Who are the real WT puppet masters ?

by cookiemaster 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cookiemaster

    I see a lot of great ideas from everyone. I think that, just as Mr. Phizzy pointed out, we have kinda reached a consenseus that for some degree the GB is indeed delusional but also for the most part aware of their decisions and consequences. The organization is indeed suspect on many things, and much of its evolution could be the result of the influence of numerous decision making forces.

    The way I see it, the WT now has two paths to choose from ahead. As the credibility of their doctrines comes to an end, and many of the super duper JW's are now old (very few young people joining the borg); they can either choose to become more mainstream, leaving behind many of the practices that create controversy and are generally disliked by current JW's, or choose to become a more hardcore cult with less but more fanatic membership. I don't know if they made this decision yet but I think they will be forced to in the next two decades. Either way, I just hope this religion will vanish as soon as possible.

  • Vidiot

    "Mainstream" reform? Not gonna happen.

    For one thing, they've painted themselves way too tightly into an ideological corner to backpedal now; hell, that reason alone is enough to convince me that it's all but impossible at this point.

    But since more seems needed...

    They're liquidating assets (closing branches, KH, and dissolving/consolidating congos) worldwide...

    They're closing ranks with increasingly freaked-out sounding rhetoric and propaganda...

    They're regularly priming the R&F for potentially weird instructions in the near future...

    They're relocating the leadership to a semi-rural location (one of the first signs that a marginilized group is becoming more extremist, not less)...

    Does anybody here really think they're truly interested in "adapting"?

    The comparison to a biological organism is extremely valid (and has been used here before), but as far as I can tell (and I freely admit I'm no expert), the only way for a semi-secretive apocalyptic/millennialist authoritarian high-control group to successfully adapt to survive in the rapidly changing environment of the 21st Century is to stop being a semi-secretive apocalyptic/millennialist authoritarian high-control group.

    And at this point they simply cannot do that; whether they're aware of it or not, these are the WTS's fundamental defining characteristics.

    They would arguably no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • flipper

    Apog- Thanks for your clarification . I agree with some of your thoughts, some I don't. But bottom line is from the evidence I have seen and researched AND in my conversations with close GB contacts- the WT Society leaders , whether in the legal department, financial control, or the governing body - they are not duped for the most part and know very well the deception they are pulling on Jehovah's Witnesses. They hold a tremendous liability for the wasted lives. And deaths, molestations, etc. I give them no excuses. They have shown that power, control, and money are the real priorities to them- not people's freedom and lives

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