Should I Tell a Witness that I Am an Apostate?

by Band on the Run 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I sometimes join discussion groups. The Witnesses do get mentioned. I try to make it humorous but some bitterness seeps through. A new person joined. She is an active Witness. I kept my mouth shut. What was I supposed to congratulate her? To make matters worse, she seems to be a gentle soul. It confuses me. Should she be there if I am there? I am used to being sarcastic or engaging in a legal type argument.

    Her face lit up talking about field service. It was innocent. My aunt and uncle were this type of JW. It is very rare. What are the odds?

    On the other hand, Roman Catholics and Protestants don't disclose their presence to each other any more. I was reading British history last night in wikipedia. The Glorious Revolution part.

    I am not used to behaving around Jehovah's Witnesses. Strange. Maybe we can place bets on how long I last before bursting out with something.

  • Ding

    It might be interesting to see if you can plant seeds that get her to think... without giving yourself away.

  • AlphaMan

    You need to tell them nothing related to the rules of their cult. There is no such thing as a JW apostate. The JW's would have to be the true religion for the term apostate to even apply to anyone. They are a deluded doomsday cult founded by men, so the term apostate is meaningless regarding anyone that leaves their bat-shit crazy religion.

  • humbled


    She is a bold one! Rare to find a witness that takes time away from the treadmill to discuss with "worldlings".

    What are you discussing, if that's okay to ask?

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I wouldn't say anything at this point. You don't owe her a thing and you will probably never meet her. It isn't like you are trying to mislead her. It is her problem whether she "associates" with an "apostate". That is one of the reasons why the WT discourages their members from going to discussion groups because you never know who is behind the screen. The only way I would ever bring it up would be to try to help her if you felt the need to or saw she was really struggling.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I agree with Ding. I had a fellow nurse that was a JW. I would just say "thinking" things from time to time. My workmates all knew I am an ex-jw so told them to not tell him. He went to Bethel :(

  • Finkelstein

    I wouldn't mention that you were once a JWS, that would set them off but instead say things like

    I read that religion is scam operated around a corrupt publishing house.

    Fear mongering religious charlatans, exploiting and manipulating people to distribute their own publications.

  • ruderedhead

    You are using your witness think here, botr. THEY are the only ones who think you are an apostate. I don't see any reason you need to say anything. Eventually, it may come up, but in the meantime, who knows, you may say something to make this kind soul think.

  • RottenRiley

    If you want to tell a lie BOTR, your not an Apostate and we need to discredit this derrogatory term. No White brother enjoy's being called a Honkey, no black brother enjoys the "N-word" and my Asian and Mexican friends hate the terms "Yellow-Monkey and Beaner". We hate Racism on JWN, nobody enjoys being called a hateful adjective-verb combination, why can't we fight the A-Word instead of allowing them to label us? JWs hate being called a Cult or Jim Jone's-Grape-Kool-aid Guzzling-nutjobs, why allow them to pigeon hole you? Tell them you were a man who studied JW Theology and can't wrap your head around their BeBopping approach to serious Scripturual doctrines and matters! JWs flit get blown apart like Butterflies, lost in their own Economic and Social Misfit-Shit Storms. Who is the root cause, the Governing Body and their perpetually changing theology on a hunch over soft-serve Lunch-time ice cream.

    What would our former brotherhood in Malawai knew the truth about the "Political Cards" and Mexico selling Military Cards allowing JW Pioneers and Mexican brothers to join the Military Establishment?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Depending what the discussions are, you could bring up parallel situations to the JW's.

    I recently made a comment about Obama, and how he feels he has unlimited power over creating policies that affect the whole country. You could also share a story about a "friend" who is a Mormon, and ... or even how you "know someone who is a JW, and is it true that..."

    Ask questions that might flip a switch later on. If she starts gushing about how much she loves field service, you might find a way to ask her where in the Bible Jesus told us to keep track of our good deeds and report them to men? "I used to have a friend (roommate, coworker) who was a JW, and he showed me his time card. He said he was a _______ (insert title like elder or pioneer) or something like that. In Matthew 6, Jesus warns us to do our good deeds in secret. What do you think he meant when he said that?" (Matthew 6:1-5)

    "Is everyone in your family JW?" "Is it true that you're not allowed to speak to family members who leave the religion?"

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