
by evilone 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    Yeah - why bother? It sounds like you've done the perfect fade. Don't bother kicking a sleeping dog.

  • AlphaMan

    Just continue to fade for now. See if you actually get any phone calls or visits. I suppose if they did phone you could claim you are not you and that you just got issued that new phone number so don't call you anymore, or you could refuse to answer the door if they show up at your house. In a large KH that you rarely attended, there is a good chance the elders probably wouldn't recognize you outside of meeting clothes.

    I've gone from elder to over 18 year sucessful fade. Was faded for 12 years in my area before moving away. Now, I'm so far away and removed from them that I doubt seriously they would act on anything they possibly heard. I do however understand the principle of wanting to formally DA from this evil cult. I have a personal vow that if the JW's ever somehow contact me to get into my personal business that I will give them the harshest ass chewing they ever had while exposing their false cult for what it truely is.

    As far as I'm concerned the JW's can let sleeping dogs lay and remember me for all the good I did when in, or I double dog dare them to somehow call me up and pry into my current life.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You have disassociated yourself by simply not attending -- you are no longer associated.

    There. Feel better?

    Their "formal" DA is bullshit. It's their rules.

    You've successfully escaped, now get on with your life.

    You're spending too much time dwelling on the JW issue.

    Get outta here.


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Why would you blow the benefits of such a successful fade for a 'matter of principle'. The organisation has no principles so why honour them by playing by their rules?

  • ragnarok75

    You haven't signed any written documents that make you a jw.So why write any that you no longer are one?

    That't exactly what THEY want you to do,so they can label you.Don't give them that power.Play by your own rules,they HATE that because that's not

    obedience.And We all know obedience is their mantra.

  • evilone

    OK, advice taken, we won't disassociate.

    The problem is that our current cong has our new home address. When we were in our first apartment, the borg had the wrong address, but my mother-in-law gave them our correct address. We moved from the first apartment to a new location, all while changing congs and for a time neither our new cong or our old cong knew where we were living. However the borg found us again theough the help of our former landlady. Our first apartment a small multi-unit building and the owners lived in one of the units. When the KGB came knocking the landlandy, who is a very nice person, was so kind to give them our new address and my cell phone number (meaning my REAL phone number that I use for work). Being contacted by these people is irritating, and I just want it to be over. Its clear to me now that disassociation is not a viable oprion, but I am just trying to find a way to be left alone.

  • AlphaMan

    ......I am just trying to find a way to be left alone.

    There's always these two options.

    1. If they contact you, tell them you have not been around because you are depressed over money problems, then ask them for an interest free loan.

    2. If that doesn't work.......fake demon possession.

  • evilone

    There's always these two options.

    1. If they contact you, tell them you have not been around because you are depressed over money problems, then ask them for an interest free loan.

    2. If that doesn't work.......fake demon possession.

    Maybe another option woud be to move further away. When does human colonization of Mars begin?

  • rebel8

    You have other options.

    It sure would be nice to formally disassociate both because we would no longer have to wonder if someone might try to visit us or contact us in some other way in an attempt to bring us “back to Jehovah.”

    No trespassing letter, using the verbiage from your state law, including the fact that you will place them under citizen's arrest if they violate it. Send by registered/certified mail/delivery confirmation. Hang No Trespassing signs up.

    Also we would both like to disassociate as a matter of principle, but just without the family fallout.

    A matter of principle would be to stop respecting their authority, following their rules, and helping them have the satisfaction of knowing they control you and your relationship with the in-crowd.


    If you need closure, you can do a termination ceremony of your own.


  • rebel8

    OK now I noticed your last post.

    You can block email addresses and texts. Do that.

    Return mail unopened. Write, "return to sender, refused" and put it back in the mailbox.

    Can you block certain phone #s from coming through on your phone? If not, answer like Mrs. Swan from Mad TV.

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