Jehovah's Witnesses Street recruiting thwarted by "Apostates"

by Watchtower-Free 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlphaMan

    I like this couple. I have no problem at all with anyone feeling like they want to confront JW's in public. You are not controlled by the Watchtower any longer, and do not have to play nice with this cult that has destroyed many people & families with their dysfunctional teachings.

    I would not call them brother or talk about loving them. I would not use the bible or scripture. I would just talk about the bat-shit crazy teachings, the changed beliefs, the hypocrisy, the scandals, and the fact that it is a cult.

  • Shanagirl

    This couple talks too much!!!


  • Vidiot

    hirataka - "And as a deisfellowshipped ex-witness I would not direct anyone to the six screens of the watchtower site. #1. Rick Ferron is a nut and 2. it's such a scary badly produced site that doesn't make a lot of sense."

    You said it.

    Rick Fearon is the XJW equivalent of Alex Jones and SixScreens is its PrisonPlanet.

    I always scratch my head when a more reputable XJW appears on that guy's website.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    Of course grass roots efforts make a difference. As Martin Luther King Said. Keep moving. Don't ever stop moving. Run if you can. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk then crawl. But above all keep moving.

  • Vidiot

    WhoYourDaddy - "...grass roots efforts make a difference."

    Sometimes I think they're the only efforts that make a difference.

    I'm not at all convinced that any kind of organized campaign will bring down the WTS; it's JWs fading or DAing one at a time that, IMO, impacts the Org far more effectively in the long run.

  • Aurelius

    Sorry, I know this is off subject... did you notice that the JW has a full beard, an elder at that!!!

  • Vidiot

    Maybe it's somewhere in Europe; I hear they're a little more relaxed about that over there.

  • Emery

    I respect the efforts but I feel it was very aggressive and untactful. Witnesses don't repond well to be being told how they are wrong, they discover it by being asked questions that lead to irreconcilable answers.

  • AlphaMan

    When you see the videos on what this couple went through in the JW religion, and how they were treated by the JW's you will understand more why they did this.

  • jambon1

    I'm sorry but the couple look like a pair of psychopaths.

    Approaching the issues in this manner is very provocative and self defeating.

    Also, the commentary on the film in their house is dreadful. The two of them look mentally ill and obsessed.

    Perhaps one day they'll realise that they're doing themselves a disservice.

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