Purged songs of the Watchtower

by LogCon 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Whoops - Looks like that one made the cut. I heard it was changed. Here is a list of the changes from the baby shit brown songbook to the new one -

    1. Bless Jehovah, O My Soul - is now song #66 under the title "Serving Jehovah Whole-Souled and is one verse shorter.
    2. Obeying God Rather Than Men - is now song #135 under the title "Enduring to the End" and is one verse shorter.
    3. Gaining Victory Over the World - GONE
    4. God's Promise of Paradise - is now song #19. It is one verse shorter and has very minor melody changes.
    5. All Creation, Praise Jehovah - GONE
    6. Declare the Everlasting Good News - is now song #47 under the title "Declare the Good News" and is one verse shorter.
    7. The Hope of Mankind's Jubilee - GONE
    8. Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order - That is now the title of song #125, but the music is completely different.
    9. Jehovah's Blessing Makes Rich - GONE
    10. Be Steadfast, Unmovable - is now song #32 and is unchanged.
    11. The Shulammite Remnant - is now song #113 under the title "Grateful for God's Word"
    12. God Loves a Cheerful Giver - GONE
    13. Christian Dedication - is now song #7 and is one verse shorter.
    14. Be Glad, You Nations - GONE
    15. Life Without End At Last! - is now song #55 and is one verse shorter.
    16. Be Joyful for the Kingdom Hope! - GONE
    17. Jehovah's Dewdrops Among Many Peoples - GONE
    18. Bless Our Christian Brotherhood - GONE
    19. Joyful All Day Long - GONE
    20. Sing the Song of Kingdom Cheer - GONE
    21. Hail Jehovah's Kingdom! - GONE
    22. Heeding Jude's Message - GONE
    23. The Bible's Hope for Mankind - GONE
    24. No Part of the World - GONE
    25. God's Pretty Things - GONE
    26. Meeting God's Requirements - GONE
    27. Fear Them Not! - is now song #33 and is unchanged
    28. Bless Our Meeting Together - is now song #20 and is one verse shorter
    29. Forward, You Witnesses! - is now song #17 and is unchanged
    30. Zealous for Fine Works - GONE
    31. Zeal for Jehovah's House - GONE
    32. From House to House - is now song #103. The music is a bit different and it is one verse shorter.
    33. Jehovah Himself Has Become King - is now song #46 with some minor changes in the timing, mostly in the chorus which is much shorter.
    34. Living Up to Our Name - remains as song #34 but is one verse shorter.
    35. Love's Excelling Way - is now song #3 under the title "God is Love"
    36. Happy Are the Mild Tempered - GONE
    37. Making a Good Name With God - is now song #4 and is one verse shorter.
    38. Displaying Loyalty - GONE
    39. God's Warriors Are Advancing - GONE
    40. Making Our Way Successful - is now song #115 and is unchanged
    41. Praise Jehovah, the Rock - GONE
    42. This Is the Way - is now the title of song #65 but is now a completely new song.
    43. Forward, You Ministers of the Kingdom! - is now song #97 and is unchanged.
    44. Jehovah Really Cares - GONE
    45. A Prayer of Thanksgiving - is now song #13 and is unchanged
    46. The Scriptures Inspired and Beneficial - is now song #37 and is one verse shorter.
    47. Jehovah, Our Strength and Our Might - is now song #23 and is unchanged.
    48. Give Jehovah the Praise - GONE
    49. Great God, Jehovah - is now song #112 but is much shorter. The entire slower middle section has been removed.
    50. Responding to God's Love - GONE
    51. Making Jehovah's Heart Glad - is now song #11 and is one verse shorter.
    52. Our Father's Name - GONE
    53. Theocracy's Increase - GONE
    54. We Must Be Holy - is now song #117 under the title "We Must Be Taught" and is one verse shorter.
    55. Daily Walking With Jehovah - is now song #48 and is unchanged.
    56. Bravely Press On - GONE
    57. Jehovah's Happy People - GONE
    58. Jehovah the God of All Comfort - GONE
    59. Appreciating God's Reminders - GONE
    60. God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years - GONE
    61. I Am Jehovah! - is now song #74 under the title "The Joy of Jehovah". The melody has been reworked quite a bit, and it's a lot shorter, but you can tell what it used to be.
    62. Happy, the Merciful! - is now song #21 and is unchanged with the exception that the "postlude" has been cut. This reverts the song back to what it was originally in the old pink songbook.
    63. Let the Light Shine - is now song #93 under the title "Let Your Light Shine", but is otherwise unchanged.
    64. Faith Like That of Abraham - GONE
    65. Meeting in Unity - GONE
    66. The Power of Kindness - is now song #79 and is one verse shorter.
    67. Store Up Treasures in Heaven - GONE
    68. Godly Compassion - GONE
    69. Godly Devotion With Contentment - GONE
    70. Be Like Jeremiah - GONE
    71. Hold Fast the Good News! - GONE
    72. The Joys and Fruits of Kingdom Service - GONE
    73. Wisdom Is With the Modest Ones - GONE
    74. Jehovah, Provider of Escape - is now song #131 and is unchanged
    75. Joyful Praise to Jehovah - GONE
    76. Jehovah, Our Best Friend - GONE
    77. Jehovah Is My Shepherd - is now song #22. Some very slight timing changes make the song flow a little better.
    78. Speaking the Pure Language - GONE
    79. Creation Reveals Jehovah's Glory - is now song #15 and is unchanged
    80. Walking in the Name of Our God - GONE
    81. Gratitude for Divine Patience - is now song #35 and is one verse shorter.
