The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PelicanBeach


    Did you see Cofty respond to my post verbally or did you see him post a pic which distorted what I wrote?

    Believe what you will.

  • bohm

    Pelicanbeach: i understand you do not want to discuss your explanation but merely assert it is true and other can accept it or not.

    I hope you are willing to accept a similar statement made by a religious person you happen to disagree with.

  • cofty

    Pelican would you really like me to go back and copy-paste your contributions on this thread that amount to a smug, carefree dismissal of human suffering?

    I am happy to do so and to provide complete context.

  • tec

    Seriously PB, you need to do some serious self-examination. You look upon the suffering of others with indifference and even contempt. And you can't respond to cofty's reasoning so you resort to insults. Sad.

    No, he didn't look upon suffering of others with indifference or even contempt.

    It is the hypocrisy... of people crying out about the injustice of a god that does not stop natural consequences of a natural world, natural disasters... while all along it is man who contributes and causes even MORE suffering than that. Maybe if man would stop all that He does to cause suffering, he would have grounds and a right to ask God to step in and end the rest. But man is not REALLY interested in others' suffering. (some men are, of course, and many are simply interested only in what promotes THEIR desires/agendas, and to hell with anyone who gets hurt in the process; they are not important)

    His response was to THAT... not to the suffering of people.

    I would have thought that was obvious.

    This thread is only about natural evil - bad stuff that happens that has nothing to do with humans.

    Yeah, I responded to that too. You ignored it. So if you want to point a finger at someone regarding intellectual dishonesty, start perhaps with yourself.



  • cofty

    Tammy - Once again you are resorting to the defense "so what, men do bad things too".

    It is the cry of naughty children when they are caught red-handed.

    It leaves your god no better than the worse human tyrant and mass-murderer.

    The question remains unanswered...

    on Boxing Day morning 2004 god passively observed a wave that killed 250 000 innocent people. - Why?

  • tec

    Tammy - Once again you are resorting to the defense "so what, men do bad things too".

    Nope. That was not it. But i get that you cannot or will not look close enough to 'get it'.



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Did you see Cofty respond to my post verbally or did you see him post a pic which distorted what I wrote?"

    Typical of your meaningless word games. This is more of your typical attempt to change the discussion to meaningless semantics to dodge the fact that you worship a savage Bronze Age god that couldn't protect his petty tribe then, and can't protect the billions of his followers from each other today.

  • cofty

    Viviene thank you for your excellent first posts.

    I am sure that science is a powerful tool to help many honest JWs wake up

  • tec

    He doesn't have to protect his followers from each other, Billy. His followers do not go after each other, or anyone for that matter. Those who CLAIM to be His followers, however... that is another matter.



  • bohm

    so... 17) the reason god does nothing to prevent suffering is because some humans does nothing and thats bad ... so its morally okay god does nothing as well?

    anybody care to spell it out to me because it make no sence to me at all.

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