Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control

by flipper 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Very great post flipper.

    I think the religion gets into the deep parts of ones mind and unless you work to change it will come up and up again and again. You will either be supper depressed or a very frustrated person unless you do the work to really learn TTATT and that is really hard work. Most people do not want to read and learn, especially us born in's. We were programed to just sit and listen and nod our heads and then do what we were told, but not to really read or learn anything out side of the religion.

    Everyone also is in different places in their lives like OTWO said and we should not judge them or get mad at them. I know one ex JW family who spent years and years and years going over the 587 607 debate, they had every WT and Awake and "wordly" articles on the subject that exists. I mean I listened for hours and hours and hours and hours to them go over it and over it. They gave me tons of prints outs on it. They were so passionate on it that I just let them talk. But to me once I understood the basics of it I was good.

    Now the pedophiles problem is huge for me in the religion. I have have seen with my own eyes three pedophiles in my hall but to this family it meant nothing, it was like OH well just move on. They actually forbid me to even bring up the subject when I was around them and I was not to tell anyone that JW's have pedophiles in the religion because as they put it, 'it made me look like I was still angry'.? Why should I not be angry? They were so angry about the 587 607 thing that one of the daughters even sent out over 200 letters to ones in the congregations that they knew in their area. And yet I was over board for telling ones about child molesters in the hall?

    Anyway that is why I have backed off from even posting even on this sight. It just really hurts to get so rebucked and put down by not only JW's but even ex JW's.

    I just think so many just do not leave the "I am right I have the chosen religion God is with me, you are the one in the wrong attitude" that was drilled into us so strongly in the religion. Many have a hard time respecting the rights of others to have a different opinion.


  • Londo111

    I suspect that the story of Schnell trying to return before he died, an urban legend, right up there with the dancing smurfs in the Kingdom Hall.

  • KateWild

    I feel uncomfortable and nervous when I am not being completely honest, so if I went back for family and social reasons I would get found out. I was too vocal when I believed it all, I used to expose injustice within the cong.

    I couldn't just put up and shut up, I would feel too isolated. I want to start a fresh life now free from GB politics, I have only been out for a few months.

    Kate xx

  • mynameislame

    If you ever consider going back just remember, these are the same people you are going to have to spend eternity with.

  • truthseekeriam

    Like others have said, I just can't be a hypocrite. Would my life be easier if I went back? Sometimes I say yes, only because I've been going through some tough situations where I could have used some support from people I had spent 20 years of my life building relationships with.

    Then, I bop myself on the head and remember why we left in the first place!! Lack of love and support from our lovely JW family after our child was abused by one of " them." The mind control runs deep in us and even after being removed from it for 5 years When something bad happened I still go temporarily insane ( I call it my JW mind ) Like I've told my husband I could never be part of any religion that harms their followers. Disfellowshipping, 2 witness rule, blood issue and all the lies that keep changing....harm people. I cringe to think I signed the no blood form twice while being prepped for surgery, all while not really wanting to but feeling I had to. It's insanity!! Yet, it was our life.

  • WTWizard

    They would have to serve me a legal grounds to force me back into that cancer, perhaps on the technicality that my baptism serves as a legally signed contract. Other than that, I will not go back to this cult--which is becoming more and more like Scientology than the Mor[m]ons it used to resemble, and once the leaders start using black magick to damn souls, closer to the Boston Movement that actually does control who one can marry and where one can live. The washtowel, with this latest Grand Boasting Session program, is moving in that direction--hardly the truth.

  • TD
    I suspect that the story of Schnell trying to return before he died, an urban legend, right up there with the dancing smurfs in the Kingdom Hall.

    I can't honestly say I blame you (Or anyone else) who feels that way since it can't be proven to any reasonable degree of satisfaction at this point.

    It was confirmed by a Bethel insider that many of us knew and trusted who had access to the letters.

  • Xanthippe

    You have to work really hard so that the place that you fit in with is yourself, there is no need to say, where can I go? It is all about learning just to be, I am, I exist and I am ok with that. That is vey easy to say I know but takes years of work to achieve. Building up my self esteem took a long time, education helped me learn to think but also helped me feel good about myself, I am not stupid after all. Getting challenging jobs, finding your way in the world, self-actualization and all that jazz. Then how could I go back to the KH where they would patronize me, as a woman, within an inch of my life? No thanks.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Hello flipper,

    Very good quesiton. When I left we told our children that we are changing our family life course and not be any part of this cult. At the time they was with us but gulit and the Wt. Mind Control overtook them. My wife and I are the lucky ones for we would not cave into this cult like thinking. I personally am hell bent on stopping this cult thinking in our family. My biggest hope that our children will wake up. It may take years put I feel it will happen. In ten years our grand children will be young adults and I feel they will come see us and ask why we was not part of their life. I will tell them what happen but to as you said educate yourself about mind control cults and run as fast as you can. I know I am very hopeful but that hope does keep me going. In my wildest dreams I would never go back to the JW cult. Being a elder all those years I know to much and seen to much to even consider going back. Besides I am really enjoying my life now. Trying to help people with my knowledge of gardening and Reopened Mind teaching people about wild herbs. We are meeting people who have the same interest we have. In all the years I was in the cult no one and I mean no one had our interest in these things. The ones we knew were just drones of the cult and could less about anything else. For those sitting of the fence all I have to say is please don't go back to the Wt. cult. You will truly lose your soul if you do. Still Totally ADD

  • LisaRose

    I think what causes many to go back is just simple fear. As humans we are hard wired to fear a losing things, more than we look forward to getting things. These fears are very deeply rooted in JWs due to the cult mind control. I don't know about others, but I thought more about being destroyed at Armageddon and the potential loss of family that the lion petting paradise, which didn't seam very real anyway. I ended up just doing nothing, hating my life but afraid to change.

    You have to let go of something you have (family/friends/Armageddon insurance) to get something better, freedom and a life without the burden of JW life. This is very hard to do when you have been programmed for years to be afraid.

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