Abhor Menstruating Women.......Because The FDS say so.

by pronomono 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    I know that Blondie, I didn't mean to imply in anyway that you did.

  • Badfish

    My cousin, who is a JW but is younger than me, in his late teens, once told me that an elder giving a talk said that the Bible was way ahead of its time on the laws given to the Israelites was proof that the Bible is inspired. The example he gave is that modern science has discovered that having intercourse with a woman who is on her period can cause STD's such as HPV/genital warts.

    Even my JW cousin knew this isnt true.

    I lol'd.

  • pronomono

    So that's where those warts came from....... Lol. I never knew. Now I can explain it to the wife.

    Never going to the KH isn't an option yet, but I feel a sickness coming on tonight. I might call out sick or dead...... spiritually speaking of course. I have to be for not understanding this fine piece of literature most likely written by Freddie.

  • Pistoff

    Wouldn't it be great if the person giving the talk highlighted that this law, about abhorring what God abhors, is a classic example of projecting local and tribal superstition onto the divine?

    God made woman and man, but a healthy man or woman is unclean in God's eyes every day, week or month.

    A woman's cycle and the sexual nature of humans is biology, not religion.

    It could be a great lesson in how ancient cultures viewed things through a lens of superstition.

  • designs

    Its interesting that certain cultures viewed bodily functions as fearful or dreadful.

  • Xanthippe

    What a weird subject for a talk, Abhorrent Things. In other words let's talk about things we hate and view with disgust. On the other hand hate and disgust are what they are all about I suppose. I like Found Sheep's suggestion.

  • eyeuse2badub

    How did the Jews find time to do anything meaningful? They were always busy cleansing themselves, sacrificing some poor animal, or celebrating some festival. Busy work!

    Just saying!


  • WTWizard

    How many more of these Jewish laws are they going to pull out of the Old Testament to impose on a supposedly Christian religion? Either the two are related to each other in some way, the washtowel is half Jewish, or both. Somehow I think it's both. And when they pull rubbish out of the Old Testament to impose rules on the congregation, it is blatant that they are not fully Christian as they claim to be.

    At least I don't make the claim to be xian or follow their LIE-ble.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    This is the way the GB/FDS thinks.


  • nowwhat?

    our service meeting is on tuedays nights, i was scheduled to give that talk. this topic is a joke, who cares? are you going to remember what the number 3 talk was about the next day? so i called in sick and i will probably ask to to be taken off the school next. i have been missing 3 out for 4 service meetings for almost a year now. i can'nt take this worthless dribble anymore. it would be nice if we actually studied the bible instead.

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