What is the main "idea" of the bible?

by KateWild 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • punkofnice

    What is the main "idea" of the bible?

    There isn't one. If one researches to see the acual validity of this collection of books one might be surprised to find it's all hooey........or not depending upon your confirmation bias.

  • Finkelstein

    Why would anyone strive to reach and know god by men who are known to lie and embellish stories of a singular omniscient God of their own,

    right from the original source in ancient times, right up to men of today (WTS/JWS) ?


    To know the god of the ancient Hebrews is to know lies, fictionalized embellished stories, murder of innocent humans, genocide etc. ........ ucck

  • objectivetruth
  • MaximusGman

    Onthewayout, don't you currently live under the same law as 5000 years ago?

    Of caurse if you don't believe in God, you still bound by 6 out of 10 commendments that found in the Bible.

    Don't still, don't murder, don't covet, don't lie, do not commit adultery, honor your parents. You know them appart from scripture, don't you??



  • villagegirl

    The main theme is renewal, it is about choosing love over hate,

    about resurrection, about sacrifice, about taking actions that will

    change the world, about freedom and living abundant lives and using

    our talents and not burying them in the ground.

  • KateWild

    What do you think?-Max

    I think your view is one held by many. I agree that God is powerful and he is the creator, but that is a topic for a differfent thread. This thread is about the main idea of the Bible.

    What do you think the main idea of the bible is Max?

    Kate xx

  • wearewatchingyouman

    In my opinion the bible is the story of the battle between YHWH's natural world and Satan's civilized world.

  • snare&racket

    if yu read it, there is no theme.... it is illogical and wil and goes all ove the place, its morals and message fly's from genocide to allowing people to slap your cheek...

    It is a historical example of religious myth in the making. it is what it is, the penned words of priests, shepherds and believers from ancient jewish lands.

    Ironic that in 2014 britain or usa , it is seen as meant for them. Bizzare!

  • donny

    I believe the Bible was written by several bronze age people who were trying to build up confidence and loyalty in their little wandering tribe. Back in those days telling stories was the only way legends were kept alive and passed to subsequent generations.

    After reading the Bible all the way through without anyone guiding me it becomes very clear that this is a work of man and not of some omnicient being. Also it is very clear in the New Testament that these writings were for people of that time period. They all thought they were in the last days and that Christs return was imminent. They certainly did not expect that his return would be centuries in the future much less millenia.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I believe parts of it were commissioned to create a phony history for Israel. Adam and Eve, Noah, Babel cannot be true. No woman wrote scripture. We were not allowed to read or write. Compared with twentieth century and twenty-first century morals, the acceptance of slavery in the Bible is not acceptable. It has been a book to uphold status quo property holders.

    Basically, the NT is a bunch of books approved by Constantine and his advisers to bring unity to the Empire. When I was a Witness, I thought God physically wrote it in heaven.

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