Jehovah's Witnesses Say They Are The Most Educated In The World. How Would You Prove Otherwise?

by minimus 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    My kids both learned to read at 4 years old, without the aid of Watchtower publications. Everyone's brain develops differently. Are they receiving less of an education, without reading the WT magazines? YES! Their education is inferior, by JW standards.

    IQ and academic tendencies will vary, inside and outside the organization. Simply focusing all of your energy and time on learning one specific skill, will limit you in other areas of your development. Take a genius and indoctrinate him into the society, and he will just be a well-spoken robot... which is the goal of the "education" you receive in the ministry school.

    All JW's are studying at Watchtower U, and all study the same subject: Field Service.

    All true servants of Jehovah ('s organization) share the same goals: Serve the Organization & Vindicate Jehovah's Name.

    Their "education" level is measured and recognized by their degree earned at WTU: Publisher, Pioneer, Ministerial Servant, Overseer, etc...

    Intelligence and education are not the same thing. There are many intelligent people being manipulated by this high-control society. They believe what they say about themselves. Since their goals are to serve the society and earn Degrees in Service, they are correct. Their education is far more valuable than any college degree.

    If you are going to measure by worldly standards, you will come to a different conclusion.

    Truth is relative to the situation.

    Once programmed sufficiently, after years of schooling at WTU, I think most JWs who actually pay attention in class are going to sound educated to those who are still sitting there listening to them talk.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    In defence of this long post...SOME jehovers witnesses say they are the most educated..most dont even think that.

  • Oubliette

    That fact that they would even assert this in light of the facts only proves how uneducated they really are!

  • TTATTelder

    That statement ("most educated") from the GB is simply indocrination.


    If they tell the peeps that, then they won't feel the need to get any outside education.

  • Oubliette

    Ask them their understanding of the importance of critical thinking skills and how the apply them to their own personal beliefs.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    Did you hear the one about the fetus that transfers STEM cells to the brains of the pregnant moms. OR the one about FETUS transfering DNA to help the mom's fight illness; i.e. The fetus taking care of the pregnant mom. Now that's great stuff. I'm sure all JW's intimately understand that stuff.

    Now for extra credit please compare and contrast 4 different types of chronic and acute leukemia with documentation regarding treatment outcomes.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Oubliette...with respect do you think the average J.W has worse critical thinking skills than the average non witness?

    I dont.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    If you don't use it, you lose it.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    I'd like to know where they get that tidbit of info....oh, yeah. From their own writing department. Duh!

  • DesirousOfChange


    That's why the GB seeks out those who have the best theocratic education when they need surgery or medical advice.

    Just like at the RBC, a man's spiritual qualifications are more important than his construction skills. You can teach construction skills.

    Same way when they need surgery. A man's spiritual qualifications are more imporant than his skills as a surgeon.


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