Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know

by Skeptical78 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jeffro


    Thank you to nswer *truwj* 1799 theory that was tied to Miller not the bible students,

    Wrong again. I already stated quite clearly in this thread that '1799' was maintained by the 'Bible Students' until 1929.

    just like the false application that people have about 1914, that people believe the WT predicated the end of the world in 1914

    And... wrong again. The Watch Tower Society quite definitely claimed prior to 1914 that Armageddon would happen in 1914 as the conclusion of the 'time of trouble'.

    Zion’s Watch Tower, 15 July 1894, page 226:

    But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble.

    Studies in the Scriptures Volume III (Thy Kingdom Come) (1911 edition), page 239:

    Our Lord’s presence as Bridegroom and Reaper was recognized during the first three and a half years, from A. D. 1874 to A. D. 1878. … The year A. D. 1878, … clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord—the time of his taking to himself his great power to reign, which in the prophecy is closely associated with the resurrection of his faithful, and the beginning of the trouble and wrath upon the nations.

    The Watch Tower, 15 May 1911, page 146:

    Our readers know that for some years we have been expecting this Age to close with an awful time of trouble, and we expect it to break out with suddenness and force not long after October, 1914.
  • AnnOMaly

    However isn't it ALL redundant when the actual date if 1914 came about from a measurement of Gods stone witness... Excuse me... The satanically inspired pyramid of Giza ?

    Skeptical78 (welcome, btw), the measurements of the Great Pyramid were thought to corroborate the Bible prophecies and arithmetic leading to 1914. The Bible number-crunching came first and remained after 'God's stone witness' was declared (by Rutherford) as Satanic.

    Jeffro, isn't billy mixing up Storrs with Barbour too? It's hard to get the sense of what he was saying.

    billy, perhaps you can elucidate?

  • Jeffro
    Jeffro, isn't billy mixing up Storrs with Barbour too? It's hard to get the sense of what he was saying.

    He also mixed up Barbour with Russell earlier in this thread too (when he claimed, "1878 was under Barbour bible students that later became Jehovah Witness under Rutherford"). In fact, his claims about when their beliefs about 1874 and 1878 were abandonded were out by a few decades.

    I really don't think he knows much of the actual history at all.

  • AnnOMaly

    He seems to have muddled all sorts. A lot to untangle.

    Seeing as he's admitted that the c&p is NOT his own research, like you, I would like him to present his own findings. Maybe we can help him ;-)

  • Skeptical78

    its very hard for me to just say they're batshit crazy. I am not blind to what they're doing & have done but when being raised to believe something and never having it clearly disproved makes it hard. I am looking of proof and evidence of a lie. I am definitely doing my research. The issue I want to prove to my mum is that the new light on blood is not new light, because I'm very sure that they have allowed some type of substitute then banned it and then allowed it again... My mum is adamant that they have only adjusted the methods of treatment according to newer medical discoveries.

  • billythekid46

    Jeffro expects everyone to accept his rendition of about the WT by force as the only truth which is kind of ironic since that’s why these people were removed or removed themselves for... The confusion comes with his interpretation of past events and thus marks his present theory for that purpose. I myself found out in the most simplistic way that the WT was not to far off the mark about 1914. It’s a matter of what calendar system you use. Jeffro has not convinced me his TRUTH is greater than that of the WT. If your going to venture or are in a quest for knowledge, then don’t start with this forum, they’ll just confuse you with their hate, by which has been my point a along. What makes their Doctrine any more tangible since it’s obvious they have stepped away from finding the truth in God through Christ? And if your quest is just to shove a pie in someone’s face per say, then your quest will be futile, in which case just accept the incorrect rendition given to you by these humble Christians, and look no further. I’m an ex witness that doesn’t need to do Gods job by judging. Good luck on your quest.

  • humbled


    Soon after I left the Witnesses after 22 years with them, a young man tried to show me a way of understanding the future using a number system to derive information from the Bible.

    Can you imagine the problem he had before him? There are how many translations of the bible anyway?

    And this: I told him it was INCONCEIVABLE that Jesus' Good News relied on math tables that only a few good men had received from God.

    I had been there and done that. Was done with that.

    Why aren't the simple teachings of Jesus enough for you now?

    Think about how the JWs screw us up.

  • Apognophos

    I'm very sure that they have allowed some type of substitute then banned it and then allowed it again... My mum is adamant that they have only adjusted the methods of treatment according to newer medical discoveries.

    I'm not sure about that, but I do know that they banned organ transplants in 1967 and allowed them again in 1980: Personally I found that more troubling than anything to do with the blood teaching.

  • Londo111

    In regard the OP, there is no "new light" in regard 1914. The Watchtower seems to be ramping up the mentions of 1914 this year.

    1914 is still viewed as:

    (1) The start of the Last Days.

    (2) When Jesus became King and the start of his invisible presense.

    (3) The end of the Gentile Times.

    The "new light" was in regard the "Faithful Slave". First, before 1919, the view is now there was no Faithful Slave. In 1919, Jesus appointed the leaders of the Watchtower as the Faithful Slave (today the Governing Body). Then during the Great Tribulation, Jesus comes as Judge. All the annointed go to heaven. It is then the Slave (aka the Governing Body) is appointed over all the belongings, with the rest of the 144000.

  • Skeptical78

    Wasn't the July 15th study edition all about the new light and how it is different to the previously held thought?

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