Corruption of Hubby Continues...

by jgnat 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rebel8

    It must be a challenge for you to help someone who is so guided by feelings and not logic. Good job!

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Thanks for sharing your progress! This is great to read.

  • jgnat

    A chance to exercise my empathy, not a bad skill to exercise. Faithful Witness, chin up! I'm cheering for you on the sidelines too.

  • smiddy


    First of all, congratulations to both you and your hubby for him to exit being a slave to the WT . Some of us take a long , long time to realise we have been a slave to the watchtower telling us what the bible means , no matter how many times the interpretations changed over the years we blindly followed the WT`s new interpretation under the guise of "new light " I found Don Camerons book " Captives of A Concept " an immense help in understanding I was a captive , its not overly long , but simple and to the point . I would highly recommend you veiw it and see what you think , if it would be suitable for your hubby. When I got it , it was available on lulu , very cheap , but worth its weight in gold.


  • jgnat

    Does the book have pictures of chesty women? No?

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