Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control

by flipper 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    First I would like to say thank you for all your contributions to this board.

    I am not comfortable given advice on this subject. Learning about mind control is on my to do list. I do feel comfortable sharing some of my journey out from under mind control. Since I loved being a witness and believed it so much it was painful to see it fall apart "like a cheap card table". The "truth" was emotionally beat out of me. Facts and discovery certainly play a big part of in the process. Revisionist history was and is a huge anchor keeping my ship from drifting back into watchtower waters.

    A difficult belief to get out of me was what I can describe as "waiting for the spiritual man". I gave a deposition still hoping to meet "a spiritual man". Did not happen.

    I have many experiences that add weight to my theory about "waiting for the spiritual man". Look into the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall. Jason Cobb in my opinion suffers from this type of condition. "Wait on Jehovah", "light gets brighter", "Peter was corrected", "Jehovah allows this as a test/sifting". "those elders were removed", etc.

    love your exprssion

    Peace out

  • flipper

    MAKE LEMONADE- Thanks for the kind words to me and everybody else here who contributes in a positive way to this board. I agree it was painful to see the alleged " truth " we were taught fall like a " house of cards " - however- being able to have freedom of mind and live in reality is a much sweeter way to live than to be lied to and promised an illusionary " paradise " which will never happen. In my opinion there does not exist a " spiritual man " in the JW organization who serve as elders - they are " WT Society men " first , then " spiritual " allegedly 10th or on down the line. For elders- spirituality is not a priority, being obedient to the WT Society instructions and orders are. Two separate things. I'm glad you are here on the board. Good post, liked your comments, thanks

  • LongHairGal

    Make Lemonade:

    Welcome to the Board. I also like your comments.

    Your quest to find a "spiritual man" was bound to be a failure. I always laughed to myself when the people in the religion would refer to somebody as "spiritual". Well, I have news for them.

    What we are is physical beings with some appreciation of spirituality but in the JW religion (where fantasy rules) this fact got obscured and some people there were obsessed with how "spiritual" they appeared to everybody else. Spirituality is a personal thing and not something that somebody ELSE can judge or quantify. Of course, they can tell by your actions how "righteous" you might appear, but, your appreciation of spiritual things is personal. So, it became an idiot religion based on visible works.

    As for the other phrases: "Wait on Jehovah", "light gets brighter", "Peter was corrected", "Jehovah allows this as a test/sifting". "those elders were removed", etc., they are nothing more than a palliative to keep fed-up members from following their gut instincts and heading out the door.

    I don't believe Jehovah does any of these things. Maybe He did in ancient Israel but not now. I cannot imagine what the JW religion would look like in a few centuries. It is filled with corruption now. They can criticize Babylon the Great for having sins that mass clear up to the heavens - but Babylon the Great is centuries old whereas the JW religion is a little over a century. WHAT would they resemble if they were around that long???

    Your description of feeling hurt over seeing your faith in the religion fall apart "like a cheap card table" is very apt. Most here have dealt with this painful realization but once it hits us it is like a light bulb and there is no turning back once you know what you know.

    But, I am glad I came to know what I know and that the charade was finally over.

  • scarredforlife

    I choose freedom from the chains of cult mind-control. Yes, it is sad that families are torn apart. But that is the cards I was dealt in life. I have no regrets about my choice. I built a life seperate from anything JW.

  • Oubliette

    Make Lemonade: Since I loved being a witness and believed it so much it was painful to see it fall apart "like a cheap card table". The "truth" was emotionally beat out of me. Facts and discovery certainly play a big part of in the process. Revisionist history was and is a huge anchor keeping my ship from drifting back into watchtower waters.

    Many of us here feel as you do. We have been where you are now.

    It is disorienting to realize everything you believed was wrong. It is humiliating to realize you were duped by lies. But duped you were. You were a victim, but you don't have to remain one.

    It gets better.

  • scarredforlife

    Amen, Oubliette.

  • flipper

    LONG HAIR GAL- I agree with your takes. Good takes. Indeed JW " spirituality " is based on " WT works " or how well a JW performs WT functions. A JW can be an absolute jerk or a-hole- but if they give great talks, get 90 hours a month in field service , and comment at meetings they are considered " spiritual " as a JW. So " spirituality " is definitely a subjective thing. LOL. I'm glad I got free of that craziness and I'm glad you did as well ! Isn't it cool to be free ?

    SCARRED FOR LIFE- Exactly, I agree. Many times we have to sacrifice some things to get our freedom. I have no regrets since I've been out of the Witnesses over 10 years now. I'm very happy.

    OUBILETTE- Exactly. We do NOT have to be victims, we can do positive things with our life. WT Society tries to scare JW's from exiting claiming they'll fall on their face if they leave the org. Truth is, we become better people, more humane. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • MaximusGman

    Thank you for your reply Flipper.

    So you do not belive in ABSOLUTE truth than?

    what ever is good for me is good for me and what ever is good for you is good for you?

    thank you,


  • flipper

    MAXIMUS- Exactly, you are correct. I do not believe in absolute truth. Truth is relative depending on who is delivering it and what vantage point a person is in while determining an answer. Whatever is good for you may not be good for me and vice versa. What I do may not turn you on - so that's how I roll

  • MaximusGman


    Here is what you said to me last time: "MAXIMUS- Exactly, you are correct. I do not believe in absolute truth. Truth is relative depending on who is delivering it and what vantage point a person is in while determining an answer. Whatever is good for you may not be good for me and vice versa. What I do may not turn you on - so that's how I roll."

    By your own words you admit you do not believe in absolute truth. Is that absolute truth statement??? Or was it a relative statement??

    thank you,


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