Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control

by flipper 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Everyone that plucks up the courage to leave contributes to the societies downfall. I see it as similair to those times in history where morals overtook fears such as with slavery, racism, nazi germany etc. Evil prevais when good men do nothing!

    I hope I would be one of the people being beaten for defending black people or go to war for a slaves freedom. However, right now, we do have a means to make a moral desicion that can either be part of the problem, or the solution....

    Also for those with children, I can't think of a worse thing to teach or show your children, than to stand by a movement you don't believe in and even vehemently disagree with, yet do and say nothing.... even go door to door promoting It! Maybe even feeding the tripe to your very own precious children!

    Courage and free thinking will bring Watchtower down, from the inside out....... but that is not any one person's duty, just do the right thing by yourself and your family, if enough do that it will fall soon enough.

  • KateWild

    if enough do that it will fall soon enough.-snare

    I don't think enough former members educate themselves about TTATT. That is why they return, I can't see the organisation reforming or falling, there are too many power hungry men keeping it going at all levels for that to happen. But ones will leave I do not doubt that, many more will certainly leave year after year. Kate xx

  • snare&racket

    When I say soon, i mesn 100+ years....

    Remember JW's are a religion with a time limit, milleniumists. When nothing happens and nothing comes, it will be its own enemy.

  • flipper

    MISS.FIT- Thanks for your kindness. I agree, it worked that way for me too realizing that I really wasn't IN the alleged " truth " being a JW . I realized that I WAS truthful being outside the JW mindset ! LOL. Ironic isn't it ? And you are right learning to just live and enjoy life is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves after being enslaved by the WT Society. Good point

  • flipper

    SNARE&RACKET- Good points you make. I agree with and love that quote you use, " evil prevails when good men do nothing ". My wife and I use that quote quite a lot. I agree with you that we can be part of the solution in battling against the WT Society by assisting and aiding people who are newly exiting the JW cult themselves. As you say we can all do our part to inform people. I agree that when nothing happens in 100 years- WT will become it's own enemy.

    KATEWILD- I agree with you that many ex-JWEs do NOT educate themselves enough about mind control or HOW the WT Society entrapped them- thus as you mention a good number go back to the org. I agree with you that power hungry men will keeep this organization going for the $$$$$ benefit to the WT higher ups, but like you mention more and more people ARE leaving - we can only hope more will leave as time goes on. Take care , hope you are doing well

  • FL_Panthers

    There is no such thing as mind control in the JW lifestyle.

    If mind control is about protecting ourselves from the negative spirit of this world, then who are we to say no thanks?

  • snare&racket


    What you can read, watch, listen to, hear, wear, enjoy, believe, hope for, want, do....

    Who you can love, see, talk, hear, associate, play, laugh, cry, share life with....

    just some of the things the 8 men in Brooklyn dictate to you as a JW. If you don't think tht is control, go enjoy it, i had it for 25 years, the 7+ years of freedom I have enjoyed don't compare to those years in chains.


  • flipper

    FL_PANTHERS- You state that there is " no such thing as mind control in the JW lifestyle ". I disagree with you. Answer me this : Would you be able to exit the JW religion right here, right now without suffering negative repercussions or shunning from your fellow JW brothers or sisters ? What if you had doubts and wanted to stop attending ? Would you be looked down on ? If YOU do not have the locus of control to say whether or not you can stop attending meetings without suffering negative treatment just because you want to stop- you are being controlled by the WT Society and it's version of what is best or not best for you. In many other religions a person can stop attending and still maintain friendships with former church members. You are not allowed to do that in high control organizations like JW's, Scientology, or Mormons. Think about it.

    SNARE & RACKET- You are correct- EVERY aspect of Jehovah's Witnesses lives are controlled by the leaders of the WT Society and their rules and regulations. I've been out almost 11 years and I'll never be abused like that again. no thanks. I'm very happy as well

  • MaximusGman


    Yes I am into Jesus, God and Holy Spirit. But I am not into any religions.

    In fact Jesus hates religion as He rightly condemned "religious people" for being nice outwardly and rotten from the inside.

    You belive in your self? Very good. How long man can stay mucho or hero? until he is 50 year old? maybe 80? (i doubt). What if you get sick, or car accident?? Who are you going to trust and rely up on? What is going to happend to you when you die? If you belive in yoursef only, oblivion?? Not a pretty picture. is it?

    thank you,


  • flipper

    MAXIMUS GMAN- I respect your right to believe any way you desire to believe. If you are into God, Jesus, and the holy spirit - good for you, I'm glad that's working for you and you are happy. It's just that I subscribe to a different belief of being agnostic and not believing in the Bible- which is O.K. as well.

    Yes, I believe in myself. How long will I live ? I don't know. Nobody does. I may live to 60 or 80, I may live to 100 . What if I get sick or in a car accident ? Then I get sick and in a car accident. Random things happen in life, some things you can't predict or control. I would rely on my loved ones and immediate family and friends if those things happen to me though. And doctors- of course, medical treatment. What's going to happen to me when I die ? I don't know. Neither do you. Have you ever died ? Then you don't know like I don't know. I really don't sit around and worry about it. I'll find out when that happens I guess, we all will. If I believe in myself I am in oblivion ? LOL. I don't know- I think I'm a pretty REAL person last time I checked, if I pinch myself it hurts- I'm not in oblivion. Bottom line is THIS life right now is REAL. All we have is the here and now to make the best of life. Tomorrow isn't here yet, the past is gone cannot undo the past- but we have the here and now and that's my philosophy of how I live my life trying to make changes for the better as each day occurs. O.K. end of my humanistic rant. Have a good day. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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