    82. The Women Are a Large Army - GONE
    83. Zion's Reason for Rejoicing - GONE
    84. God's Great and Wondrous Works - is now song #118 under the title "Welcome One Another" and is one verse shorter.
    85. Jehovah Is Our Refuge - is now song #49 and is one verse shorter.
    86. Cultivating the Fruit of Love - is now song #72 and is one verse shorter.
    87. The Lord's Evening Meal - is the title of song #8 but the music is all new.
    88. The Prayer of God's Servant - is now song #6 and is one verse shorter.
    89. The Divine Pattern of Love - is now song #50 and is unchanged.
    90. Worshipping Jehovah, the Sovereign Lord - GONE
    91. Being Taught by Jehovah - GONE
    92. Preach With Boldness - GONE
    93. Jehovah's Lovely Place of Worship - GONE
    94. King of Eternity, Sanctify Your Name! - GONE
    95. The Fruit of Goodness - is now song #80 under the title "The Quality of Goodness" and is one verse shorter.
    96. Glorifying Our Father, Jehovah - GONE
    97. Jehovah's Attributes - is now song #1 and is one verse shorter.
    98. Contending for the Faith - GONE
    99. God's Unfolding Eternal Purpose - GONE
    100. Laud Jehovah Our God! - is now song #9 under the title "Praise Jehovah, Our God" and is one verse shorter.
    101. Showing Concern for the Flock of God - GONE
    102. The Resurrection Joy - GONE
    103. Throw Your Burden on Jehovah - is now song #38 and is unchanged
    104. A Song to the Most High - GONE
    105. Hail Jehovah's Firstborn! - is now the title of song #109 but is actually a completely new song.
    106. Let's Watch How We Walk - GONE
    107. Sing Jehovah's Praise With Courage! - GONE
    108. Jehovah's Word Is Faithful - is now song #71 under the title "God's Gift of Holy Spirit" and is one verse shorter.
    109. Life Everlasting Is Promised - is now song #12 and is one verse shorter.
    110. Be Forgiving - is the title of song #77, but the music is completely different.
    111. The Light Gets Brighter - GONE
    112. Then They Will Know - GONE
    113. We Are Jehovah's Witnesses - is now song #31 and is unchanged
    114. God's Loyal Love - is now song #18 and is one verse shorter
    115. Have Intense Love for One Another - is now song #73 under the title "Love Intensely From the Heart" but is musically unchanged.
    116. You Must Assist Those Who Are Weak - is now song #42 under the title "Assist Those Who Are Weak" and is one verse shorter.
    117. Marriage God's Arrangement - GONE
    118. Supporting God's House - GONE
    119. Holding Fast to the Happy Hope - is now song #129 under the title "Holding Fast to Our Hope" and is one verse shorter.
    120. Be Steadfast Like Ruth - GONE
    121. The Truth That Sets Men Free - GONE
    122. Conducting Ourselves as a Lesser One - GONE
    123. Move Ahead! - is now song #45. The music has been rewritten, but is very similar to the original.
    124. The Fruit of Self Control - GONE
    125. Jehovah Is on My Side - GONE
    126. Proclaiming Kingdom Truth - GONE
    127. Myriads of Brothers - is now song #122 and is unchanged.
    128. Do More As the Nazirites Did - GONE
    129. Now's the Time - GONE
    130. Joyful Service - GONE
    131. Cleaving to Jehovah Our God - is now song #51 under the title "We Cleave to Jehovah", but is musically unchanged.
    132. Guard Your Heart - is now song #52 and is unchanged.
    133. Sowing Kingdom Seed - is now song #98 and has completely new music and slightly different lyrics.
    134. Carry On as Men - GONE
    135. Jehovah, Our Place of Dwelling - is now song #121 under the title "Encourage One Another", but is musically unchanged.
    136. Loyal Worshipers Bless Jehovah - GONE
    137. The Appointed Time Nears - GONE
    138. O Walk With God! - is now song #26 and is unchanged.
    139. Listen to the News of the Kingdom - GONE
    140. Waiting on Jehovah - GONE
    141. Jehovah's Holy Nation - GONE
    142. Creation's Hope of Liberation - GONE
    143. Take Sides With Jehovah! - is now song #27 and is mostly unchanged. Some slight timing changes make the song flow a little better.
    144. We Must Have the Faith - is now song #54. The music on the verses is completely different. There is no time change from verse to chorus, so the entire song now has that "march" feel of the original chorus. The new chorus is a little different, but it's pretty close to the original. The whole song is one verse shorter.
    145. Be Long Suffering - GONE
    146. Flee to God's Kingdom! - is now song #16 and is unchanged.
    147. Never Failing Treasures - GONE
    148. Exalting Our God the King - GONE
    149. It Is Impossible for God to Lie - is now song #82 under the title "Imitate Christ's Mildness" and is one verse shorter.
    150. The Bread From Heaven - is now song #78 under the title "Long Suffering" and is one verse shorter.
    151. This Good News of the Kingdom Let Us Preach - GONE
    152. Appreciating God's Compassions - GONE
    153. Jehovah, The God of Our Salvation - GONE
    154. Jehovah, Our Creator - GONE
    155. Welcome One Another - GONE
    156. I Want To - is now song #84. The music is completely different, although the lyrics are very similar, and it is one verse shorter.
    157. Worship Jehovah During Youth - is now song #41 and is one verse shorter.
    158. Our Christian Unity - GONE
    159. Our Possession of Peace - is now song #39 and is one verse shorter.
