What do you think attracts new ones to the JW organization now?

by cultBgone 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Who wouldn't like living in a clean unpolluted earth where everyone is fed, healthy, and happy.

  • jookbeard

    stupid dumb ass pictures of a paradisiac world, general laziness, its a magnet for predators, the crap love bombing, the usual.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    If you build it, they will come .

    No matter what kind of program you come up with or product you have to sell, there will always be a certain demographic of the public, even if only a small one, who will buy into it, especially if you keep at long enough and your members are your best customers and they market your product and program for free.

    The Watchtower Society started out with religious fanatics who eventually began providing a pre packakaged program meant to appealed to those who liked or needed to be told what to do and who were made to feel safe warm and fuzzy by a substitute parental figure or "Sheeplike ones". It's a constant revolving door made up of those who have just arrived, those who are in and heavily involved in the recruiting work and those who are on their way out.

    For as many years as they've been doing this and the billions of hours their members have spent recruiting, although constant, the success rate hasn't been very high,especially if God is supposedly backing their efforts.

    Most of the congregations I knew of only saw growth from born-ins having children. I never saw a new one be recruited from the door to door work. The few new ones I did see, were brought in when a returning Df'd person dragged their newfound spouse back with them.

  • Quendi

    @Skbj: I would be careful of using the kind of sweeping generalizations such as you did in your post. I fit none of the features you profiled when I studied with the Witnesses and got baptized nearly forty years ago.


  • factfinder

    skbj- I did not fit into any of the catagories you listed either when I started studying with the witnesses right after high school.

  • jookbeard

    Emeth " JW's are taught the same and act the same everywhere on the planet" is somhow meant to show some sort of divine blessing? the opposite is true ,Mormons have a unique global look , teach the same globally, can boast about the Book of Morman being pronted in 200 odd languages etc, The Worldwide Church of Christ can make similar claims , as can The Moonies , didnt they carry out some sort of mass simultaneous marriage some years ago accros different parts of the Earth? it simply points to the main characteristics of how high control dangerous groups manage their members, when JW's raise this point with me I run through excactly that this is not unique to them as other groups make these claims, they soon go quiet.

  • emeth

    @jookbeard i just answered a question ,... my answer had nothing to do with divine blessing

  • Vidiot

    Pete Zahut - "No matter what kind of program you come up with or product you have to sell, there will always be a certain demographic of the public, even if only a small one, who will buy into it, especially if you keep at long enough and your members are your best customers and they market your product and program for free."


    The similarities between the WTS and Amway would approach mirror-universe-levels of weirdness.

  • lisaBObeesa

    "What do you think attracts new ones to the JW organization now?"

    emeth said:

    i mention a few

    they dont kill eachother in wars

    Whenever I hear this statement, the first thing that pops into my mind is “They don’t kill each other in wars….so are they ok with killing OTHER people in wars?” The answer is of course not, I know...

    But I just wonder why the statement isn’t just “they don’t kill other human beings in wars.” It is kind of odd that war is bad because you would have to kill a fellow JW, not because killing fellow human beings is wrong.

    The whole thing amounts to rather unimpressive pre-conventional morality from what is supposed to be the MOST virtuous, just, moral and loving religious group on the planet.

    they dont give in to authorian regimes

    Well, they did in Mexico in the 60’s.

    Plus, an examination of the history of the JWs shows they are willing to compromise to authoriatian regimes as well as to groupls like the United Nations and they will do it just to get a library card. They don't seem to take their beliefs very seriously when they compromise them for such small things. They can't be attracting new converts based on this item.

    they are united , are taught the same and act the same everywhere on this planet

    How is this a good and healthy thing? Human beings come in all kinds, a product of different mixes of DNA and environment that GOD himself gave us. If God wanted us all to think exactly the same and act exactly the same He would have given us all the exact same DNA/envirnonments.

    But He didn't. He made us different. With our own brains.

    This whole argument that the JWs are the right religion because everybody is taught and acts exactly the same makes no sense whatsoever.

    God didn’t make robots, He made people. Diverse, colorful, interesting people who have unique ways of looking at and behaving in the world.

    I would never want to be part of a group that tried to stifle what God gave us.

    they help eachother in times and situation of need

    Again with the “each other” thing. Who cares if they help eachother! Everybody helps members of their own group. What about helping OTHER people?

    And again we see simple pre-conventional morality from what is supposed to be the MOST moral religious group of the planet.

    They think the moral reasoning of a seven year old that they use makes them superior to all other relgions in the world. It doesn't.

    And it is not very attrative, either.

    they give you their stuff and time for free

    The only thing JWs give for free is their time and labor to the WTBTS, and the only thing the WTBTS gives away is their printed recruiting propaganda to the public.

    Get back to me when JWs give their time or their money to a real charity that actually gives things like food/clothing/shelter to people in need. Get back to me when JWs give ANYTHING to ANYBODY other than the Organization that they worship.

    If giving stuff and time is what attracts you to a church, there are uncountable churches to join that really give their stuff and time for free AND they give it to people who need it, not to a huge corporation who will use it to print more recruiting propogada that does NOTHING to help anyone but the Org itself.

    they are extremely organized

    so are other Churches.

    they are honest (for example at circuit assemblies i always leave my bag with photo and video camera, my tablet and wallet at my seat and that impressed the interested ones that accompany me to those meetings)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are honest... unless you ask them any of the following questions, in which case they LIE:

    1) Do you shun former members?

    2) Does your religion require you to shun former members?

    3) Are you free to leave your religion at any time with no punishment at all?

    4) Does your religion have a hierarchy of command/power structure, or is everyone equal?

    everyone is equal

    See above.

  • factfinder

    great post lisaBObeesa!

    Witnesses always said how they loved me and would die for me- I'd always have their help.

    I always helped any of my friends in any way I could but my dear Mom told me they would not be there for me when I need help. And she was so right. I wish I could tell her that but she died nearly 14 years ago while I was still in the cult :(

    The wts gives away their literature at no charge because they HAVE to. They will be taxed if they go back to using suggested contribution prices.

    Witnesses have no GENUINE love-it is all conditional. Miss meetings and these wonderful, loving true Christians pretend you don't even exist.

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