Is this proof that JWs are false prophets?

by Comatose 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kaik

    The Time is at the Hand was published the first time in 1889 (125 years ago!). This is long time at the the hand and five six generation away. Nobody is alive from that generation. WT and JW are false prophets for anyone who read the WT publication from May 15, 1984. I remember it on the studies and remember these who said that were part of that generation. Every single person I knew from that generation is dead. Nuf said.

    CGuy, it was published in May not in March 1984.

  • Vidiot

    Island Man - "The organization tries to extricate itself from being labeled a false prophet on the grounds that it did not say literally and explicitly 'these are the words of Jehovah' or that they're giving the predictions 'in the name of Jehovah'."

    Splitting hairs.

    Whether one uses the "prophet" label or not is irrelevent; if an individual or group has a track record of consistent failed predictions, they are fundamentally unreliable and their ideology - no matter how right it may or may not be in other matters - is moot.

  • galaxie

    Notice at the end of the statement in the awake they also say"at times it has been necessary as understanding became clearer

    to CORRECT views" .Is not to "CORRECT" to be free from error/true. Why then have they changed their views even after corrections? F.D.S being an example among many others!!!

    What a hypocritical bunch of F D S (FALSE DELUSIONED SICKOS)

  • Brainfloss
  • pixel

    "We didn't say 'these are the words of Jehovah'"

    And the religion calls itself Jehovah's Witnesses???? Why would you be a witness if you don't speak in the name of the person you are witnessing about??? Oh, I get it. Double-speak!!!

  • Finkelstein

    To be more exacting to what the WTS. is and has been would be a true definition of Charlatanism.

    Commercialized false prophets who exploited the belief in the bible to attract attention toward its

    own published goods and to circumvent their own power and controlling position over humanity.

    These expressed endeavors have unfortunately created surmountable damage upon a segment of humanity,

    stemming from this pretentious religious publishing house.


    Obtainable power in men's minds can create their own self induced corruption if that power sourse stems from

    human ignorance and can cause a detrimental folly for people who were willing to place themselves under that

    purposed and perceaved power.

  • Apognophos

    And the religion calls itself Jehovah's Witnesses???? Why would you be a witness if you don't speak in the name of the person you are witnessing about??? Oh, I get it. Double-speak!!!

    Thank you, pixel. It's not necessary to find obscure quotes from the literature to prove that the JWs represent themselves as prophets. Their very name makes the claim that they are a mouthpiece for God.

  • Emery
  • bennyk

    Important(!) In the earlier post, I incorrectly stated the month (sorry!); the following is correct:

    Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: "This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur." (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment of his Son's words in a relatively short time." (Watchtower 15. MAY 1984, p. 6 [brackets theirs!])

  • Ucantnome

    no i don't think it is.

    there was a woman i saw on the tv the other nite who remembers the Zeppelins bombing and they changed the generation to be one overlapping generation

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