Did Satan prove God wrong? a possible bibical flaw

by Leander 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • cellomould

    Okay, I have two jewels of insight...
    ...one about David's sin and one about Job and his wife.

    In both cases, people are getting stuck on the common inferences. If you toss away the inferred meanings, the following things pop out at you:

    (1) The child of David and Bathsheeba died. This, however, would not have been uncommon in their time. Remember, they lived, oh, almost 3000 years ago. The survival rate for infants was probably 50%, I am guessing. But we know it was low.

    So did God kill the baby or did David's conscience start to bother him when the child died?

    Not every event, even the calamitous, is a sign from God.

    (2) This one is interesting....the bible doesn't say that Job's wife ridiculed him! Read the passage carefully.

    She questions him about his integrity. But it is unfair to say that she did this out of anger or a lack or compassion.

    No, I offer that she actually said this out of true compassion. More like 'Job, you are suffering...what use is it to keep praising God? If you curse him perhaps he will end your misery.'


    "You're crying 'why am I the victim?' when the culprit is YOU" Stevie Wonder

  • AGuest

    Dearest FunkyD... may you have peace!

    You ask:

    Are we supposed to thank your god because now, instead of murdering innocent people to satisfy some law, he will merely murder those who don't have faith in him?
    First, let me say that you are not SUPPOSED to do anything for "my" God... that you don't WANT to do. That is one major difference between the Law covenant... and the New Covenant. And even if you ACTED like you wanted to do something (which a lot of folks do), the truth of your heart is not hidden from Him so that if you didn't REALLY want to do it, He's knows that, too. I give you Ananias and Sapphira.

    Second, yes, my Father dealt David's child a blow, but He didn't murder him. Murder, dear one is premeditated... plotted for some evil purpose. David... committed murder. If what you believe is correct, then everyone who has ever engaged in war, condemned someone to death, signed a death warrant, or pulled the switch, yada, yada, yada... is a murderer.

    Third, nope, He won't murder those who don't put faith in Him. Initially, He will simply let them be cut off from life. And then, when they think they are, what, mightier than Him? so that they come against His holy city so as to lay siege to what lies inside it, the Tree of Life, so as to eat and live forever... well, yeah, He's gonna kill them. Why? Because He CAN'T let such ones live forever... for the sake of the righteous. I mean, sure, it seems to most of mankind that He's been pretty silent for the past few thousand years, but eventually He will... ummmm... speak.

    Killing his child of course. Perhaps that's why your god thought it was the most appropriate punishment.
    My Father does not want ANY to die. I find it SO 'interesting' that folks are more angry at God, than at David... but, ah well. I also find this interesting:

    1. Either God does not exist, and so could not/did not kill the child... and yet is blamed; or

    2. He does and did, and yet puny earthling man deigns to stand up and challenge Him... as if they can and will get away safe for doing so.

    Know what I think? I think that like Pharaoh and Goliath, earthling man always thinks he can stand up and say, "Well, I don't LIKE what you did, God", or "Who is this Jah; I don't know any Jah,"... because lightening DOESN'T come down out of heaven and strike them dead for doing so, etc. Puny earthling man, always standing up and challenging God. Well, if He doesn't exist, tell me, please, what is the point? And if He DOES... do you REALLY think He will let you "check His hand" indefinitely? He that did not spare the life of an infant? Do you REALLY want to be like Pharaoh, Goliath and many others who thought that THEY'RE challenges would go unanswered, only to find themselves being the ones in the wrong?

    Sigh! Earthling man... puny earthling man... can't save his brother... can't even save himself... and yet STILL thinks he can decide for God what is 'righteous'... and what is not. Go figure.

    Fortunately, modern lawmakers are more humane,
    You can't be serious. What, you live all over the world?

    and realise that the purpose of punishment is not to hurt the wrongdoer as much as possible, but to protect society, compensate the victims and rehabilitate the wrongdoer if possible.
    And for what, perhaps the last 100 years or so? Yet, the 'law' of the sons paying for the sins of the father was changed by God almost 3 millenniums ago. And may I suggest that you take a course in Criminal Justice? For you are sadly mistaken. The ONLY reasons the laws have changed in the MODERN world (uh, do you remember slavery? Chain gangs?) is because too many INNOCENT PEOPLE (and usually THEIR people and not others) were being killed... and not necessarily 'accidentally'. (Oh, yeah, that's right... only God kills the 'innocent'...)

