stock Market losses, but also, ensuring an increase in their dwindling revenue stream.

    The major problem is, donations are voluntary (with no future guarantees) whereas pledges are compulsory - in the heart and mind of the giver!

    However, far too many will probably forget/refuse to keep up their monthly tax - with no way of knowing who is 'paying the man', and who is not.

    Master stroke - Make Plan A 100% certainty to fail in the first year, based on the 'anonymity' of the setup. That then justifies Plan B - (in the obedient sheep's eyes!) the G.B.'s future letter requiring that all who have pledged donations, to arrange the payment of their pledge via their bank account every month. Following this loving provision and direction will save the Friend's from forgetting to 'render their dues' as promised.

    Now the Org can clearly pinpoint to the local Elders which sheep aren't parting with their fleece - and guilt them into doing so!

  • Vidiot

    The Searcher - "Now the Org can clearly pinpoint to the local Elders which sheep aren't parting with their fleece - and guilt them into doing so!"

    Or give 'em the boot.

    If this is actually how it ends up going down, I'll be kind of impressed (with you, not the WTS)...


    Searcher, congratulations!!! You are thinking like the enemy! Not everyone can do that. Adding the fear-factor of "SATAN" attacking the WTBTS when we are so near the END, will more than likely seal the deal. It's a great plan.


  • lambsbottom

    I remember when I woke up.

    A couple months before I did, they had a census for what donations for the new KH we would give. I'm well off and before waking up had put on the census something like 1,000 bucks.

    But, when I woke up and was cornered by the Elders for a letter I wrote the WT, I decided to stop all donations (wansn't mad, just felt that the whole lotta money I donated so far should be good enough.

    Anyway, a few weeks later, an Elder that cornered me gave an announcement from the platform that we should all try and pay what we promised.

    LOL! Come and take it if you want it, come and take it if you can, come and take it but I'll warn'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands!

  • notjustyet

    I se a credit debit machine in the near future for all congregations.


  • label licker
    label licker

    Hey Searcher,

    These elders down here tried to have all of us sign out a form, stating that we would allow the society to withdraw what ever amount we had put on the forms on a monthly basis. They kept the pile of forms at the back on the literature counter so everytime we were to go an get a territory or mags, there was those stupid forms. No one bit and the forms soon disappeared. Only one is up on the back board and if we want, we have to ask for one. All the halls around here have them. I sent one to Barbara Anderson a couple of years ago. If I find the other copy, I will put it on here or maybe Barbara can put it on here.

  • cultBgone

    Methinks Searcher is on to something...

  • factfinder

    Searcher-sounds like they would do that!

    And those who don't honor their pledge are not being faithful and obedient to Jehovah so they can no longer have any "priveledges" : can't be on the school, give prayers, Ap or RP, go to Bethel, be a MS or elder, etc.

    Any Bethelites, elders or MS who don't keep their pledges will be removed.

    If THIS does not work, "unfaithful ones", IE ones who don't keep their pledge, will be disfellowshipped. As for any who did not make the pledge, they will be disfellowshipped!

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    factfinder is short on facts.

    Pledges are ANONYMOUS! NO ONE can be held to ANYTHING!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    They may be "anonymous" for now, but if the take keeps coming up short, they'll figure out a way to determine who's not paying up.

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