Do you think JWs know what apostates really are?

by KateWild 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rmt1

    I had to go doing some fast googling on why real, non-biblical, non-JW, dogs eat their vomit. The reasons are evolutionary and credible. The wrinkled farts of course cannot possibly relinquish so inhumanely abusive an analogy, nor could they bother to search out the truth of such a behavior so strange to humans. Unfortunately, I didn't quickly locate a single perfect web resource with obvious and appropriate credentials that credibly resolves this question, so I have nothing to link. But I encourage googling this question.

  • punkofnice

    'apostate(TM)' is an example of WBT$ 'loaded language' that triggers an automatic negative respones.

    No. They don't know what 'apostates(TM)' really are..............they just feel that they are an invisible enemy that makes the JWs close ranks and give more money so the paedophile protecting GB can live rock star style.

    It's another example of propaganda at work within a cult.

    Paul has spoken!

  • KateWild

    Thanks for your input Paul xx


    Apostates are the helpers in Satan's kitchen who will cause you to lose out on the chance of the prospect of eternal life, if you can listen and obey for another 1,000 years after this system ends SOON(tm). Apostate sites are fear inspiring and poisonous, they are like porn sites, but infinitely worse. An Elder can view porn and keep his position as a "star" of Revelation. A JW cannot withstand an apostate site, it's that poisonous.


  • sir82

    To the 99.9% of the non-JW world, an "apostate" is one who renounces his religious belief.

    To JWs, an "apostate" is anyone, regardless of current or former religion, who says or writes anything negative about the Watchtower Society.

  • KateWild

    LOL, once again some apt satire form you DD, very funny love Kate xx

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    What's kinda funny but sad is almost all JW converts are apostates from one religion or another. And Jesus was defnitely an apostate Jew. Of course, they hate it when you point that out.

    They whine about persecution when a "new one's" family opposes their studying with the Witnesses, but then do even worse to their own family if one of them starts having doubts, learns TTATT, or dare I say it, questions the Faithless Indiscreet Slavemaster. How many times have we heard about teens being put on the street as soon as they hit 18 if they don't want to be Witnesses? I consider that nothing less than institutionalized hypocrisy. When I talked to my sister about that famous July 2009 Awake! article that said no one should have to choose between their family and their beliefs, she actually said, "That doesn't apply to us because we have the Truth!" Blanking unbelievable...

  • KateWild


    I would add, any who think negative things about WTBTS are seen as apostates by many JWs, especially Bro and Sis IamSoFullOfMyself.

    Kate xx

  • Phizzy

    A couple of questions that came in to my mind when I was still an active JW were, why do the WT never address the arguments of Apostates ? if the arguments are so poisonous, surely we should have them identified for us, or we are all the more likely to swallow the poison ?

    Of course, it did not occur to me as at all possible that these Apostates were telling the Truth !

  • nugget

    JWs are given a very warped definition of an apostate.

    1 apostates know that the organisation is the truth but reject it anyway.

    2 Apostates are ful of pride and do not want to do the field service because of this proud spirit.

    3 apostates want to draw people away from Gods organisation to follow them.

    However by saying that you do not believe that the GB are gods representatives on Earth you can be Df'd for apostacy. So by critcising the credentials of the Gb or by choosing to follow an alternative faith or no faith at all you can be called an apostate. This makes a lie of point 1.

    If you do not believe what the Watchtower preaches why would you go on field service? It is not pride that keeps you from the door to door work but commion sense.

    apostates rarely set up their own religion and I can't think of many who are looking for followers only people who want to be able to live freely and make choices without fear of having loved ones used as hostages.

    The society is very good at building fear, when I was a witness I thought apostacy was extremely rare I had no idea that just by having a different point of view to that published by the society I was in danger of being considered an apostate. There is power in words and a great deal of control when people are demonised merely because they question an established point of view. People who leave have to be demonised otherwise others may learn that they have been duped.

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