    If David was already an adulterer and murderer, what kind of punishment is killing the evidence of his adultery?
    Personally, I don't know. You would have to ask God. But my common sense says that if people treat "illegitmate" children as they do now... and particularly in this country (and even worse in other countries)... then 3,000 years ago it would have been the CHILD that would have suffered as a result of David's acts, simply by means of the self-righteous 'altitude' of Israel. Everyone would have known it was not Uriah's child; he had been away at war and then refused to sleep with Bathsheba. Folks knew she had been seeing David while Uriah was gone. Do you think they would say anything to or in front of the King? Bathsheba? Do people say anything to the parents of "illegitimate" children today? Or is it the child they taunt? Who, then, would have SUFFERED the most as a result of David's acts?

    To make parents pay for the actions of their children seems reasonable. Parents are responsible for the behaviour of their children.
    To a VERY large degree, yes. And that is a personal opinion we both share.

    The reverse, however, is not true.
    And I never implied it was.

    To punish a child for the actions of his/her parent is absolutely abhorrent.
    I absolutely agree, just as I believe punishing good parents for incorrible, just plain bad*ss children is abhorrent, too. I also believe war is abhorrent. I believe capital punishment is abhorrent. I believe that cutting up little animals in labs so that we can smell good and look "pretty" is abhorrent. But... I UNDERSTAND all of it, so that I am not above having somewhat abhorrent thoughts of my own.

    Sorry, FunkyD, but I am not 'righteous' or 'good'... and have never professed to be. I just tend to think that IF some parents thought their children would be held accountable they MIGHT think twice. I also have enough good sense to know that while indeed perhaps some would... some, perhaps most, still wouldn't.

    That's the trouble with getting your morality from an Iron Age war tribe.
    You are wrong here. I told you where I got my thoughts on this one: from working in the field that I do every day. I get my "morality" from my Lord, the SON of God... who has taught me to judge NONE, condemn NO ONE... and love ALL... even my enemies.

    We 'see' this one differently, FunkyD. Sorry. While I don't particularly care for what was done in David's case, I UNDERSTAND it. And I can neither judge David, nor check my Father's hand, for I, too, am a sinner. One of the foremost. And yet, I, too... have been shown mercy.

    My peace remains.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • raven101

    I think some of the original scriptures were in the library at Alexandria, they kept them in the fiction section.

    The human mind is an amazing and terrifying thing, you can justify anything, twist logic around to suit any purpose if you want to believe it enough. That much should be apparent to anyone. We all can have spiritual experiences and visions etc. if we seek them hard enough. The interesting thing is that if you are predisposed to some particular belief the vision you are granted will almost certainly be something you expect . . . i.e. buddhists see buddha, christians see christ (or the devil), people that believe in E.T's see aliens etc. etc. etc.

    We are ALL privy to the 'spiritual' world whatever that is. The problem arises when someone 'spiritually' focused and privy to a 'vision' starts writing about it and then DOESN'T STOP WHEN THEY SHOULD, they try to tie it into the society they live in and justify conditions there and in there own minds. Example, patriarchal societies always come up with 'god' given reasons for oppression of women, and the list goes on. The majority of everything you read that is supposedly holy scripture reflects the society it came from and the faults of the writers themselves as well. Ninety-nine percent of every 'holy' book is fiction.

    Does it ever occur to anybody to [i]think for themselves[i/]?!? Why do people think they are obliged to believe what
    [i/]somebody else tells them[i/] about the meaning of it all, just because millions of other people did? If you think that increases your chances of a theory being right just remember . . . it only takes ONE lemming to lead thousands of others off the cliff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I get my (exclamation) point across? What is more, what makes a person think that ONE person knows better than the ONE person they are?!? Here's a big hint . . . NO ONE DOES!!! But if someone is comfortable with stronger odds maybe a good thing would be to study up a bit on all belief systems and see if there is a common denominator. I have studied a bit and I have seen one common denominator and you know what that is? LOVE.


