Oh come on!!! seriously?? This weeks wt study!

by stuckinarut2 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Damn you jemba, damn you to a specially created hell!!! :-P

  • AnnOMaly

    If I were sat there my WT margins would be blue with scrawled rants against the distortions. Sympathies to those having to sit and take this today. It'll be over soon.

  • snare&racket

    really is a collection of buffoons....

    Korean war, captalism v communism, racism, the recent discovery of mass genocide in europe..... these people are idiots!

  • stuckinarut2

    Ok, so some classic comments from our audience:....

    "the world has become so obsessed and preoccupied with so many types of foods, drinks, and restaurants etc! In the 50' here in Australia we had only about four or five types of meals to choose from. No one knew about wines, or coffees etc. we didn't go out to restaurants or coffee shops, or watch all those fancy distracting tv shows about chefs and restaurants!"

    "the violence is so bad, it has never been like this in human history before"

    I had to literally hold back my vomit....are they that stupid? This weeks bible reading alone is full of more violence than anything that ever happens in our town or city!!!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    One lovely elder at my hall waxed lyrical about" the good ole days of the 1950's when the police had the power to persecute homosexuals".

    Ironically this elder forgets that it was just a few years prior to the 1950's when JWs were being tarred and feathered, arrested and jailed during the war hysteria of WW2 by these same policemen.


    I guess persecution is good only if it's not you being persecuted. His comment reveals the warped view of many JWs, "the most loving people on earth".

  • 88JM

    In the past these types of articles would at least try to throw you some statistics (albeit mis-quoted or cherry picked) to attempt to prove their point from some sort of emperical perspecive.

    I find this article particularly horrible because there is now not even any attempt to prove things empirically - hardly any statistics - it's all subjective arguments and appeal to emotion, or insulting you if you don't agree with it (para. 10): "Can anyone reasonably deny that things have got much worse?"

    One comment from a sister in the first paragraph about blindness at the hall here mentioned: "people in the world being blinkered, like horses, to things getting worse around them". Surely with articles like this there can be no-one more blinkered than JW's! They even admit to it in the last paragraph, for JW's "not be distracted by the noise from Satan’s world".

    Just to top it off, I was thinking how this article is like the most unsavoury parts of the Daily Mail newspaper here in the UK, and then lo and behold the brother reading the WT whips out a clipping from - you guessed it - The Daily Mail, and then reads it out from the platform!

  • stillin

    I do something similar to Annomaly. I put words with exclamation points in my margins and also circle some of the words in the actual paragraph which make the ridiculousness of the paragraph more obvious.

    This way, I am giving a witness to the microphone handler. You KNOW he peeks!

  • 88JM

    I hope the microphone handler wasn't peeking too close at me reading JWN!

  • snowbird

    LOL at all the comments!

    Y'all are a mess.


  • quellycatface

    Stuckinarut2, 're; those comments about food in the WatchTard.

    Why then, did God create SO many foods?

    He could have made us all the same, like drones.

    God created diversity for a reason.

    Celebrate and thank God for culture, cuisine and WINE.

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