Do you think not having the book study in private homes has had much effect?

by truthseeker 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    It's been a few years since the organization ended the book study arrangement in private homes.

    Gone was the last opportunity to have tea and biscuits and a natter with the friends afterwards.

    Do you think people regret losing the book study? For some, it may have been the only time they were able to get some "associaton"

  • DesirousOfChange

    Do you think people regret losing the book study?

    No. Nada. Not a chance.

    They're all glad to have the night "off".


  • truthseeker

    You're probably right there.

    I supposed I was thinking more of the older ones who don't get out much. For them, the book study was the only place to have some social life.

  • Apognophos

    I'm not a very social person, and I really value my free time, so the extra night means a lot to me. Yet, strangely, I do miss the Book Study! I suppose it depends on the kind of people who were assigned to the same home as you. Our meetings were quite cozy. I do feel that it cuts back on the overall warmth in the congregation to not have that weekly association on a more intimate level. I also miss the opportunity to wear sweaters.

  • JustVisting

    The end of the book study meant the end of "goodie night".

  • villagegirl

    I remember how avidly and intensely I studied the Babylon Book

    and now I realize how ironic it is that the statements about "the waters

    drying up" was to shortly be "people abandoning the Churches of Christendom."

    And then the nations were supposed to turn on orgainzed religion.

    Instead what happened was the local churches in my home town over thirty years,

    all increased into huge churches, while the Kingdom Halls were being sold off

    and numbers of witnesses dwindled as the Evangelicals built a huge thousand seat

    church and the Catholic church was ever packed it spite of its troubles. While the

    Kingdom Hall had a handful of hangers on, 15 or 16 people for a Sunday Watchtower.

  • sir82

    People are definitely happier to have the extra night.

    On the other hand, the loss of the home book study has contributed significantly to the growing coldness and joylessness of the organization. With every passing year, being a JW is less like being part of a loving Christian family and more like toiling in a dreary job with no hope of advancement.

  • watson

    As an organization, I think it was one of the worst moves the have made.

  • SecretHeart11

    My view is a little different from above. I was certainly happy to have another night for myself, but that was my "favourite" meeting. It's a much more relaxed and yes, tea / coffee nights were nice. It has DEFINITLY made people less social, more stand-offish and more apathetic as far as treating others as human beings. You can't get to know people as well. I think it was a big mistake as far as being loving Christians, but I'm sure it's made control easier. They're moving to more controlled material wth every organizational change. They don't want discussion like they used to!

  • sarahsmile

    I been out a long time, and I think WT screwed up. They could have done away with the Theocratic school or did they! Lol

    The two hour one was so tough to attend! Brutal.

    Ekks Villagegirl, Babylon The Great book! How could any young person understand it. I read it again about ten years ago just cannot figuemre out why we studied three times! Why people did not walk out because of that book. Rutherford thought God Kingdom on earth was going to fold because his time in jail.

    I enjoyed before and after meetings. That was what about 30 minutes of social time!

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