    Oh, and the golden rule, even wiccans and pagans witches metaphysists why, everyone I have read about whatsoever believe in the golden rule. If every one would just relax and look inside THEMSELVES in some quiet moment I believe they will feel the ultimate knowledge that 'everything is all right', theres nothing to worry about. IT WILL BE OKAY. Every day we wake up with one choice, we can choose to be happy or choose to be miserable and frightened. Cultivate happiness, shun fear. Get outside and smell the roses, look at how the sunlight shimmers through the trees in the late afternoon. Enjoy the earth, appreciate people with all their quirks. If we all would do that what kind of a world do you think this would be?


  • funkyderek
    First, let me say that you are not SUPPOSED to do anything for "my" God... that you don't WANT to do. That is one major difference between the Law covenant... and the New Covenant. And even if you ACTED like you wanted to do something (which a lot of folks do), the truth of your heart is not hidden from Him so that if you didn't REALLY want to do it, He's knows that, too. I give you Ananias and Sapphira.

    So I have complete free will, but if I don't behave in a certain way, I'll be destroyed. and even if I do kowtow to such blackmail, I'll still be destroyed for not doing so willingly? Can't you see how utterly amoral such a system is?

    1. Either God does not exist, and so could not/did not kill the child... and yet is blamed; or

    2. He does and did, and yet puny earthling man deigns to stand up and challenge Him... as if they can and will get away safe for doing so.

    I don't believe your god exists as you've probably gathered, but unfortunately his followers do. As one of them, you refuse to exercise independent thought when it comes to morality. Your way of determining right from wrong is simply to check what you think it says in the old book. The reason people criticise your god is so that if/when you eventually realise that he behaves like the god of a tribe of primitive goatherds, you'll realise that's all he is.

    And for what, perhaps the last 100 years or so? Yet, the 'law' of the sons paying for the sins of the father was changed by God almost 3 millenniums ago.
    It was instituted by him in the first place! And isn't he unchanging? And isn't he still punishing us for Adam and Eve's sin?

    The ONLY reasons the laws have changed in the MODERN world ... is because too many INNOCENT PEOPLE ... were being killed
    Exactly! Modern lawmakers consider human life to be valuable. Laws that devalued human life have been changed. Surely that's a good thing? Maybe some day your god will do the same.

    Personally, I don't know. You would have to ask God. But my common sense says that if people treat "illegitmate" children as they do now... and particularly in this country (and even worse in other countries)... then 3,000 years ago it would have been the CHILD that would have suffered as a result of David's acts, simply by means of the self-righteous 'altitude' of Israel. Everyone would have known it was not Uriah's child; he had been away at war and then refused to sleep with Bathsheba. Folks knew she had been seeing David while Uriah was gone. Do you think they would say anything to or in front of the King? Bathsheba? Do people say anything to the parents of "illegitimate" children today? Or is it the child they taunt? Who, then, would have SUFFERED the most as a result of David's acts?
    Are you serious? You think that killing a baby is better than having him go through life, occasionally being called a bastard? Please tell me I'm reading that wrong.

    Sorry, FunkyD, but I am not 'righteous' or 'good'... and have never professed to be. I just tend to think that IF some parents thought their children would be held accountable they MIGHT think twice. I also have enough good sense to know that while indeed perhaps some would... some, perhaps most, still wouldn't.
    You're right. It probably would work on a lot of people. If I was a parent and you threatened my children, I'd do anything you asked - if I was somehow incapable of tearing you limb from limb - but it would still be unjust. The ends do not justify the means.

    We 'see' this one differently, FunkyD. Sorry.
    The way I see it: something is wrong if and only if it violates someone's rights.
    The way (I think) you see it: Something is wrong if and only if your god says it is wrong.

    But if you pray all your sins are hooked upon the sky
    Pray and the heathen lie will disappear
    Prayers they hide the saddest view
    (Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
    -- David Bowie, Loving The Alien

  • AGuest
    So I have complete free will, but if I don't behave in a certain way, I'll be destroyed. and even if I do kowtow to such blackmail, I'll still be destroyed for not doing so willingly? Can't you see how utterly amoral such a system is?

    You've been lied to; misled. Have you not heard of Rahab, and by how she treated Israel saved herself AND her entire household? May I direct you to the words of my Lord that:

    "To the extent you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. Come, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world..."

    I don't believe your god exists as you've probably gathered,
    Then, how can you 'blame'? How can you be mad at a law or policy made by someone YOU don't even believe exists?

    but unfortunately His followers do. As one of them, you refuse to exercise independent thought when it comes to morality.
    Uh, I believe it was me that said parents should pay for children and vice versa, yes? Methinks that was ENTIRELY independent, for it is not the 'way' of my Lord. And look where such independent thoughts got me... 'debating' with you.