    160. Walking in Integrity - is now song #29 and is mostly unchanged. Some minor timing changes make the song flow a little better.
    161. Pray to Jehovah Each Day - is now song #67 and is one verse shorter.
    162. Preach the Word - is the title of song #92. The music is completely new, and the lyrics have been drastically rearranged.
    163. The Fruitage of the Spirit - GONE
    164. Children Precious Gifts From God - GONE
    165. Praise Jah With Me! - is now song #104 and is one verse shorter.
    166. See Jehovah's Army - is now song #100 under the title "We Are Jehovah's Army", but is musically unchanged.
    167. Thanks to the Giver of Life - GONE
    168. Recognizing Earth's New King - is now song #99 under the title "Praising Earth's New King" and is one verse shorter.
    169. The New Song - is now song #28 and is unchanged
    170. Let God Be Found True - GONE
    171. A Victory Song - is now song #132 and is nearly identical. They changed a note or two in the second half of the song and it is one verse shorter
    172. Keep on Seeking First the Kingdom - is now song #40. The verses have been rewritten and made much shorter. The chorus is exactly the same.
    173. Love A Perfect Bond of Union - GONE
    174. Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty - is now song #43 and is one verse shorter.
    175. The Heavens Declare God's Glory - is now song #105 and is one verse shorter.
    176. Welcome the Incoming King - GONE
    177. What Sort of Persons Ought We to Be? - GONE (I thought the new song #61 "What Sort of Person I Should Be" would be a reworking of this..but the music bears no resemblance whatsoever)
    178. The Excelling Peace of God - is now song #76 under the title "Jehovah, God of Peace", but is musically unchanged.
    179. On Jehovah We Must Wait - GONE
    180. God's Own Book A Treasure - is now song #114, but the music has been completely rewritten AGAIN! (You old timers might remember that this song had a different melody in the old pink songbook. This will make the third different version of this same song)
    181. Join in the Kingdom Song! - is now song #102 and is unchanged.
    182. Balsam in Gilead - is now song #94 under the title "Content With God's Good Gifts", and is one verse shorter, but otherwise musically unchanged.
    183. Youth's Place in God's Arrangement - GONE
    184. Loving Shepherds Tend God's Sheep - GONE
    185. The Resurrection God's Loving Provision - GONE
    186. Our Godly Joy - GONE
    187. All Things Made New - is now song #14 and is virtually unchanged, they changed one or two notes in the chorus, but it's not drastic.
    188. The Gift of Prayer - GONE
    189. Proclaiming Jehovah's Day of Vengeance - GONE
    190. A Song to Jehovah - GONE
    191. Make the Truth Your Own - is now song #64 and is virtually unchanged. It is one verse shorter, and there are one or two minor note changes.
    192. Making Known the Kingdom Truth - is now song #101. The music has been completely rewritten, and the lyrics are rearranged, but very similar. It is also one verse shorter.
    193. Preach This Good News of the Kingdom! - GONE
    194. Enter Jehovah's Temple Courtyards - GONE
    195. This Is Jehovah's Day - is now song #30 under the title "Jehovah Begins His Rule", but is otherwise musically unchanged.
    196. Jehovah's Dedicated Ones - is now song #58 under the title "My Prayer of Dedication". There are minor melody changes to the second half and it is one verse shorter.
    197. Make Melody to Jehovah - GONE
    198. Getting to Know Our God - GONE
    199. The Scene of This World is Changing - is now song #128 and is TWO verses shorter.
    200. Proof of Discipleship - is now song #25 and is one verse shorter.
    201. Rejoicing With God's Nation - GONE
    202. To God We Are Dedicated - is now song #59 and is virtually unchanged. One or two note changes at the beginning, and it is one verse shorter.
    203. Jehovah Leads His People - GONE
    204. Here I Am! Send Me - is now song #10. The verse melody is slightly different, but the chorus is exactly the same.
    205. Christ Our Exemplar - is now song #5 and is one verse shorter.
    206. Rejoice in the Hope - GONE
    207. To Whom Do We Belong? - is now song #62. The melody has the same march to it, but the opening melody is quite different. It is also one verse shorter.
    208. A Song of Rejoicing - GONE
    209. Follow the Warrior King! - GONE
    210. Make Sure of the More Important Things - is now song #70 and is unchanged.
    211. Sharing Joyfully in the Harvest - is now song #44 and is TWO verses shorter.
    212. We Thank You Jehovah - is now song #2 and is one verse shorter.
    213. Working Together in Unity - is now song #53 and is one verse shorter.
    214. Following God's Way of Life - GONE
    215. Extending Mercy to Others - GONE
    216. Have Tender Affection - GONE
    217. Gaining Jehovah's Friendship - GONE
    218. With Christ in Paradise - GONE
    219. Jehovah's Heavenly Throne - GONE
    220. Our Paradise: Present and Future - GONE
    221. Youths! Imitate Their Faith - GONE
    222. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize - is now song #24 and is unchanged
    223. Your Loyal Ones Will Bless You - GONE
    224. Take My Yoke - GONE
    225. Drawing Close to Jehovah - GONE
    In the new song book theentirely new songs # are:
    36, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 68, 69, 75, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 116, 119, 120, 123, 124, 126, 127, 130, 133, 134


