What is the main "idea" of the bible?

by KateWild 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • millie210

    Lets see....

    trying to seperate what I was taught (JWs) from what I would think on my own is the theme of the Bible...

    I would think the theme is a lot of stories about people and how they lived their lives and the choices they made and general principles of living.

  • mynameislame


    it was written to confuse us and guide us to the one-world government.

    Interesting thought. Do you thnk this was started thousands of years ago and is just now coming to true? Or maybe it was the real criteria for which books got included in the bible?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Yes. Some Jesus scholar wrote that ancient religions had status in the Roman Empire. Christians decided to use the OT canon to give status to their religion which was new and, therefore, suspect. I am certain Jews were annoyed at the appropriation of their scriptures. Far worse would be the teaching that Jesus fufilled OT prophecies. Why didn't we discuss this stuff when we were Witnesses?

    It is not only this forum. I hear good discussions from various groups of people. It seems to work if people agree to disagree.

  • villagegirl

    When I was freed from the stifling and false doctrines of the WT.

    I then proceeded to read the book of James, Romans, John and the whole Greek

    scriptures with new eyes, I found it liberating, and very mystical, I found

    Jesus to be interested in women, in liberty,in freedom, in grace, in very mystical

    concepts, and nothing the WT taught even approached what he was talking about.

  • jgnat

    There is no one theme of the bible. It is a collection of books.

  • Jeannette

    Lame-- I think the one-world government was the goal for thousands of years, and is really vamping up now. They pretty much have us where they want us, and, when we "came in the truth", remember how we were all taught about the New World Order? They kept us hooked by telling us we would survive and everyone else would be destroyed. Well, of course, that's a lie. We are not included in that world government to live on a Paradise Earth in peace and happiness, rather, slaves. That's why they don't want anyone of us educated, and by the way, were we not told over and over that we were good-for-nothing slaves?

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    The Bible is Jehovah God's written Word to humankind. He used some 40 human secretaries over a period of 16 centuries to record it, but God himself actively directed the writing by His spirit. Thus it is inspired by God.

    A large portion of the record is made up of actual pronouncements made by Jehovah and details as to the teachings and activities of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

    In these we find statements of God's requirements for His servants and what He will do to bring His grand purpose for the earth to completion.

    To deepen our appreciation for these things, Jehovah also preserved in the Bible a record demonstrating what happens when individuals and nations listen to God and work in harmony with His purpose, as well as the outcome when they go their own way.

    By means of this reliable historical record Jehovah aquaints us with His dealings with humankind and thus with His own marvelous personality.

  • fiddler

    To 'a watcher':

    "His own marvelous personality! "

    You must be joking. The god of the Bible has the personality traits of the likes of Hitler!

  • LisaRose

    It's not a book, but many books, written by many different people. There is no theme, no consistent message. There is some good, some bad, but mostly it is just nonsense. Read the account of the flood of Noah, it's ridiculous, it could not have happened, and didn't happened.

    Just because something was written down thousands of years ago does not give it any special value. It is interesting only as an artifact of its time.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    "The two Testaments are interesting, each in its own way. The Old one gives us a picture of these people's Deity as he was before he got religion, the other one gives us a picture of him as he appeared afterward."

    -- Mark Twain, Letters From the Earth (1909?; published in 1962)

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