    Your way of determining right from wrong is simply to check what you think it says in the old book.
    You are in error. I don't put my faith in what is written, as many here will tell you. I put my faith in what I 'hear', spoken to me by my Lord. Did I say MY thinking was 'right'? Or did I not confess that it, too, can be abhorrent? Stay with me, here, FunkyD. Stay awake and pay attention. Read my words, please.

    The reason people criticise your god is so that if/when you eventually realise that he behaves like the god of a tribe of primitive goatherds, you'll realise that's all he is.
    The reason people criticize my Father is for the same reason people criticize everything else that they do:

    1. They don't like it/Him
    2. They don't know it/Him
    3. They don't understand it/Him

    I know a different 'person' than you do, FD. Sorry, but it's true. And since I have that privilege, I cannot simply stand by and let folks say what they wish, in a negative vein, without 'standing in the gap'. Let me give you an example:

    I am a black woman. Previously, I worked in low-income housing for quite some time. At one point, I worked with a white man, who I considered to be a friend. He WAS a friend. He had the 'privilege' of managing a low-income project that housed minorities, primarily black, Asian, and East Indian. Well, a black resident accused him of discrimination, there was a big bru-ha-ha forming over it, etc. One day, MY supervisor, who was a black man, and the HUD representative, who was a Philipino woman, came to one of my sites for a meeting. During that meeting, they proceeded to have a discussion about the white man, and how they needed to get him out of there because he was "prejudice". Did they know this man? Nope. The supervisor was new and had entertained the complaints of the residents. The HUD representative was 'tainted', having worked in the field for over 20 years and pretty much thought ALL white managers were racist. (Now, while she wasn't too far off, in THIS particular case, she was quite wrong!)

    Anyway, after sitting listening to them for a good 10 minutes, and weighing my 'options' (this was, after all, my supervisor and the HUD rep), I said to them, "Excuse me, but I have to speak. You two are entirely wrong... and out of line. [Roger] is NOT racist or prejudice. He has bent over BACKWARDS to help those people get what they ask for, and because he couldn't do what ONE resident asked, all of a sudden he's a bad guy. You've got the wrong one, and I am here to tell you that."

    Well, they looked at me with eyes popping and mouths agape. Why? BECAUSE I AM A BLACK WOMAN AND I WAS TAKING UP FOR A WHITE MAN!! Now just how does THAT work? I mean, don't we all have to 'stick together' against 'them'? My answer? No. We don't. I had worked with [Roger] for over two years... and I KNEW him and I KNEW what was going on. How did I know? BECAUSE WE TALKED... frequently. We would go to lunch and discuss our respective sites, and he had asked ME for advice on how to handle this woman, and the RESULT was NOT because of what he would have done, but what I had advised him to do! But... he was the 'bad guy'.

    Now, I could have just sat there and let my friend be slandered and maligned by people who had NO clue as to what he was really about. And even if I hadn't advised him... I STILL would have stood up for him because of MY friendship with him. I knew him, better than they did, and... IF they had made the effort to get to know him, too... BEFORE they 'judged' him, they would have seen that THEY... were wrong.

    Loyalty is a very powerful... and loving... way to PROVE one's friendship, FunkyD. Would [Roger] have stood up for ME in the same way? Absolutely. There is NO doubt in my mind. Because when I left that company and folks began to speculate as to why... Roger... and NO ONE ELSE... set them straight.

    I stand by my loyalty to my Father, FunkyD, based simply on my KNOWLEDGE of Him... as revealed to me... by my Lord.

    My peace remains.

    YOUR servant... and a slave of Christ (who is not 'ascared' to profess it),


  • AGuest

    Dearest FD... may you have peace... and may I continue (I had to 'get back to work', sorry!)

    In response to my statement that "the 'law' of the sons paying for the sins of the father was changed by God almost 3 millenniums ago...," you replied:

    It was instituted by him in the first place!
    The answer is yes, but ONLY for HIS people Israel, and those who 'went with' them... who AGREED to such law... for themselves AND their children... at Mt. Sinai. Yes?

    And isn't he unchanging?
    Ah, again, you have been misled. Does not my Father 'feel regret' and change His mind? I give you the Deluge, Nineveh, the Law Covenant, the New Covenant, choice of Saul, choice of Saul of Tarsus... etc., etc., etc.

