My Window Cleaner

by happy@last 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Call him to come pick up his last payment in person . Then explain to him why you no longer need his services (because he shunned you in public ) . I see no need to be rude ,but he needs to get the full force of how his behavior effects his business.

  • steve2

    It is unwise to mistreat your customers. He mistreated you. The power is in your hands: Have it out with him or sack him or both.

  • Pubsinger

    If he decides to 'sack' you he'll feel good. Don't give him the opportunity. Tell him you are sacking him and not paying him because you were not satisfied. Trust me, that will p*ss him off good and proper. Ya can't reason with these people.


    How can someone with a conscience shun a person face to face and then the very next day go to their house and ask for money?


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  • Vidiot

    happy@last - "How can someone with a conscience shun a person face to face and then the very next day go to their house and ask for money?"

    Trick question; the answer is, "he can't".

  • humbled

    I would ask him how he squares his scruples--

    If you (happy@last) are so vile that he will not talk to you, how is it he does business with you?

    I knew an elder who prided himself on refusing to do work for a church that tried to hire his plumbing services. We weren't even to go to the Salvation Army thrift store as it supported false religion.

    So he finds no conflict in taking payment from a person so reprehensible that he will not talk to you? Just how does he figure this?

  • humbled

    (Sorry foe double posts)

  • AlphaMan

    I haven't seen him or spoken to him in years.


    I guess it is possible that they didn't recognize you. Do you know they recognized you?


    They completely shun me, however the next day I get home and find a card through the door saying he has cleaned the windows and can I pay him!!


    Are you DF'd or DA'd? If you are sure it was a shun......don't pay him! The fact that he would shun you, then have the nerve to show up at your house to make mony from you is unacceptable. Tell him as far as you are concerned his shunning terminated him from your window cleaning agreement. Make sure he knows he is fired over unacceptable behavior that you will not tolerate. JW's think people have to play by their cult rules and take it. This is your opportunity to take charge of the situation.

  • keynumber

    I was df'd at the time...working for a construction company....and there happened to be a JW working with all of us..Of course he never crossed my path, 'oh well". he never sat with any of the crew, he ate alone reading his 'magazines...he had a nice haircut, looked not like the general look of construction workers. stood out....well some time later he was talking and sitting with one of the 'guys'....I just in conversation, him of course not knowing my df'd position as an xjw asked "see you 2 are pretty chumy, what gives?" well the guy told me he really can't stand him. he said "the other day this guy knocked on my door and started to preach to me, told him to get off my property." the worker mentioned " he's such a snot, acts one way at work and a chatter box at the door, and he (the jw)apologised the for how he was." now he sits with all us "godless heathens".

    I can respect to some degree how he ports himself, but I'm sure after that incident he learned something about opening doors.

  • happy@last

    I'm DA'd, and yes he recognised me, we've known each other since the late 1980's.

    I'm not going to pay and wait for some sort of contact. And he's sacked!

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