by hamsterbait 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Space madness - stop talking BS, unless you are qualified oncologist I suggest you keep your personal views on medical practice to yourself..

    HB - rooting for you bud.

  • humbled

    Hello, hamsterbait,

    Sorry you have to deal with cancer. I have nothing as comprehensive to advise as cofty laid out. My cancer was not in the same class as colo-rectal. Mine was anal canal, a squamous cell cancer. The chemo drug was called 5FU (fluorouricil) which I fondly referred to as fu**you5.

    On the use of pot: Nausea was a problem.They gave me drugs for it . A fine young fellow (xJW)kindly brought me some high quality pot that I preferred for the nausea, though I didn't often use it. My nurse practicioner inquired on my drug regimin warned that if I used pot and didn't know if it was pure,clean(as in the regulated medical marijuana) to not use it.

    I drank a lot of water and took probiotic suppliments.I frankly had trouble eating--I usually have a hearty appetite. It wasn't until after my 6 weeks of radiation/chemo (no surgery) that my appetite came back.

    Go for it, Ham. This may sound bizarre, but use the time to pull the loves of your life close, really close and revel in it. That is the good part.


  • BU2B

    You would do so well to check out the book "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients" by Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock. I just bought it and it is incredible. So much good information on how to make Chemo more effective, and cut out much of the negative side effects. It is about 10 dollars. Please pick it up on Amazon.. You will not regret it.

  • hamsterbait

    Thank you everybody for your kind words and support. Its a week since I was diagnosed, and it seems like eternity. I was completely blank of feelings, until this weekend, then the anxiety hit. But until I have the scan, I dont know exactly what kind of a ride I am in for.


  • LisaRose

    I am sorry you are going through this, my thoughts will be with you for the next few months. Whatever you are going through my experience is to keep a positive mental attitude, it's hard to do when you are going through something like this, but it does help. Remember that others have gone through this and you will get through it also. Be grateful for what you do have, modern medical care, loving family, etc. I have some medical issues, nothing as serious as what you are going through, but bad enough. I have my "poor me" days, but I know I can't dwell in that or it will just make everything worse. I focus on what I can do, instead of what I can't.

    I find ginger is good for nausea, you can get the tea, but it's more powerful if you buy the actual root, peel and scrape and use that to make a tea. Mint is also good in tea, or if you have mint in your garden or in a pot. You can use it fresh to make tea or even put it in cold water or add to soda or iced tea.

  • rip van winkle
  • jhine

    hi , I had chemo for breast cancer so differant from yours obviously . I agree . Space to put someone off chemo is reckless to say the least .

    I can only pass on advice given to me . Spoil yourself , give yourself lots of treats to help you through .


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