    His unchangeableness is in that no matter what WE do, He will be the same. Perhaps you have a father like that (or perhaps you don't, but hear me out, please), who is pretty steady in his ways and does not change... unless FORCED to change... either to discipline you... protect you from another... or save you. But once the 'deed' is done, he is himself once again, and if you really looked at it, he really was all along, yes? You can pretty much set time by him. My father was like that: one of THE meekest men you could ever know. NEVER raised his voice, NEVER touched us in a harmful way, NEVER had a controversy with anyone... that I knew of. Very quiet and peaceful. Until my stepmother... a woman who THRIVED on drama... entered his life. Pushed and pushed until he had no choice but to react. And yeah, sure, he 'changed'. But he hated it and eventually decided that although he loved her (or thought he did, whatever), he wasn't going to LET her 'change' him anymore. Took him awhile, but he got there.

    In that light, I give you the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, JAH OF ARMIES... and His 'relationship', at times, with mankind... but most often... with Israel. A man and a contentious 'wife'. Same scenario. (Please, ladies, do NOT take this to mean that all wives are like this and any man that treats them 'wrong' is justified. This was ONE example used to illustrate another... that's it; that's all.)

    I give you a man who vowed to take care of his 'wife', be loyal only to HER, feed her, clothe her, protect her from her enemies, prosper her and her children, set her children on thrones... and more... and for what? In return, he wanted only her love, and her loyalty and faithfulness... to HIM... and her loving treatment of those in her 'household', his 'children'. Tell me, FunkyD, if YOU were that man and Israel was YOUR 'wife'... and she proved herself unfaithful, disloyal, fornicating with every guy she came in contact with, putting dirt all over your name, at home AND in the streets, and every time you left her she would cry and cry and BEG you to take her back... what would YOU do? Can you honestly say that you would leave her entirely at first? Right off the bat? Can you honestly say that you would not be 'provoked', even to the point of doing something you wouldn't have DREAMED of under better circumstances? Can you honestly say WHAT you would do?

    As a WOMAN I am NOT saying I agree with it... I don't HAVE to... for God is not answerable to me. But I would be lying to you if I said I didn't UNDERSTAND it. I am a mother and although I do not believe in corporal punishment, if you think I've never smacked on of my kids, you're mistaken. I have. And although they are 20 and 25, I would still do so, if they drove me to it. And IF they did something quite harmful to another, I would feel it MY obligation to mete out their punishment before anyone else's, and don't think I necessarily believe anyone has a right to tell me how to do it. IF I believed in capital punishment and one of my children were guilty... I would throw the stone, or the switch, myself, rather than expect another to do it. It should be on MY conscience; not someone else's. My Father had the right to decide David's 'punishment', for David was HIS king.

    And isn't he still punishing us for Adam and Eve's sin?
    Again, you err, for you have been misled. We have NEVER been punished by God for Adam's sin. When God told Adam/Eve not to eat of the one tree, He didn't say, "For if you do, I will kill you." He said, "For in the day that you do, you will certainly die." Thus, HE WARNED THEM! Now, if Adam and Eve didn't LISTEN and HEED the warning... how is God to blame for that? HE TRIED!! Adam... and ONLY Adam... is responsible for our plight. Adam CHOSE to disobey... to his... and OUR... detriment. God CARED enough to warn him; however, HE didn't care enough to BE warned.

    Modern lawmakers consider human life to be valuable.
    Hehehehehe! Yeah, sure, right. Methinks you should visit a country where the 'lawmakers'... and not the PEOPLE... make the laws.

    Laws that devalued human life have been changed.
    Where do you live, honey? Such laws have only been changed in certain parts of the world, primarily the 'christian' parts, and ONLY because so-called 'christians' couldn't get AWAY with it anymore because the Book and man they CLAIM to follow SAYS they must value human life (even that of their enemies, which part they still can't seem to get...). And they were called on the carpet about it from the REST of the world, the world whose action they hypcritically condemned! The laws changed because the HYPOCRITS were exposed. However, ABSENT said book, the words of the One it speaks about, and failing the exposure of hypocrits, do you REALLY think such laws would have been changed? REALLY?

