One of the big reasons I left the JW Cult

by Still Totally ADD 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS


    Great point. Cults eat their own, and the JWs are the best at it. Like you I never understood why they would recruit people only to mark them, not associate with or assist them simply because they didn't turn in enough hours preaching or didn't attend all of the meetings or do all of the other nauseating things Dubs do. This OP is a perfect example of how unloving, hate filled the Borg actually is. This experience is COMMON. Lurkers, current JWs, this behavior is disgusting. Organizations look like their leaders, whether it is a country, state, political, social, business or relgious organization or a sports team.

    The rank in file act the way they act because of the leadership. If that changed the behavior of the rank in file would change.

  • whathappened

    Why am I not shocked and surprised by this account??? Oh, yes, I am familiar with Jehovah's loving organisation.

  • SAHS

    “Still Totally ADD”: Sorry to hear about your loss, and also for the cold and harrowing ordeal you had to go through in your treatment by the JWs (the one and only true religion, don’t you know!).

    If the gentleman who passed away had been someone in a notable position in the WT hierarchy, such as a presiding overseer, circuit overseer, district overseer, or top-ranking lawyer in the WT legal department, then you can bet your boots and saddle that the “loving” organization (corporation) would have made a fuss over him, spreading the news, donating flowers, and having a very professional funeral program composed and run on a press, complete with a four-color photograph. But us simple rank-and-file folk are just considered the PaperMate, Kraft Dinner, Polaroid, Volkswagen/Hyundai brands of the WT organization’s corporate machine. And those of us who no longer have any real “use” to the corporation are just easily forgotten and thrown by the wayside. It truly is like a pecking order among wolves.

  • AudeSapere

    Apogno wrote: and since death is temporary to them, they don't think that a death needs to be mourned -- when it's of someone they don't know, anyway. Of course if it was their own loved one, they would feel quite differently.

    Even then, hard core witnesses may not mourn family. My hard-core JW mother did not attend her own mother's funeral. She did not see the need to travel cross-country. I was the only one of my immediate family who attended.


  • blondie

    I have had similar experiences that finally made me leave...I once used this scripture to gauge 2 elders real motives, who felt that giving public talks, being on the RBC, and juding others were what Jesus would do. They got the point but were not happy. Good for you and everyone who put love for others ahead of love for self.

    (Matthew 12:9-17) 9 After departing from that place he went into their synagogue; 10 and, look! a man with a withered hand! So they asked him, “Is it lawful to cure on the sabbath?” that they might get an accusation against him. 11 He said to them: “Who will be the man among YOU that has one sheep and, if this falls into a pit on the sabbath, will not get hold of it and lift it out? 12 All considered, of how much more worth is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do a fine thing on the sabbath.” 13 Then he said to the man: “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and it was restored sound like the other hand. 14 But the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him that they might destroy him.

  • JWdaughter

    I'm glad that man had such loving people take care of him. I saw the same when my dad passed. He had done much good for many people. No JWs to support my mom. When she was very ill, I couldn't get a JW to come by and bring her the latest mags (she was far from home when she took ill). The other times she was in hospital,they only visitied to ensure that she didn't take blood. They were (some ) nice chaplain type visitors at the Catholic hospital that were JWs though and said they would come again. They didn't, but they weren't totally cold like someof the committee guys.

    I dont get it. My mom has friends from the hall that she sees regularly. I'm not sure how this whole mentality works, but even active, they blew her off.

  • CWstudy

    I'm so sorry for your loss. What you and your wife did was very kind. I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that you were both able to be with your loved until the end and give him much needed comfort at the end of his life.

    The WTS and its followers have a single focus and that's doing the biding of the FDS. When you are brainwashed, as they all are though most don't realize it, at some point you become void with little human compassion remaining.

    I have witnessed this first hand as I watched my grandmother, a devoted JW for more than 50 years; waste away in a nursing home with barely a visit from even one of her JW brothers and sisters.

    Once you are free of the cult you can see all of this. You realize that this organization has nothing at all to do with Christianity. To be a true Christian means to be Christ like and there is nothing even remotely Christ like about how these people behave and how they treat others.

  • FrankieGoesToHollywood

    Governing Body Paradise Earth.

    North Korean Paradise earth

    Yes, propaganda works both ways.

  • KateWild

    Thanks for sharing your experience. So sad but the love you showed was an example. I too helped out someone with MS for a period of time. The family has never forgot my support.

    I think people feel awkward around MS sufferers and can't communicate with them. It's a difficult task to be there for someone deteriorating like that.

    Kate xx

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    The true hero in this story was my wife. She devoted 15 years of her life in taking care of him and learning all the medical things he needed. Because he was a veteran the VA came in and trained my wife for what he needed. They gave my wife Two rewards for what she did. Even the SE head of the VA came to our house as an example of what a good home care unit looked like. I did what she asked of me. I remember it took months to get over the Beeping sound of the breathing machine he was on. You see when it was not working right it would give off a beeping sound. There was many of nights it would wake us up serveral times to take care of it. It was one of those things that just gets in your head and takes time to get over. Thank you all for your comments. Still Totally ADD

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