Is it wrong to play GTA 5?

by Brother Mike 59 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Witness My Fury
  • free2beme

    Fuck no! ... and they should bang as many postitutes on that game, as possible. And not forget how to get the refund!!!!!

  • snare&racket

    I googled 'video games harmful' because I am not baised and guess what the LATEST research says?..... Go on ...... Guess..... A little...

    Video games do not make vulnerable teens more violent

    Study finds no evidence that violent video games increase antisocial behavior in youths with pre-existing psychological conditions

    10964 Do violent video games such as ‘Mortal Kombat,’ ‘Halo’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto’ trigger teenagers with symptoms of depression or attention deficit disorder to become aggressive bullies or delinquents? No, according to Christopher Ferguson of Stetson University and independent researcher Cheryl Olson from the US in a study published in Springer’s Journal of Youth and Adolescence. On the contrary, the researchers found that the playing of such games actually had a very slight calming effect on youths with attention deficit symptoms and helped to reduce their aggressive and bullying behavior.

  • Finkelstein

    The violence presented by the WTS through its literature proliferation agenda has northing to do with the general

    population evaluation of video game playing and children. .

    Step out of the Kingdom Hall people the Doh brains in the WTS. don't know anything of human psychology

    and connecting social behavior observations.

    Psychology is an evil word by their own admission and understanding learned in God forsaken Satan run Universities.

  • snare&racket

    From my own experience, I know they are good for brain development. The brain makes connections bases on experience. I have 30 years of problem solving, mapping out virtual worlds and outsmarting games and players. Ok it sounds geeky but it doesnt make zombies outta kids as people profess!

    Also, having done a little surgery, the equipment they use is all about hand and eye co-ordination and from the first moment of using the equipment I was very quickly proficient... Not because of being a whizz, but because of being a geek.

    frag out....


    The question remains do these video games influence certain ones (minority) to get involved with crimes

    they see and experience in video games ?

    No more than people who eat corn flakes,then go out and kill someone.


    ...............MMMmmmmm!..Good Corn Flakes..

    ....I think I`ll Shoot Somebody!..Then Rob a Bank!..


    ..................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I've just started playing it myself.

    Hitman Absolution was goooood.... thanks for the reminder.

  • snare&racket


    you are annoying the hell out of me now. If you cant see the irony of WT denouncing violent entertainment whilst plastering such horror in their literature, you are a cabbage. Lets duke it out on COD!

    Not every reply is about you and your psychologically immersive experience of games, again seriously, sell your master system 2 if you sincerely get so engrossed, it isnt good for YOU. But we will frag on....



    .........Hitman Rocks!..

    .............................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • blondie

    Did you do that on purpose, OUTLAW, have him point his gun to your head?

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