  • lriddle80

    I always sing Stay awake, stand firm, grow mighty. But they probably did away with that song!

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Nope, still there. Just a verse shorter. Song #43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3diUA38dh0

  • LogCon

    WAWYM - WOW! 125 out of 225 gone, over 50%

    70. Be Like Jeremiah - GONE

    I used to like playing it on piano. Why couldn't they just LEAVE JEREMIAH ALONE ?

  • LogCon

    One thing that burns me is that I was singing these songs for years before T-3 even got back from Vietnam.

  • respectful_observer

    I found it surprising that they kept "Make the Truth Your Own" and "Make Sure of the More Important Things" in the newest songbook, given that the music for both was composed by Frank Kavelin (DNCall), someone who has since been disfellowshipped for apostacy:


    Turns out Frank did "make the truth [his] own"...just not in the way the Watchtower expected!

  • sir82

    They dumped the one about the "bees that were molested".

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    Was there ever an official or semi-official reason given for all these changes? I found that list fascinating and am really curious as to why some were removed and others kept.


    Follow the Warrior King was pretty catchy, but it talks about Jesus too much if I remember correctly. It had to be removed as part of the re-branding process.


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    They couldn't even plagerize songs well...they still sounded awful. EVERYONE sang the soprano line badly. It was like listening to a cat fight! Ugh. That was pure torture. I think they ough to do away with waterboarding and other forms of torture and play JW toons nonstop to inmates!!!

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