    Surely that's a good thing?
    Where I live, yes. But you wish me to believe that things like slavery, the holocaust, the treatment of women in Afghanistan... 'changed'... because of the 'goodness' of lawmakers. Oh, come on! Slavery was abolished to keep a nation from dividing. It was about economics, not humanitarianism. If the North freed slaves, then the South's economy wouldn't be able to support their part in the Civil War. The holocaust was ended, what, only AFTER 10 million Jews were killed? And why? Well, what Hitler did THERE was okay, but wait, we gotta stop him before he gets HERE!

    And the women in Afghanistan: they have now received help, why, because we 'felt' for them? I don' think so, dear FD. It was because the U.S. is after some guy who bombed some buildings on THEIR 'turf' (can't have that, can we?) and rather than finding the guy, held responsible and punished the PEOPLE of the government they accused of hiding him. Funny thing, though: Taliban all gone... but Bin Laden (like Kadafi, Hussein, the Ayatollah - until he died)... still out there!

    The U.S. wanted an alliance with Afghanistan. Have wanted them even since England tried it during the 19th century and Russia during the 20th. Why? Can you say OIL? Can you say, "strategic position in that area of the world, an interior position new Iran and Iraq? And now they have that, but helping some women was NOT the focal point. NEVER was the focal point. Certainly you know that. Those women are now being helped ONLY so the U.S. doesn't look like the bully it is, for killing a good many of them... and children... in the hopes of catching what amounts to a handful of men who (1) made them look bad, and (2) were in the way anyway.

    Get a clue, FD... God is NOT as 'bad' as you wish to make Him out ot be... nor is earthling man as 'good'.

    Maybe some day your god will do the same.
    Actually, He made the FIRST move:

    He loved the world (and NOT just Israel) SO much, that He gave His Son...

    Are you serious?

    You think that killing a baby is better than having him go through life, occasionally being called a bastard?
    Excuse my... er, honesty here, but (and I COULD say what is considered to be 'right', as opposed to what is TRUE, but I think we're both adults, so...), I would have to say 'perhaps'. Do YOU think you know what affect such a thing can have on another? Sure, you and I would say, "Oh, come on, get over it, sticks and stones, etc., etc., etc." However, given the suicide rate among young people... particularly in THIS country (U.S.), where although we are among the most affluent people in the world, the need to be accepted and FIT IT, is of primary importance... I would have to say... "perhaps". Truly, it depends, doesn't it? Perhaps your skin is thick. But the skin of others, however, may not be so.

    Please tell me I'm reading that wrong.
    Sorry, but I can't. I have to speak truth to you. So, you read it right, although you may not think it right. But then, I don't think like most people... nor do I see or hear like them, either. I see and hear the reality, dear FD... not the illusion of it. From a distance this all looks great. But I have had the 'privilege' of glimpsing a great many things... up close. And while it ain't ALL ugly, it ain't all pretty, either.

    Regarding parents having thinking twice regarding doing bad if they thought their children would pay, you said:

    You're right. It probably would work on a lot of people. If I was a parent and you threatened my children, I'd do anything you asked - if I was somehow incapable of tearing you limb from limb - but it would still be unjust.
    I am not sure I meant a 'threat'. I mean, if someone threatened my children, I would feel as you do and most probably react the same way. However, if I knew that my actions could possibly be paid for by my children, I would be VERY careful. I am not saying it's the best idea, and I did acknowledge that it was MY opinion, but I also told you that I... am not 'good'. I am, however, truthful. Very.

    The ends do not justify the means.
    Well, not always, anyway.

    The way I see it: something is wrong if and only if it violates someone's rights.
    Okay, so why did David have a 'right' to father a child with Bathsheba, when he already had a number of sons, but Uriah did NOT have such a right to even ONE son... with his own wife... because of David's actions? Derek, both David and the child paid for the error. Why the child? As I said, you will have to as God. But read the account. I am sure that after what occurred in his household from that point onward, David would have rather have been dead.

    The way (I think) you see it: Something is wrong if and only if your god says it is wrong
    Perhaps. But I can do 'wrong' by my Father... and be forgiven. I don't think I can say the same about earthling man, who LOVES not only to 'keep account of the injury', but to judge... and condemn... as well, while constantly demanding that he not BE judged... or condemned. I may not be 'good', FD, and I may have a different 'view' on things. But... I'm not a hypocrit. I do not wish to BE judged; therefore, I do NOT judge. Anyone... particularly God.

