Are Men's Rights Laughable?

by Paralipomenon 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    Reading is an art form. You are not correct. There are fifty different rules. You showed your ignorance.

    Sometimes the idiots here are too much for me. The prevailing standard is "best interest" of the child. The people I know who have children are married. I guess you deal with the unmarrieds.

  • Badfish

    Yes, apparently reading is an art form.

    Scroll up 5 posts above this one and read what I wrote.

    "Women DO automatically get sole custody of children in all 50 US states when the parents are not married. Men have to fight a legal battle in court if they want to be allowed to even see their children and establish any parental rights."

  • NotNew

    Short answer from a man, yes?...Let me ask my wife.

    Short answer from a woman, No and if u ever want to touch me again...shut up!

    • Band on the run...I generally look forward to your input however you seem to take it personally, and react by attacking the as you called us "idiots".

    Are u related to Debra from the Everyone loves Raymond show? She referred to him as an idiot often...made me laugh when she said it...


  • Badfish
    • Band on the run...I generally look forward to your input however you seem to take it personally, and react by attacking the as you called us "idiots".

    Resorting to personal attacks when proven wrong is pretty common around here.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's been a man's world for thousands of yeas and still mostly is. Men have had it all their own way for so long, often to the great suffering of women and children since time immemorial. Only in relatively modern times have women finally started to gain some equality, and about bloody time too.

    You do have a point that perhaps in some areas there has been a slight over-correction or hyper sensitivity, but men have brought it on themselves. I think it's pretty rich for us men to now be bleating and whining about about our 'rights' and 'equality' LOL.

  • Violia

    It has been a mans world for so long and women have had to put up with horrible things. Things men would never put up with. So for now the tables are turned . i am sorry about a young man whose life was ruined by a rape charge but when I think of all the women who have their lives ruined by men who raped children and teens and women . These women and children were seldom believed and THEY paid the price and it ruined their lives.

    cry babies.

  • Badfish

    The fathers' rights movement is important not because it benefits men, but because it benefits children. Shared parenting is extremely important for the health and well-being of children vs having a single mother as their primary parent and an estranged father that the children only get to spend time with a little bit out of the year.

    Brushing off the importance for children to have equal involvement with their father by saying something to the effect of "oh, men have had better rights in other areas so having little to no rights when it comes to parenting is justified" only serves to hurt children in the long run.

  • rebel8

    Human rights are never laughable.

    An example I think is perfect was the release of Twilight where you would see lineups of 30-40 year old women making very inappropriate comments about a 16 year old boy.

    ewww. I hope there was public outrage.

  • humbled

    Justice is justice.

    A man who makes one woman "pay" for his abuse is no better or worse than a woman who makes a man "pay" for a past abuse.

    Let the perpetrator pay for his/her own crime or else justice can never be served to any man or any woman.

  • FlyingHighNow

    This is the funniest, cleverest thing I have seen in a long, long time. Thank you for the comic relief!

    Apparently I was supposed to be 'game' & up for it just because I was male.

    I'm guessing you have a lot of irresistable sex appeal. They didn't do it just because you are male. Well, maybe they did. You do come across unbalanced people in life, male and female. It wasn't okay what they did.

    Now imagine, & rightly so, the uproar if it were men attempting to remove the clothing of a young girl in the workplace.......

    We don't have to imagine it: most of us have had it happen, if not at the work place, at school, at the beauty salon by the horny french hairdresser... basically almost any man we got left alone with. Almost any man, though not all of them. I'm 55 years old and I still have men overstep boundaries with me. Today I was doing a road show sales demo and a guy at least 15 years older than me grabbed me, hugged me and told him I make him feel young again.

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