My Window Cleaner

by happy@last 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whathappened

    Take your time in giving him his money...when he calls or comes by asking for it, engage him in a little "friendly" conversation about JW life, teachings, etc.

  • steve2

    Money talks, manners don't.

  • pontoon

    Get a check right out to him and include a note about a big easy money window job you need done with a call me ASAP. When he calls (he will) don't talk to him.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Just my 2 cents worth, but if you had a standing agreement that he could clean the windows whenever it was needed and he performed the service, then I think you owe him the money. But... if he came by and cleaned the windows on his own without a prior arrangement, you owe him nothing. If they actually needed cleaning and he did a good job, then you may want to pay him anyway out of a sense of fairness and to show him that "apostates" are not "evil." But there would absolutley be nothing wrong with your "canning" him because of his attitude towards you. You don't have to do business with anyone who disdains or disrespects you personally.

  • AlphaMan

    Don't pay him.

    Let him know that once he made it clear he was shunning you, then he should have known he was not welcome at your house, therefore he came and cleaned your windows for nothing. His rude behavior should be payment enough.

    Tell him your money is shunning him!

  • problemaddict

    If you owe him. Just be done with it.

    Perhaps a small letter with his final check and the following note?

    Dear window guy,

    I must say, it was very disappointing for me to be publicly shunned by you and your wife, and then be called on for payment not 12 hours later. It was a classless way to act at best. If you cannot bring yourself to act with common human decency, there is no reason for me to continue to trust you with the care of any part of my home. This will be your final payment for services.

    I would like to emplore you to reconsider your actions. no doubt you beleive them to be Christian for some reason. Perhaps reconsider the scriptures you are using to engage in such un Christ-like behavior in the context they were intended, rather than the filter of someone elses thoughts and opinions. I have shared this story with others, and it is clear that nobody sees the love and Christianity in such behavior INSTINCTIVELY.

    I wish you well, in your personal endeavors. Know this. I will not shun you in public, no matter what you do. (click on disfellowshipping and shunning)

    Just a thought. What a jerk. Hopefully you don't live in Virginia.....I know a window brother out there.

  • LisaRose

    Well, it is consistent with their teachings that he can only talk to you in the course of doing business. But of course you are not obligated to give your business to someone who will not talk to you unless it is to take your money. I am sure Jehovah will provide by giving him a new, JW acceptable, customer.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Please pay him. Don't be as petty as he is. Give him a call and tell him you want to pay him in person. Hand him the money, fire him and explain to him that his actions have consequences.

  • Hortensia

    I agree, pay him for the job. Then tell he his services are no longer required. If he asks why, just say "piss off."

  • SafeAtHome

    Yes, what problemaddict said. You owe him for services rendered, but let that be the last time.

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