Has a critical mass of exJWs been reached?

by truthseeker 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

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  • AlphaMan

    @alphaman... please do the math, the vast majority cant be kids.

    I call bullshit on anything the Watchtower publishes about it's grow. I was in the cult long enough to know how the scam worked. Most studies were JW children and nowdays that study is counted twice. People who once were not even counted can be counted with as little as 15 minutes on those stupid "time reports". Rarely did any KH in the circuit have newly interested ones. This was back in 1995 when the bat-shit crazy religion could still halfway explain the beliefs.

    Now.....the internet has exposed the Watchtower Society as being a cult, which has helped many wake up and escape. Reports around the world are that congregations have no growth and newly baptised ones that are not a born-in is a very rare thing. The whole WT numbers thing is a scam to still give the illusion of growth.

    Seriously ask yourself......how many fools out there actually think it's a good idea to study with and join the Jehovah Witness cult?

  • Vidiot

    Phizzy - "In the U.S even the Amish expect to double in number in the next ten years!"

    That's 'cause when you f**k like bunnies and don't use birth control, you end up with big families.

  • emeth

    @alphaman dream on .. keep repeating your own fairytales. In answer to your last question i can answer.. several hundreds of thousands a year


    500,000 Bible studies that are made up unbaptized children in the home and the paultry excuse for a door-step study. More 3rd world countries where multiple children is the norm = increased Bible WT "studies" where nothing of consequence is studied.

    WTBTS statistics are...

    Member: emeth

    Joined: 4 months ago

    Location: Lamesville

    Year of Birth: unknown, but the lamest year ever.

    Biography: Uber-lame JW apologist. Likes long walks with other dudes, and talking about pandas. Hobbies: pushing literature trolleys and being lame. Defending lame WT statistics and being generally ignored on forums. Photo-shopping pictures of field service with Sam Herd.


  • Theredeemer

    Its all about cash flow. As long as people believe there will be cash flow. A trickle of cash flow is better than nothing. The Org is now almost completely dependent on born ins. Hence, they are pushing young ones to get baptized. Thier sell offs and cutbacks are evidence that the cash flow is down to a trickle and that the preaching work is dwindleling. Born-ins more than likely make up the majority of the new publishers which is ironic since Witnesses shouldnt really be having kids this close to the end. Many born ins however will have a tough time since 1.) College is discouraged 2.) Thier parents will probably depend on them as they age since there was no plans for old age or retirement 3.) Work is becoming increasingly competitive. This will create a very hard life. The answer for a hard life : paradise earth.

    This and guilt is what will keep the Org in control. How long is the question.

  • emeth

    @DD talk to you all in 10 years from now.. incase this forum is still up. Anyway JW's will still be there at that time.

  • metatron

    Jehovah's Witnesses still around in 10 years? Sure - except.........

    Will they be Jehovah's Witnesses OR "Jehovah's Witnesses"?

    Since my point is overlooked, I'll be more explicit. The Witness of today is NOT the Witness of yesterday. Pioneering has been derated. Contributions are often pathetic. Men aren't reaching out - like they used to do. Witnesses are widely dependent on anti-depressants ( and soon, marijuana). The WTS CAN'T come down hard on downloading porn or they would decapitate the organization.

    There will be "Jehovah's Witnesses" in the future. And more and more, they will be similar to Catholics ( or should I say "Catholics"?)

    This is the Governing Bodies dilemma. More "Witnesses" that are worth less and less in every respect.



    @DD talk to you all in 10 years from now.. incase this forum is still up. Anyway JW's will still be there at that time......emeth

    The WBT$ won`t be Gone until Mommy WatchTower..

    ........Has taken the Last Dime,from the Last JW..


    ..................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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