Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?

by jgnat 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    If we assume Jesus did say the many things credited to him in the gospels then he comes out of it very badly.

    A lot of his teaching is predicated on his belief in his imminent parousia. Only in this light can his instructions to leave wives, families and businesses and give everything to the poor make any sense.

    He was a false prophet and his words had a damaging effect on real people.

    In every generation since, simple-minded folk have interpeted his failed prophecies to be intended for their times. As a result, his self-obsessed, apocalyptic ramblings have been damaging people's lives for 2000 years.

    I don't like him, and if I had been alive 200 years ago I would have taken him on.

  • jgnat

    One could say that Windows was pirated ideas from better minds, and I heard a compelling argument that Bob Dylan's lyrics were borrowed. Not original perhaps; human wisdom repeats itself on reoccurring themes.

    The sustaining power of Jesus' message I think, must be the time and place of the message. Before Jesus, Kings were gods. Afterwards, separation of church and state. Eventually this morphed in to personal faith and representative government.

  • jgnat

    Dis-member, I took your lament as rhetorical. It's not like I can conjure a visitation for you.

  • jgnat

    I agree that the Beatitudes and the call to altruism have a positive effect on people.

  • bruh2012

    Jesus teachings (from YHWH) is the foundation of truth. I will go with helpful- it's JW theology that sometimes make them seem harmful.

  • Hummingbird001

    I find that most of Jesus' advice is rooted in just plain old common sense. I don't find it any more inspiring than the memes and inspirational quotes that people post on their Facebook walls. At least the facebook memes are accompanied by a nice picture of a mountain or waterfall.

  • Laika

    Helpful - if you're an African American living in southern USA. Harmful - if you're a JW waiting for his imminent return.

  • ABibleStudent

    jgnat - Personally I find Jesus' apocalyptic teachings to be harmful, and the expectations of persecution that goes along with that. I have seen people defer living because of this teaching.

    Hi jgnat, Is this a case of killing the messenger because of not liking the message? From what I read in the Bible, IMHO Jewish leaders appeared to use BITE control techniques to victimize Jews just like the WTBTS victimizes JWs. Although I would not tell people how Jesus Christ is attributed to have said in MT 10 & 24 (and apocalyptic teachings that you refer to), I do feel that MT 10 is a fairly accurate prediction of what a Jew would encounter if he no longer believed that Jewish leaders represented God. According to many people on JWN, they have experienced similar behavior from loved ones when their loved ones suspected that they no longer believed that the WTBTS was God's organization on earth.

    I'm not saying that the Bible is the perfect channel for God to spread his message by itself. I also wonder like many others why God does not help end human suffering more actively. I can only say that my life experiences have proven to me that I remember lessons longer when I had to work very hard to overcome challanges and that I'm a happier and more moral, ethical, and compasionate person because of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,



    Personally I prefer Zen-Buddhism, the way of the Tao or even Ghandi’s philosophy. Even the philosophy of the Epicureans, when properly examined, has a lot of merit.

    Jesus teaching, as paraphrased in various Bible translations, are both helpful and harmful in equal measure. They are also contradictory. Mind you, Jesus’ ability to turn water into wine could sway me!

  • Theredeemer

    Jesus had nothing special to say. He repeated some stuff that many before and after him said. He was inconsistent, argumentive, and rude, while also being nice, caring, generous and loving. He was born and he died. Sounds like your average dude to me.

    What seperates him from some other martyrs are his miracles and the resurrection. Its these two added things that has made his "message" so powerful and so dangerous. If you took these two things away he would be just some loud mouth dude that caused a tiny stir in the a tiny part of the world 2000 years ago. Much like Ghandi will be viewed 2000 years from now. If you think about it Ghandi had a similar message and his movement actually did what Jesus failed to do, liberate his people . Like Jesus, Ghandi was killed by one of his own. Guess what though, who cares? Frankly what happens on that side of the world does not concern me. Its just something you learn in history class...unless.... you add that he was the son of god, he raised people from the dead, he cured sickness and, on top of all that, was raised from the dead; everyone would care!! Everyone would begin to take notice. At that time, his movement would have spread from India to Britain (the biggest Imperial Empire ever) then to all over the world.

    These lies, however, could not have survived. By that time we already had cameras, television, radios and much more. People would have demanded evidence not just word of mouth.

    The Jesus movement was during a time when people were less informed, less educated and less skeptical.

    And this is why the movement, not his words, are so harmful. They keep people less informed, less educated and less skeptical. They allow people to evade (see Terry's post) reality. Take away all the magic and he is just another dude.

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