Is this really a place for Jehovah's Witnesses/Friends

by jeff spreng 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeff spreng
    jeff spreng

    Hi Jeff again. I was considering rejoining the JWs to answer one question. As to why I left is a long and horrible story{horrible for me] Why do I want to rejoin is complicated. I have no family and I have no friends. I guess I am an odd bird. I do however have a desire to have friends. I assure you I am not a deviant of any kind. I do not feel that I could be a Catholic or any other type of religion. I have traveled a long road and I am now 48. I guess I am tired of being a part of nothing. I do not wish to die this way. Maybe I was hoping to help others who have gone through what I have. Surely It cant be as horribly stupid as it was when I was a child. One of my worst flaws is that I hate liars. I find that people lie and misrepresent the truth constantly. I am not afraid to point that out to people. Hense {NO FRIENDS} . I am a passionate person that strives to do the best in all that I do. Hense {NO FRIENDS} I try to pollute the planet as little as possible. Hense {NO FRIENDS}. Do you see my problem? Thanks

  • KateWild

    One of my worst flaws is that I hate liars-jeff

    If you hate liars, JWs are not for you. The JWs that are in the Organisation, are either doormats or liars. Many serving as elders are kind and want to help, but there are many who are down right liars, and will do anything to get position and keep postition, their wives are liars too, you know who I mean don't you. Bro and Sis WeAreSoFullOfOurselves from your local KH. Kate xx


    1) If you hate those who misrepresent "truth", then DO NOT go back to the JWs.

    2) Maybe you are a bit of a perfectionist? That can make us judgmental, and we can push people away that may balance us out. Your best friend may be very different from you in many ways.

    3) Become a Big Brother. Join a Gym. Volunteer at a shelter. Meet some EX-Jws through this site.


  • jgnat

    It sounds like you might have found the right place. The JW's are as horrible as you remember. Time to try something else. Nobody hates deception as much as an ex-Witness.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    You, sir are prime to join another cult. If you don't have any friends then you're not likely charismatic enough to start your own. Maybe instead of looking for cults to join, maybe just try and be more open to new relationships? Try They have groups in every area for various interests. Not a dating site in case you're wondering.

    Also, maybe don't advertise the fact that you have no friends... Can turn people off. good chance you're clingy.

  • jgnat

    I'd be curious how you come out on a Myers-Briggs personality test. If you do a MBTI test this could also point you to the personality types you would be most compatible with.

  • Dis-Member

    "If you are lonely when alone then you are in bad company.."

    - Jean-Paul Sartre -


    One of my worst flaws is that I hate liars. I find that people lie and misrepresent the truth constantly.

    ............If your Loyal to the WBT$..

    ...Jehovah Will Give You More Chickens!..

    ....................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Apognophos

    I can really relate to your idealism, Jeff. I liked the idea that the Witnesses stood for upright principles; it was the primary thing that attracted me to them. I never fit in with most of my classmates -- starting with Kindergarten, I immediately felt like they were not living up to the standards I was trying to follow, that they didn't share my values.

    Now that I'm older, I see things more in shades of gray, and I am trying to be more accepting of different sorts of people and to see how they all have a place in this world. This also caused me to see that the JWs were not really better than "worldly" people. It was just rhetoric on their part that they were more loving than non-Witnesses; their deeds did not prove their words to be true. Perhaps your failure to get to know a lot of non-Witnesses is why you still retain this black-and-white view of things which the Society instills in people.

    I'd like to point out a funny thing that we all tend to do as humans, which is to ascribe our problems to either negative traits of someone else's or to positive traits of our own -- "People are just not good-hearted." "Oh, I don't make friends well, I'm too honest." "Oh, I'm too trusting." It's never a real fault of our own that leads to relationship problems, is it? Maybe just some food for thought. I've discovered personally that I was a precocious kid and that I grew up into a supercilious adult that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, and I am working on behaving more humbly going forward.

    As Captain Obvious said, until you shake the indoctrination of the organization, you will be prime material for a cult, as well as any abusive relationship of any sort.

  • Watchtower-Free

    One of the main things that woke me up from the cult
    after 50 yrs in.

    Was when I fact checked the critics info it was 99% truthful.

    So the JW leadershipped lied when they say their critics
    told untruths .

    They are self-serving liars .

    I'm now inactive.

    Checkout this interesting thread also

    Over 76 former/current JW elders posted on this thread

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