A not so loving phone call....

by new hope and happiness 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice

    the question " do i believe in the organisation" my reply

    " why do you ask?"

    Well done. What you believe is none of their business.

    They only have power over us that we allow them to have. When the 2 elders came to tell me I was DA'd I told them that I didn't recognize their authority and they were only slaving for a big business. It was deer in the headlights time for them.

    Keep up yer chin up!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Punk... its amazing how the elders loose power when confronted with passive resistence. I mean once you dont play by the " text book" W.T rules the elders get confused and become very powerless...thats a FACT.

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