    Again, my peace remains.

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • dungbeetle

    I think the account of King David and the death of his child with Bath-sheba may very well have lost something in the translation into English and from there into other languages (worse yet).

    We here in the US say 'sunrise' and 'sunset'. But the sun does not rise and set. It is merely a cultural expression.

    Another expression that is used all over the world, for thousands of years, is 'he was taken by God' or 'went back to God', especially when referring to babies. It has to do with recognizing that our life force came originally from God, passed on through out human parents I suppose. In some cultural/religious groups, it is used to refer to the child actually going to heaven, that is not likely the case here. It isn't heard as much as it used to be, but you hear it sometimes. Older books are full of it.

    In one rendering, Nathan says "also the son who shall be born to you shall surely die." Nathan did not state to David that God would 'strike' the child, just that it would die.

    The literal English rendering is: "boy and Jehovah and struck his house and he who had wife borne..."

    I have to do some more research when I have time.

    God does not punish innocent children directly for the sins of their parents; sometimes they suffer indirectly, and God does not intervene. We see this all the time in very socioeconomically poor neighborhoods here in teh US and abroad.

    The only translation that makes sense is that the child was sick with a disease or condition that led to death. David begged God to intervene, but under normal conditions the child would have died anyway because Bath-Sheba would have been put to death for adultery (and her unborn child would die as well) as she was pregnant in the absense of her husband.

    Further support for the fact that the death of the child was not a direct punishment to David and Bathsheba was because their next child, Solomon, was destined to become King of Israel. It hardly makes sense to kill the first child of the adulterous couple and then go on to ordain the next child--of the same adulterous (tho now married) couple to kingship.

    So anyway, 'God struck the child' may not be a proper translation in the first place.

    And even if it was, it may be that when the child was born, something was SO wrong it was observable to the naked eye. Perhaps the child was sick and even in pain and was suffering. You can tell sometimes, a child is NOT going to survive without divine intervention, which David must have acknowleged and asked for. In fact please consider the English rendered account:

    The child was sick, and dying, and David fasted, and prayed, and would not eat. When the child had died, David rose, washed, changed clothes and ate. Unusual? Not if his child was suffering and in agony and in pain. His bahavior AFTER the child's death makes perfect sense in this regard, as David was relieved that his son was no longer suffering.

    All I'm saying is that some frames of references toward this account have more support than others, just by the standards of which we live our everyday life and the insights we have been able to gain, as a race, over the last couple of thousand years.

    As a parting thought, the child would be long dead by now no matter WHAT happened in that nursery.


  • funkyderek
    You are in error. I don't put my faith in what is written, as many here will tell you. I put my faith in what I 'hear', spoken to me by my Lord.

    For those of us who are less fortunate and don't have god whispering in our ear, how are we to determine what is right and wrong? Your god appears to allow things which are repugnant to most people (genocide, infanticide, murder, pillage, rape etc.) He may have some justification for that. None is presented in the Bible. I can't think of any that I would consider acceptable. As your god is talking to you but not to me, maybe you could ask him.

    But if you pray all your sins are hooked upon the sky
    Pray and the heathen lie will disappear
    Prayers they hide the saddest view
    (Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
    -- David Bowie, Loving The Alien

  • AGuest

    Dearest FD... peace to you!

    For those of us who are less fortunate
    Fortunate has nothing to do with it, dear one.. It is simply a matter of faith.

    and don't have god whispering in our ear
    You are in error... God speaks to us all, through Christ. We just don't all LISTEN... because we are not, all of us, his sheep.

    Hebrews 1:2
    John 10:27

    how are we to determine what is right and wrong?
    By listening to the One who DOES 'whisper' in your ear. He speaks, but as I said, you, apparently, as with most of mankind... fail to 'hear'. Why? Because it is not what you WANT to hear. To the contrary, you would rather 'lean upon your OWN understanding' and trust in yourself that YOU are 'righteous'... even more righteous than God. Okay. You are a free-will agent. So be it. But if you dismiss what He says, how then can you accuse Him of not speaking? HIS sheep hear his voice... and listen to it.

