A demon possessed hoime, allegations of infedelity, slander and other cool stuff

by confusedandalone 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    What a sad case your Mum has become scaring 6 year old kids with stories of demons and blaming you for the damage caused to family relationships by her shunning you. It must be so hard for you to have to read that crap. She is totally gone and I am not sure for once that jgnat is right (I usually agree wholeheartedly with jgnat) that time and distance will heal this.

  • confusedandalone

    You are probably right WitnessMyFury. I will have to send her a prompt email. One line and that is it.

    I have literally just gotten to the point that I can not even believe that a human who is in their right frame of mind could be so unbalanced. What is the JW obsession with the demons? These demons always do the most ridiculous things. Transforming into little angelic looking creatures that beat women LOL. As a kid I would laugh at these things because it seemed so unreasonable. As an adult what causes you to take it so seriously

  • Apognophos

    I am actually done with her now. It goes beyond my duty as a child to keep pressing this. The woman is telling people I cheated on my wife and that my DA is because I am too proud to admit it.

    That is a really despicable thing to say. I have no objection to your just cutting her off. My suggestion was simply to reply that way as a kind of "take that" because she doesn't seem to know that she was calling a WT writing "apostate". But as you say, it's better to just disengage and focus on the positive things in your life.

    I actually do feel that she can't be trusted around your kids if she's telling them things about demons. Believing in these stories is not necessarily crazy, it's simply a sign of gullibility and superstitious fear. But since children are naturally gullible and fearful, it's best if your kids don't see their grandmother for a while, at least until they are old enough to know there's nothing lurking under the bed.

  • confusedandalone

    Apognophos - My sister was treated like crap for years because she never took to the truth. She got baptized to make my mother happy at 43. A year later and she is inactive... she really isn't into it. SO my mother thinks I am the cause so she is telling her and the kids that they need to move out the house I am renting her because the demons are in the house somehow. The proof is that I lived there and left the truth so there must be demons there.

    WHo does this to people LOL.

  • out4good3

    I would suggest that one line be.......


  • confusedandalone

    out4good3 - It seems so

  • carla

    I'm sorry, she sounds mentally unbalanced to say the least. Protect your kids as you are doing now. My thoughts are with you.



    Reading this letter saddens me! Everything is your fault. She doesn't want to enter your home but is willing to see your kids at your sister's home. She would suffer if see didn't see her grand kids but sees no problem if you suffer by having no relationship with them.

    You're an adult and your parents do not control you any longer. When you lived at their house they controlled things. They don't control you, your wife or your kids. Don't call, visit, write or let them see your kids. Let them see how it feels! Let them return to you!

    They seem self-centered! I highlighted in yellow how they blame you for everything and how you need to change for them.

    Our grandchildren are dear to us and have a special place in our hearts. They are not responsible for what you have done or the choices you made. What I said about those Jehovah has given to Dad & It doesn't mean we don't want to spend time with our grand-children. It means exactly what we said...., That Jehovah gives us spiritual family members to love. If we show love to each other, that love can grow. For many of us who serve Jehovah, the only real family we have is our spiritual family. We value our spiritual family. Dad & I have not severed the natural affection we have for you or your children. As I've stated many times over, we love you and the kids and our hearts are grieved that you have chosen to leave us. Make no mistake & don't misunderstand, you have left Jehovah & us. We never left you. Also, I think I stated plainly, Dad & I don't want to come into your home to see the kids as long as you are in your present state. If you'd be kind enough to bring the children here or allow them to visit us at <My Sisters Name Removed> that's fine.

    Our publications don't vilify worldly people, ConfusedandAlone.(Is she serious) You know that. Their persecution of our brothers is shown for what it is. Even Jesus showed his "brothers & sisters" were those who did his Father's will. I know I have the truth that Jehovah has given us in his word. I have not wasted any of my life dedicated to Jehovah. I'm so sorry that you look at any part of the world and call it normal. There is no such thing as a normal life in this system. We are striving to achieve the "real life". Soon this system will be gone. We know that. We pray for Jehovah's kingdom. When it's manifested here on earth as it is in heaven, all that you are calling normal is going to be done away with.

    Dad &I have wonderful memories of you, from birth to adult hood and We're going to hold onto them with the hope that we'll be united again & can add to them. Dad & I again say...humble yourself. Remember the prodigal. Jesus' teaching is the only way for us to live, ConfusedandAlone.

    Remember, we do love you and hope you'll return to us.

  • Giordano

    If you haven't done so already time to specify who will raise your children if something happens to both you and your wife. You mentioned that you traveled on business together..........

    I remember having to designate a god parent in our will so bat shit crazy witness relatives would not be able to claim our son and raise him as a witness.

    If you don't have a Will get to an attorney. If there's a problem with doing that at least go on line (I can hear Band on the Run already) and set one up that will meet your States requirements.......... it takes a half hour and costs $30. You can designate who will be your Executor and you can fill out a section that lists who is not inheriting which tells a judge emphatically that they have no claim on anything of yours. I think there is a guardian section as well.

    Two more things......... if you havn't already done so talk to the person or persons who you want to raise your children.........And make sure you provide some kind of on going funding like Life insurrance or a Brokerage account etc.



    Don't underestimate the intelligence of your children. They can spot truth. Presenting it in a way that interests them is the key. Maybe some made-up bedtime stories? One thing that helped my kid was teaching them that information only comes in 3 forms:

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Yet to be determined.

    You can think of some examples that are age appropriate. That lesson will stick with them. The next time they have a question about something, just lead them through the above scenario. Then they will learn to reason. In the meantime, don't villify your mom, because chance are at some point, she will accuse you of doing that. When your children see that you NEVER speak badly about grandma, but always say to treat her with love, then those false accusations will create an "A-HA!" moment for your kids. It may take some time, but it will work. Kids like to be treated with respect and they love to learn, you just need to teach them how to spot lies.


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