The best REMAKE of all times....

by LDH 63 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Hmmm

    BoozeRunner, I thought George Benson was the original writer of that song.

    Flower, I agree. Luther's version was kind of flat.

    The other song you're looking for is Killing Me Softly With His Song, by Roberta Flak

  • BoozeRunner

    see my next post.

    edited due to research

  • Seeker4

    Have to agree with this one:

    Original artist: Bob Dylan
    Song: All Along the Watchtower
    Remake: Hendrix - So good most people think it's Jimi's song.

    Dedalus - I'm impressed that you know JJ Cale. I have a magazine profile coming out soon (this Sunday, I think) on his harmonica player, Jimmy Gordon. Jimmy played the Carnegie Hall show with Cale, among many others.


  • bchapp

    original artist: Marvin Gaye
    remake artist: Aretha Franklin
    remake artist: Credence Clearwater Revival
    song: I heard it through the grapevine

    "If the truth hurts most of us so badly that we don't want it told,
    it hurts even more grievously those who dare to tell it." (Judge Ben Lindsey, 1869-1943)

  • Cowboy

    original-Jimi Hendrix
    remake-Stevie Ray Vaughn
    song-Little Wing

    Nuff Said,

    I'm the apostate your,uh... watchtower...warned you about!

  • Cassiline

    Original artist: Five Man Electrical Band
    Song: SIGNS
    Remake artist:Tesla


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • BoozeRunner

    ON BROADWAY was done by the DRIFTERS in the early sixties prior to George Benson's jazz version in the 70's.

    Also, here is another good remake:
    Now That We Found Love
    Original artist-The Ojays
    Best remake-Third World


  • ConnieLynn

    One of my all time favorites:

    Original artist: Rolling Stones
    Song: Wild Horses
    Remake artist:Divinyls

    (Divinyls did that "Touch myself" song too!)

  • LDH

    Boozy, Heavy-D also did a remake of 'Now that we found love...'

    Funky, I love Bowie and Nirvana, but haven't heard that song. How'd that happen?!?!?

    Agreeing also that Hendrix virtually rendered Dylan's version of Watchtower useless.....

    Original Artist: Dolly Parton

    Remake Artist: Whitney Houston

    Song Title: I will always love you

    I tend to like remakes which are a substantial bit different from the original.

    PS. if you have a teenager, click on this link. You will surprise your kids by perhaps most of the original music the teenybopper artists are remaking...

  • Joyzabel

    Original artist: Diana Ross

    Song: I Will Survive

    Remake artist: Cake

    I luv the bass in the remake version.


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