    Matthew 17:3
    Hebrews 12:25
    Job 33:15-17
    Matthew 10:26, 27
    John 10:1-3

    Your god appears to allow things which are repugnant to most people (genocide, infanticide, murder, pillage, rape etc.)
    Voila! My point exactly. YOU (and others) find HIS decisions, as they are delineated in the Bible, whatever they may be, distasteful to YOU... so you CHOOSE not to listen, understand and/or get the sense of it. Although YOU were NOT there, have not taken into consideration ANY of the circumstances... or stated consequences... nor have any actual knowledge of what took place and why. All you have is what has been written. And yet, you judge Him... while at the SAME time, I promise you, 'hating' any who deign to judge YOU for whatever decisions YOU make... under YOUR discretion. I find that hypocritical.

    He may have some justification for that.
    He does, and while my dear sister Dung's explanation is quite worthy, there is actually more to it, which I will go into in a minute.

    None is presented in the Bible.
    That is absolutely untrue. I mean, even I don't put my 'trust' in what is 'written', but in THIS case it DOES present an explanation: the sins of the father (David) came to be upon the sons... starting with this child and including all the others, from Absalom to Solomon. As decreed... agreed to... and prophesied.

    I can't think of any that I would consider acceptable.
    Again, voila! Let me ask you: do YOU have to? I mean, is God now answerable to you for what He does/did with HIS people, HIS people who are/were in a covenant relationship with Him by their OWN will and agreement? And yet, when He speaks to you, do YOU listen? He has TOLD you, O earthling man, what is 'good', but do YOU 'hear'?

    Job 33:14

    As your god is talking to you but not to me...
    No, He speaks to all of mankind, through that modicum of His spirit that is in ALL living things. The 'conduit' of such conversation? His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. So, that if you wish to hear to an even greater extent, or BE heard, it is to that One you must listen and it is through that One that you must speak.

    Hebrews 1:2
    John 14:6

    maybe you could ask him.
    Actually, I didn't have to. He has grown 'weary' with your 'contending' and in order to show YOU mercy, has condescended to give a reply:

    As KING, David of all people should have known the consequences of his actions, for out of his mouth itself he condemned the man who committed the act(s). Had it been a subject of his kingdom, the man himself would be put to death, with David personally signing the death warrant... probably without hesitation. HOWEVER, because he WAS king, rather that being shown the 'mercy' of being put to death himself, his child was taken. The child was NOT punished, for the child had not yet even experienced life. Can you miss what you do not know? However, the spirit of that child returned to my Father, where it is still. And while the child was stricken in FLESH... David was stricken... IN SPIRIT... a much graver punishment.

    The fact that David, the king of Israel, anointed by God Himself through Samuel, had now lost 'favor' with God was EVIDENT by the fact that when David asked for the child to be spared... healed from its sickness... it was not. Never before had David made petition and it went unanswered. He now had to live out his days KNOWING he had lost the highest favor, KNOWING he was responsible for the death of this child... and NOT knowing for certain whether such favor would ever be returned... to the state it was before... a very privileged state.

    While David will indeed be in my Father's house and recline with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at my Lord's table (for God did allow his sin to "pass by")... WHERE he will recline at that table may not be as it would have been. Rather than be a 'great' one in that kingdom, David may be a lesser, or 'least one'.

    Finally, if my Father, had killed David, then David's son Absalom would have become king... to the great detriment of ALL of Israel. The 'sacrifice' then, was one child... versus the entire nation. David knew that... the position he himself had almost put the entire nation of Israel in... all the rest of his days. And not for commmitting adultery... but for plotting to, and killing, his fellowman, so as to cover over his own error.

    (Through my Lord, by means of holy spirit, my Father has deigned to permit me to answer you, FD, and give you a reply. His question to you now is will you hear it? Will you listen and get the sense of it? Or will you continue to trust in yourself that YOU are righteous and not He, so that you can check HIS hand? I would exhort you, then, my dear one, to take a few moments and think... seriously... before you answer. While you may think that you are able to stand in your own righteousness, I must now warn you that out of your own mouth, you yourself may be judged. For although you claim to not believe in my God, my Father, you are still here contending with Him. If then, you judge Him, you MUST believe that He exists. And He DOES exist, dear FD... so that He will NOT hold back His hand from judging YOU... in the same way that you... judge Him.)

    Matthew 7:1-5
    Luke 6:37

    Ezekiel 3:17-21[/b]

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Holy One of Israel, whose name IS... JAH... of Armies...

    My peace remains, and I am...

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • Crissylee

    way too cute!

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