I think I’m an Atheist :(? :)?

by chrisuk 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • adamah

    Chrisuk said- I've also recently read that Josephus' refrences to Jesus are forgeries, so outside the bible there really is no support for Jesus.

    Yeah, the Xians over the centuries have had NO problem lying in the name of God and forging documents to support theological claims: eg, the book of 2nd Peter is commonly accepted as the last book to be canonized, appearing some TWO centuries AFTER Apostle Peter was said to be martyred. Not surprisingly, it also contains elements that just coincidentally support the then-blossoming Xian theology to fix some "problems" found in Genesis!

    I've written about it in the following blog articles, explaining how Noah didn't preach a message of salvation, but condemnation, and an article on Lot being saved due to nepotism, and not his personal righteousness.

    Of course, the religion of the JWs are one product of the concepts found in 2nd Peter, since their preaching work is based on the fallacy of Noah offering the evil persons an opportunity to repent and be saved (with the Flood serving as a prototype for Armageddon), where the story of Lot in Genesis needed "fixing" to remove the evidence pointing to Lot being saved from Sodom's destruction due to the righteousness of his uncle.

    Chrisuk said- I almost fell off my chair when I read how many mythological Gods had led the same life, death and resurection as Jesus, only thousands of years before Jesus.

    Yeah, there's plenty of evidence out there, and the influences are unmistakable. Unfortunately, there's also a few profiteers out there who are willing to profit from the controversy, so maintain a jaundiced eye to discern those who make some outlandish claims (eg Zeitgeist, the guy a few months ago who claimed Jesus was entirely a myth of the Romans, etc), since people tend to throw out the baby with the bathwater when non-scholars get into the fray.

  • chrisuk

    Thanks Witness My Fury I'll check him out.

    Thanks Adamah I'll check out your articles.

  • Seraphim23

    Hi chrisuk, most theists do not say that God came into existence from nothing but that he always was. Also the idea that complexity comes from complexity is also false according to the evidence of this universe. Thus God doesn’t have to be more complex. Indeed most theists don’t think the labels of complexity of even simplicity apply to God because he is not thought to have physical attributes of that type. However the problem of the something from nothing argument is still a philosophical and logical issue when it comes to sticking with what can be understood in terms of logic and cognisance. The only way to avoid it is to have infinity but that too is beyond logical modes of thought. Why it is that complexity arises from simple physical rules that can be described in mathematical terms is something of a mystery. However mathematics itself can only be understood in a mind capable of understanding, which immediately excludes things like computers and physical processes, for they do not understand anything.

    I would also take another look at the evidence that Jesus was a recycled myth from earlier times. The evidence is not really very supportive of such a view.

    You might find this link of some interest:


  • confusedandalone

    My only words of advice are to make friends with a couple cows...

  • Gopher

    most theists don’t think the labels of complexity of even simplicity apply to God

    There is no proof for what theists think. They can theorize all they want. God seems to be whatever theists/priests want him to be, in order to impress people with high-sounding ideas.

    The idea of a God is a matter of faith, because as is mentioned he is really unexplainable. It seems that some people just love the idea of believing in a bigger-than-life mystery - it gives them something big to believe in. However such things are mere conjecture and cannot be proven or disproven scientifically or even logically.

  • Gopher

    I’m pretty sure that I’m now an Atheist, I almost wish I was still ignorant of the facts but I can’t un-know something.


    I hear you there! It is definitely more comforting to "know" or believe in life after death and in some mysterious higher power who holds all of life's secrets that we will find out someday only if we are faithful to a certain ideology or believe in a certain ancient character.

    But after a while it becomes more normal to simply look for evidence rather than to settle for acquiescing to belief in mysteries that a few religious higher-ups say they can explain to you. After a while it just becomes normal to acknowledge "there is not enough evidence" for any deity such as invented or explained by mankind. (Nobody can prove or disprove a deity, so in that sense everyone is agnostic. Those who believe there's enough evidence for one or multiple gods is a theist. Those who don't believe are atheist - without theism.)

  • Diest

    Resist Satan. He uses sound logic and reason to decieve you!

    Sorry could not resist. I too have been grieving the loss of an afterlife. It is sad, and I hate the feeling of knowing that once I am dead I will never exist again. It is sort of like gireving the loss of a loved one.

  • Seraphim23

    Hi Gopher. All one needs is a survey to find out what theists think. Proof in not really required for that. However I would say that belief in God is more than conjecture or guess work, as the idea does explain certain things that science cannot, such as why mathematics is embodied in the physical world we see or how infinity can make the finite.

  • chrisuk

    There simply can't be a God, there's more evidence against there being a God than there is in support of a God. The God of the OT was as bad as hitler, if not worse. Killing every egyptian first born to punish one person? Asking abraham to sacrifice isaac as a test?? wtf!! Where is the evidence of the Exodus? Millions of people living in the desert for 40 years and not a scrap of evidence left anywhere??

    Or perhaps the God of Islam is the true God? Allowing his prophet to marry a child and kill thousands of people?

    What about one of the 3 million hindu Gods??

    And lets just say the God of the Bible is real. He gives us a set of rules, tells us to obey them and we'll be rewarded, but don't obey them and he'll destroy us forever! But wait! He loves us! Oh please. My eyes have been opend to all this shit. Christians can't even agree with eachother, how many sects of christianity is there? Each saying if you don't follow their path the God who loves you will wipe you from existance??

  • Seraphim23

    I don’t believe in the God of books either chrisuk.

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