the circuit assembly

by thedog1 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hortensia

    Oh, you poor thing. Well, keep yourself from getting bored. I think you should develop a headache and have to stand in the back, walk around a lot, chat with the parking lot guys now and then to keep the headache from getting worse.

    Or take notes. How many JWisms do you hear? What outright lies do you hear? What manipulative statements do you hear? What's the most outrageous thing anyone says? What's the stupidest thing you hear?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    In accord with what has already been suggested, when I attend an ASSembly, I view it as doing some investigative, social-psychological research. Often the goal of my "research" would be to bring up a "dissonance-inducing" point with my wife.

    I must admit, though, now that my wife has begun to Awaken! herself, she has taken some of the wind out of my sails.

    Now SHE has begun to view it from this standpoint, and she can tick off what the essentially "cult-y" aspects of the ASSembly are for me.

    Honestly, the last one we had, I spent almost the entire day in a nearby Starbucks. That's not a bad option either (if you're a coffee drinker)

  • AnneB

    You could download Firechat (Open Gardens), set it to Nearby, and see who is saying what in the Assembly Hall.


    Another fun activity would be to count the times the speakers refer to gay people in a negative way. 'Tight pants', remember??

  • grumblecakes

    Take Nyquil tabs with you. Youll either sleep or relax so much you wont give a f**k.

    I did that once, quickest assembly ever!

  • jookbeard

    well done Dog, that is almost the same set of reading matrerial that I studied when I was finding out TTATT, its never the same , its the straw that has broken the camels back, its just lip service therin after.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    All the best DOG!!

    I'm a good bit further down the road which you're on now, and believe me, your awareness to the perversions of truth & the mind-control language coming from the JW platforms will reach the point where it literally churns your stomach and you'll either feel like shouting out the TRUTH or getting up and leaving!!

    It's not nice, but it'll show you how much you can now see, and how the detestable lies are affecting you!

    I wish you a "safe journey"!

  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Congrats on waking up Dog, I had the first day of mine today too, what did you think about that part about reject strange teachings?

    The speaker woke me up on it and when he said reject strange teachings the third time I had the hard to resist urge to run out of the building. Sadly to busy or bored to take any notes, maybe I will tomorrow.



  • sarahsmile

    Rejecting strange teachings and you wanted to run out! WEW!

    You need to make new plans! LOL,

    It really is a sign of your times up!


    I remember that one! What a crock of crap, 2 days of it!

    Here's a bit more! YAY!!!

    One more highlight from the CA...for now..

    How to survive the END. The BIBLE says:

    1) Prayer

    2) Study the Bible

    3) Meditate

    4) FAMILY WORSHIP NIGHT [ apparently that is in the Bible somewhere ]

    5) Meetings at the KH


    There you go. The scriptural requirements for life. Oh, and he also said it was from the now i'm confused..


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