We discovered four earth like planets (hypothetically) who would go where???

by jam 92 Replies latest members private

  • snowbird


    I believe a lottery would be best so as to rule out favoritism, nepotism, despotism, and any other tism of which you can think.


  • Viviane

    Why would a lottery rule any of those out?

  • blondie

    You know if someone doesn't have a criminal background, it doesn't mean they aren't a criminal, they just have been caught.

  • cofty

    I would put religious fundamentalists of all flavours on the same planet.

  • blondie

    He (Philip Wylie) applied engineering principles and the scientific method quite broadly in his work. His novel The Disappearance (1951) is about what happens when everyone wakes up one day and finds that all members of the opposite sex are missing (all the men have to get along without women, and vice versa). The book delves into the double standards between men and women that existed prior the woman's movement of the 1970s, exploring the nature of the relationship between men and women and the issues of women's rights and homosexuality.

    Now that would be a strange separation...........

  • snowbird

    A lottery might not rule those out, per se, but would lessen the likelihood of their happening.

    Now, how would we keep families intact?

    Hmmm ...


  • jam

    Sylvia: The south fell to the lot of Ham, Hot as hell.

    Japheth's lot, it was so cold that roosters were rushing into

    KFC and begging to use the pressure cooker.

    Shem's lot, neither hot nor cold just right. Hummm....

    Blondie, true "doesn't have a criminal background, they just haven't been caught. LOL

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Cofty.


    Edited: You are right, Jam. In one work, it was postulated that the Hamitic branch was allotted the first 2,000 years of domination, the Semitic branch the next 2,000, and the Japhetic branch the final 2,000 (our time).

  • Viviane

    So, would a lottery with rules, i.e., not entirely blind, be better?

  • Truthseeker677

    We discovered four earth like planets who would go where? Just looking from my perspective people animals and vermin would go where they have the best chance of survival. That is a fact.

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