Paleo Diet. What do you think?

by DATA-DOG 42 Replies latest social physical

  • doofdaddy

    Paleo eating appears to be a broad church but yes I have changed my eating habits the last 2 months by cutting out refined sugar, grains esp wheat, dairy aside from the occassional cooking with butter and all junk or over processed food. There was immediate relief from gastric reflux and briefly a major boost in energy. Eating a lot of fat goes against all I have been taugt all my life but yes I never feel hungry and have lost the desire to eat sugary foods. Most of my fat comes from cocnut oil, cream and eating raw baby coconuts each day (plus the delicious juice).

    I did not change for weight loss but yes my belt has gone back two or three notches and I notice that the mild swelling in my feet has disappeared, which fits with the claim of removing inflammation. Personally I eat far more fruit than recommended but hey it's summer here and mangoe season!

  • Simon

    Basically your eating the food in the outer ring of the supermarket, meats, fruit, fish, greens etc.

    They let you do that? Our's insist on you paying for things first.

    Although I have put an empty wrapper on the checkout before now (when I got peckish while going round)

  • BU2B

    Check these articles out my friend.. They should be of help, along with reucing stress where you can, and geting a full nights rest.

    Hope this helps- BU2B

  • Hortensia

    Cantleave is right -- ulcers are often caused by H. Pylori, which can be cured with antibiotics.

    And the DASH diet seems to be the most sensible to me.

  • bsmart

    check out:

    They have a lot of pros and cons. Lots of veggies and no sweets except a few fruits. Nuts and some dairy. You can have BACON! Protien is good, eggs are fine. Fats do help satisfy the appitite. I don't gain when I am doing it. I have huge problems over the holidays when every one is pushing bread, sweets and chips.

    I have a friend who is vegan. No animal products period, she looks gaunt.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    thanks for the link, jgnat! great talk

  • doofdaddy

    Yes I read marksdailyapple for encouragement and referenced articles. Also authoritynutrition. He is a Med student who also references all claims. Funny thing, I love bacon but now that I have free access have lost a lot of the desire. I seem to prefer eggs and veggies with a couple of espressos (with coconut cream) to finish for breakfast.

  • Phizzy

    Aintcher 'sposed to hunt and kill yer own food on dat diet ?

  • jemba

    I live by the Paleo/Primal diet, it has changed my life for the better. I finally have energy. I feel best with lots and lots of fat, butter, coconut oil.

  • XstuckX

    Try it for a month and re-evaluate how you feel. Most of the people who call it a quack diet have no experience with it and just regurgitate things they read on the internet.

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